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At Long Last... the Proliferation Cycle

СообщениеДобавлено: 09 май 2011, 06:36
Типа пролиферейшн решили наконец дописать...

Across 2004-2005, BattleCorps published 5 stories about the beginning of the BattleMech... and the last story, the tale of the Capellan Confederation's capture of BattleMech technology from House Marik, never quite made it.

We've been waiting... for a long while patiently, and then for a long while impatiently. Loren L. Coleman's "Machine Nations" was announced in production several times, and at least 1 draft was completed but failed fact-checking.

Earlier this year, we decided to stop waiting.

We are pleased to announce that a new Proliferation Cycle story, "The Spider Dances", by Jason Schmetzer, is in the final stages of production. It should—should—publish in mid-to-late May 2011. It is the story of a Maskirovka team's capture of BattleMech technology on Xanthe III. "Machine Nations," a title without a story, we consign to history.

BattleCorps is also pleased to announce that it will be re-releasing the five previous Proliferation Cycle stories as well, so that they're available to current subscribers. We will release them in order of previous publication, 1 per day leading up to the publication of "The Spider Dances." So when you get the announcement email saying "Break-Away," by Ilsa Bick, has been released, you'll know you're only days away from the end of the Proliferation Cycle.

Re: At Long Last... the Proliferation Cycle

СообщениеДобавлено: 09 май 2011, 06:47
Да неужели.

Re: At Long Last... the Proliferation Cycle

СообщениеДобавлено: 09 май 2011, 20:39
Давно пора.