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Private Log Found!

Сообщение DeJaVu » 15 мар 2008, 22:00

Private Log Found!
[10 February 3068; CAPH GLOBETROTTER] The foll0wing is an ex/cerpt from the personal jour^nal of one Carson Biggs, capt#ain of the Antwerpen, out of Tall Trees.
24th December: And yet another Christmas Eve in space. Just like I like it. Been busy lately. Y’know, making money and all that. Got myself a good load on Liberty, went to Hall next, on my way down to Hsien right now. Heard some funny things lately. Met Julian Storger over Hall, told me the Robes nuked Tharkad. Whole planet is gone. Yeah, right… Them Blakists are harmless. Weird, but harmless. Ok, some seriously need see a shrink, but nuking Tharkad? Naaa, don’t think so. And some mercs decided they didn’t like the Goons anymore and some revolt started down on Outreach. See, this I can buy. Them Dragoons are all so full of themselves, no good to trade with. Did do some real bad stuff in the Chaos March. About time someone made them stop. Oh, and this Star League thingy was disbanded.

26th December: keep hearing those rumors about Tharkad… maybe some nutjob really did go all Amaris on the place, but I’m sure the Precentor’ll straighten him out.

21st January: New Year, new opportunities. New rumors. Remember this goofy mechanic from the Stardust? Met him in a bar near the Twohy DropPort on Hsien. Universe gone wild, methinks. Steiner and Marik on the warpath, cause some general been shot or somesuch, you know, whatever makes them happy. Man, this may mean even more profit, war’s always good for traders. Gonna have to wait and see how this turns out. And looks like someone dropped the hammer on Outreach. Plus, them had a real bad luck day over Mars, silly guys really should know the risk of pirate points. Ah well, won’t miss them Dragoons.

10th February: Now things get troublesome. Boy, the Snakes having fun with each other, the Elsies now really in with the Leaguers, and the Chaos March suddenly seems to be a nice place to live. Heard a rumor about some fighting in the Fed Suns, no idea what’s going on there. Been a long while since I been home last. Met one Precentor Shaddle on Hsien, had a nice chitchat with’er, nice looking lady. She told me some bout them nose-high-in-the-sky guys disbanding the Star League and how sad she’s bout it and you know. Troubled young lady, made sure she got a little to drink, 'tis always helps.

Printed at the request of Phi / Mu. All rights reserved; distribute through normal transmission protocols.


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