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Внеплановый чат 29 апреля (лог)

СообщениеДобавлено: 01 май 2011, 09:09
Habeas2: Ok, let's get it started in here.
Gunslinger: Yeah, do it with a spork. More fun that way
J_Schmetzer: This is "loads and loads of work?"
Gunslinger: ?
J_Schmetzer: Weren't you on fb saying "dood, omgz so much werk"
Gunslinger: Yup, burning lots of calories working
Gunslinger: keeping my physique slim and fit...
Habeas2: This is an unscheduled BattleChat. We're running for two hours. I retain the right to kick unruly people (or just people I dislike), and I'm not keeping an official log
J_Schmetzer: Feh. I'm around 1,500 for the day, and most of those were protein. Plus enough yardwork to earn a nifty farmer's tan. I win.
Gunslinger: awww, I'm screwed
J_Schmetzer: What's the topic, Herb. What secrets shall I blurt out unintentionally?
megatrons2nd: no I'd go first
Gunslinger: (to Herb in that regard.. to Jason, I am too, but the way he would be jealous of)
J_Schmetzer: For instance, this one time, and band camp...
Gunslinger: like... an announcemnt of a new product being released in a few days?
Habeas2: J_Schemtzer - As ever, there are no topics. Ask a question, and hope for an answer from the BattleTech Line Developer or one of his attendant minions.
Gunslinger: maybe maybe maybe?
J_Schmetzer: Hey!
J_Schmetzer: I am no one's attendant. Minion, maybe--depends on the wardrobe. BUT I ATTEND NO ONE!
Habeas2: Gunslinger - If you're referring to what I think you're referring to, it'l be two weeks. Maybe.
megatrons2nd: Interstellar operations? How is it coming?
Gunslinger: .......
Gunslinger: *sobs*
Habeas2: Megatrons2nd - It's coming about as well as one can expect a large and difficult core rulebook to come when one of the writers decides to go silent on you
Habeas2: Gunslinger - Calm down. It's still coming out; the layout guy wanted more time to do it riht. ANd if you keep crying there, I'll boot ya.
J_Schmetzer: (I always knew he was a weeper...)
Gunslinger: (I'm sure you find my tears tasty Herb)
StCptMara: Can we expect any cool surprises at GenCon this year?
Habeas2: J_Schemtzer - You'd probably not be surprised how many of them are....
J_Schmetzer: It will be hot!
J_Schmetzer: It will be smelly!
megatrons2nd: When shooting at an Aerospace fighter during take off how do you determine the to hit number?
Gunslinger: Jason just doesn't admit it
J_Schmetzer: It will be crowded!
Habeas2: StCptMara - Depends. Does our continued survival when naysayers predicted our demise a couple years ago still surprise you?
J_Schmetzer: Oh, wait... you said surprises...
Gunslinger: wait, are we talking about Gencon, or Jasons hygiene?
J_Schmetzer: Feh. I'm a sobber.
J_Schmetzer: How could my hygiene possibly be crowded? The voices in my head don't count.
Habeas2: Megatrons2nd - I'd recommend asking that question in the rules forums.
Gunslinger: crowded germs, and sweaty!
Habeas2: ...
Gunslinger: ok, I guess I should be serious now
StCptMara: No, Herb, it does not. It surprises me that naysayers are still heralding everything as a sign of imminent demise..I look forward to many more great books from CGL
Gunslinger: Herb, already knowing that thing may change from day to day, as the line developer, has the future of Battletech, product and universe, been plotted and planned out in the coming years?
Habeas2: StCptMara - Then when it comes to surprises, I think you already know them.
Habeas2: Gunslinger - Yes.
megatrons2nd: I think I may have it in the wrong place on there as it has not yet been answered(or the one with the answer is sick)
Habeas2: *sigh*
J_Schmetzer: Herb! favorite 'Mech! favorite tank? favorite battlesuit? favorite pizza?
J_Schmetzer: If I write a story about the rise of Clan Anchovy, will you buy it?
Gunslinger: Jason, isn't that your jobv as Battlecorps editor?
Habeas2: J_Schmetzer - Favorite Mech: TBT-5N; Favorite Tank: Epona; Favorite Battlesuit: Golem; Favorite Pizza: Bacon & Pepperoni; No, I will NOT buy a story about Clan Anchovy.
megatrons2nd: How are the high grade plastic units coming along?
wackrabbit: Yes, the Leviathans, Do tell.
Habeas2: Megatrons2nd - Wile I search for your aerospace question, the plastics are going about as well as we can expect for the effort being put into it. Honestly, though, I stay out of those affairs, as they are more technical and beyond my duties as a production manager
megatrons2nd: Sorry Herb, I tend to cause you headaches
Habeas2: Yes. Yes you do
Gunslinger: Herb, as much as the Clan invasion was fast paced, and basically had a "strategic/Interstellar leaders" tone, and the Jihad had a "down and dirty/on the spot" tone to it, what can we expect the voice of Battletech to be in the coming 203 years?
Gunslinger: 2-3
megatrons2nd: I do that to almost everybody around me
J_Schmetzer: ... and that's Jenga.
wackrabbit: Wow, visions of TRO 3293 popped into my head and were suddenly silenced
Leonard_Kerensky: 203 years? wow.. ask a bit much there.
Habeas2: Gunslinger - The as-it-happens style of reporting is expected to be largely minimized in the post-Jihad setting, as we get into a more universe-spanning perspective again, although the Dark Age setting poses its own set of problems.
megatrons2nd: Why does Dark Age pose problems?
StCptMara: What is the plan for handling the 6 years of the Dark Age/Age of Destruction events? Multiple books, one, or mostly PDF exclusives?
Leonard_Kerensky: Question: aproximatly how much of the wizkids time line for the Dark Age will we be seeing? or, will it be scraped entirely in favor of new ideas, and plans?
wackrabbit: ...Dear diary, a Forstry mech stepped on Billy Bob my prizewinning hog today. i think there's a nuther succession war a-startin' up...
wackrabbit: Question: would there be space for an updated vehicle annex covering just Industrialtech?
Habeas2: Megatrons2nd - The Dark Age is still a setting in which interstellar communications via HPG are down and thus news travels slowly and possibly erroneously.
Habeas2: As a result, telling a comprehensive story from in-universe sources becomes problemmatic. At least in the Jihad, the HPGs were still running and INN could pin down major events
megatrons2nd: cool
Habeas2: StCptMara - You will be seeing a review of the Dark Age in sourcebok form. Print books and PDFs both
Habeas2: Leonard - The WizKids Dark Age story as pub lished is still considered canonical. We will not be scrapping and starting over.
Habeas2: Wackrabbit - Tech Readout: Vehicle Annex was not received as well as we had hoped and will likely not receive an update. It may get a reprint for branding reasons, with stats revised (there were some errorrs throughout), but further updates are unlikely.
Leonard_Kerensky: Question: will this mean that we will begin seeing the sub-factions as shown in the wizkids play of events? groups such as the Spirit Cats, Dragons Fury, Bansons Raiders, Storm Hammers and the like?
wackrabbit: OK. I guess folk don't like 'mech scale cattle prods as well as I had hoped. Thanks.
megatrons2nd: I would have bought Vehicle Annex, but it's release fell during a lay off, and Local Stores don't carry your product but will special order if I pay in full prior to the order
StCptMara: Is there any likelihood of canonical sheets for TRO: Vehicle Annex?
Habeas2: Leonard_Keresnky - The pirate factions you speak of were ultimately minor players on the grand scale, not factions unto themselves. They will be represented in the source material, but not treated as factions.
wackrabbit: Where might we look for descriptions of ROTS units in the future, schemes, ogranization, deployment etc?
Habeas2: StCptMara - As a less popular product, TR:VA will likely receive Record Sheet support only at the time it is considered for reprint/rebranding. There are other, more economically viable products we'll be seeing before that
Habeas2: Wackrabbit - Yes
Habeas2: Wackrabbit - An upcoming sourcebook will show us the formative stages of the RotS and the RAF. When we advance to the Dark Age period, we will see these same organizations summarized and updated for the 3130s-3140s.
wackrabbit: Outstanding.
Habeas2: Megatrons2nd - regarding your earlier rules question, I would treat it as a standard ground-to-air attack. The liftoff takes place during the aerospace unit's movement phase as though it were a ground unit, and--like all ground units in combat--the firing phase accounts for ground movement and final position at the end thereof. As the aerospace unit ends the Movement Phase as a unit on the low alt map, it is an aerospace unit f
megatrons2nd: Awesome, thank you Herb
GrtSarcasmo: So how about those Filtveltians?
Habeas2: Megatrons2nd - I suggest you post that in the thread you started, so the proper errata people know you got an answer and what it was.
Habeas2: GrtSarcasmo - How about them?
megatrons2nd: done
StCptMara: Are there any current plans for a reprint/rebranding of TRO:3057?
Leonard_Kerensky: Question: will the Dark Age have two 'acts' as the wizkids events played out? the obvious warming up to the major events, and then steady speeding into all the dirty fighting and gritty goodness we've all come to know and love from battletech?
GrtSarcasmo: What was the reason for classifying Filtvelt as a periphery nation as oppesed to an Inner Sphere one?
Habeas2: StCptMara - Well, because I am the "natural enemy of all goodness and light in the universe", I will say that we're not planning that right now.
Habeas2: Leonard - Something like that...
megatrons2nd: How do you vent? Do you play video games to cool off from a particularly rough day?
Leonard_Kerensky: one would supose that Herb, being the lord of nukes simply cools off by making it quite a bit warmer somewhere ..else..
megatrons2nd: global warming explained
Habeas2: GrtSarcasmo - Because of their location and their relative weakness compared to the major states, Filtvelt can't classify as Inner Sphere as well as it can as a Periphery power. Ultimately, given their political and manufacturing ability, they're somewhere between the pre-Jihad OA and MH in terms of power and political significance.
Habeas2: Megatrons2nd - These days, I don't have much time to vent at all. And my days have ben personally rougher than they have been for the last, oh, eight years or so. So... yeah.
GrtSarcasmo: Excellent. It (I hope) means it lasts. Every other small IS power, well isn't anymore.
drufause: Sorry I am late. If this has been already asked and answered for this chat then i apologize. How far along/Do we have an rough eta for 'Final Reckoning'
Habeas2: GrtSarcasmo =- They're still around in the 3130s at least....
Habeas2: Drufause - Final reckoning is in development, and we will not give an ETA. Street dates only.
GrtSarcasmo: I noticed that. Outasting the FRR, St, Ives and a Clan--I'll take it. Though that did sound (in my head) slighlty ominous.
GrtSarcasmo: Did I miss why you decided to change formats for the chats?
Habeas2: GrtSarcasmo - Changed how?
Habeas2: STOP!
• Habeas2 starts dancing
J_Schmetzer: I knew the excitement would come... I knew it. VINDICATION IS MINE!
megatrons2nd: My wife just played that
drufause: I know that battletech is primarily a strategic level game for conventions. But to celebrate the release of the Game Masters screen can we expect any official A Time of Warfare adventures at the summers conventions.
Hammer: Wow! What a welcome
wackrabbit: nice segue
• Habeas2 does that funky side-to-side dance thing
GrtSarcasmo: I ment the more spontaneous timing and legnth?
Habeas2: Drfause - Honestly.... I dunno. I have a hands-off policy when it comes to the convention events
Habeas2: GrtSarcasmo - Oh that? Felt like it. This is an experiment.
Habeas2: I count 10-12 people who have come to this chat on less than half an hour's advance notice
Habeas2: That's more than some of my noon-time chats have gathered with 2 weeks pre-announcement.
megatrons2nd: I usually am working for your chats, so I figured I'd stop in and see how it goes. Are there usually more people?
GrtSarcasmo: Well, I just happened to be off work tonight--so I figured I would pop in.
Habeas2: Megatrons2nd - Honestly, not usually. I think we once got to about 20 people
drufause: CH3-CH2-CH2-OH
Habeas2: Plus, I was feeling chatty
mib_ave88i: I just found out about this chat 10 to 15 minutes ago? Will the War of Reaving been delayed?
GrtSarcasmo: I guess that is better then feeling nuke-y
drufause: Same here was browsing my iphone while cooking Vegetable Chicken Alfredo.
Habeas2: Mib_ave88i - The War of Reaving is set to publish within the next 18 months.
drufause: Yay for that
Habeas2: But I won't dare give an ETA.
GrtSarcasmo: How huge is "Reaving" going to be?
megatrons2nd: Is the rumored clan box real?
drufause: Most of the clans get neutered thats pretty big
GrtSarcasmo: I mean like page wise.
Leonard_Kerensky: Question: will the War of Reaving be a lump sum of events? or will be a catch all of sparotic information (or misinformation) simular to Jihad Secrets?
Habeas2: GrtSarcasmo - Oh, it'll be fairly big-ish. Lots of words. SOme pictures. Maybe a map or two. Game rules. Stuff. We need pages and pages to tell it all. More than, say, 36....
Habeas2: Megatrons2nd - "Real" in what way? DOes it exist now? No. Will it? Yeah.
megatrons2nd: the will it part. Is it planned for a close release with wars of reaving?
Habeas2: Leonard - Wars of Reaving is set to have a more comprehensive view only by virtue of who it's in-universe authors are and how they report it. The Clans, after all, do not have a roving mass media to cover their major events.
GrtSarcasmo: Oh, so slipping it in to the Tactical Handbooks place on the book shelf isn't going to happen...
Habeas2: Megatrons2nd - No. They are not planned for close release.
megatrons2nd: darn
drufause: Herb just wanted to say thanks to you and your team for the new Cappellan Box Sets
drufause: For what ever part you guys played in them
J_Schmetzer: Herb - which book again will Hanse Davion wake up and say "God, what an awful dream?" I forget which one you told me...
Habeas2: Drufause - Capellan Box Sets?
megatrons2nd: I think he is talking about the iron wind stuff
GrtSarcasmo: Don't tease us Feddies...
drufause: Yes House Liao Heavy and Assault and Light and Medium
Habeas2: J_Schmetzer - That was 2012's AFD gag! Damn you!
Habeas2: Drufause - On behalf of IWM and CGL, you're welcome.
J_Schmetzer: No, silly... 2012 was the one where we were going to say "Happy Clan Box Set Release Day!"
Klep: Habeas2: you can still have Bob Newhart wake up and realize it was all a dream instead!
J_Schmetzer: You know... the announcement with the address to send $1 for a free discounted edition of Interstellar Operations?
GrtSarcasmo: Do you "PTB" get to play as much as you used to? or does ensuring new products for the rest of us deny you that pleasure?
Habeas2: Just for that, Jason, I sentence you to design the WarShips in our next TRO
drufause: Couldn't we just get a clone of Regan.
J_Schmetzer: Feh.
J_Schmetzer: I fear no WarShips.
Habeas2: OH! The Interstellar Operations rulebook in which all of Randall's work was deleted, thus reducing it to an 8-page pamphlet?
J_Schmetzer: I mean, they'll just have 2 nppcs and megatons of cargo space.
megatrons2nd: put an atomic booby trap in it
J_Schmetzer: Duh.. see, I knew you'd remember.
Leonard_Kerensky: Question: to celebrate 2012, will there be any random nukings of well known places in any source material?
Habeas2: GrtSarcasmo - Well, *I* don't....
Habeas2: Leonard - That's horrible! Tasteless! Would *I* do that....?
Leonard_Kerensky: yes. you would.
Habeas2: Oh ye of so very little faith....
StCptMara: Herb, while your hatred of flying is well known, what do you like the most about Convention Season?
mib_ave88i: So will we be getting previews of what is in TRO 3090, like we did last year with TRO 3085?
drufause: I would guess TRO3130
drufause: or did i miss the outplacement for TRO3090
megatrons2nd: is a revised 3067 to far out to be on my Christmas wish list?
Habeas2: StCptMara - WOuld it be seen as infantile if I were to admit I like seeing hot booth babes dressed scantily?
StCptMara: No, Herb, it would not...
GrtSarcasmo: booth babes are such teases...
Habeas2: Mib_ave88i - There may be previews of our next original print TRO, but I can't say for sure right now
Habeas2: Megatrons2nd - No plans for a revised TR3067 currently exist.
GrtSarcasmo: At least the ones I've delt with had no idea whats going on...
drufause: heh how did chat get outplacement from a spelling correction for announcement
megatrons2nd: can I work on it? I promise to be good.
Habeas2: GrtSarcasmo - Of COURSE they're teases! They are only there to sell you stuff! And they do that by wearing skimpy clothes and being hot. And since I'm pretty much single again, I can ogle all I want!
Habeas2: Megatrons2nd - No.
GrtSarcasmo: Ahh, I get married this year. Still training meself not to look. (err, well, get caught anyways...) I could ask they at least be HOT nerds...
Habeas2: GrtSarcasmo - Good luck. Seriously.
megatrons2nd: didn't think I could but it never hurts to ask(besides I think my fanboy shows to much)
Habeas2: Yes. Fanboys must be beaten before they can write for me
Habeas2: It's policy
GrtSarcasmo: Thank you, sir.
megatrons2nd: Ok, let my wife work for you
drufause: you forgot may i have another
J_Schmetzer: Oh, sure, claim it's policy. I think you just LIKE HITTING ME.
Habeas2: Megatrons2nd - Way no!
StCptMara: Herb, how does someone become a new writer for you and Battletech?
Habeas2: J_Schmetzer - Well, I do! Just because it's also policy makes it a bonus!
megatrons2nd: shes good at beating people though
megatrons2nd: although that might take away all your fun
GrtSarcasmo: speaking of fanboys, any chance of Filtvelt getting a factory capable of producing more then crop-dusters and hover trucks?
drufause: Is it ok if someone drops a town sized rock on it after they get it
Habeas2: StCptMara - Seriously? Impress one of my people and let them suggest you to me. I may give you a shot at small bit work (a TRO entry or a few JHS-style articles). If you prove you can write good enough for source material, you may get gradually more work. If I don't like what I see, the "quiet firing" may occur. That's when I just stop asking.
Habeas2: GrtSarcasmo - Not particularly, but hey, anything's possible.
J_Schmetzer: Wait--you have people!?
J_Schmetzer: HOW DO I GET PEOPLE!?
• Habeas2 points to the badge that says "Official BattleTech Line Developer"
J_Schmetzer: No one tells me anything...
Habeas2: That's how.
J_Schmetzer: Oh, wait.
J_Schmetzer: I have one of those.
GrtSarcasmo: Hey, falling rocks is only for dracs and bulls. Filtvelt doesn't need any more problems.
Habeas2: And that's the way it's going to stay!
megatrons2nd: you get badges! awesome!!!
Habeas2: And, Jason?
Habeas2: You ARE one of my people!
drufause: You get people by abusing someone working for you so long they agree to love you and never leave you then they become your people
J_Schmetzer: Mine says Managing Editor, BattleCorps.com
J_Schmetzer: That's much cooler.
GrtSarcasmo: Wasn't Kit voted "next line developer"?
drufause: i forgot to wear a plastic suit to this
Habeas2: Then why don't you have people, Jason?
wackrabbit: *looks around* I think I have a badger around here someplace... er, could be a hedgehog actually.
drufause: as long as its not a wombat
Habeas2: GrtSarcasmo - I think he only got a few votes there.
J_Schmetzer: My people are too cool to chat. Yeah, that's it.
wackrabbit: I got a fixme button for those.
GrtSarcasmo: Oh. Sadface.
wackrabbit: I don't need people, I got paint.
drufause: Im so glad her decided to do this my previous plan was to watch this weeks glee
StCptMara: With rumours of Wombat showing up at GenCon this year..are tehre plans to market the "Anti-Wombat Pantlock" to prevent rampant theft of pants?
drufause: Herb decided i meant
drufause: nah just leave them in your hotel room then you don't have to worry about it.
wackrabbit: I'm not wearing pants to Gen Con this year. I'm thinking to go all Marian Hegemony and kit up in a toga
drufause: I was thinking of a blackwatch
drufause: for below the waist
Habeas2: StCptMara - Uhhhhh. I hadn't even considered a need for that...
wackrabbit: Or maybe try Davvy outback-style and go the big fuzzy chaps.
Habeas2: And I most certainly WILL be wearing pants, as a member of civilized society
megatrons2nd: some of these banner adds are funny. I had one for a tennis player dating sight(way off topic but had to share)
drufause: mine says money does grow on trees
megatrons2nd: my add has rotated about six times since I got here
Habeas2: Money's a paper product
Habeas2: Technically it DOES grow on trees
drufause: actually weeds theses days
Klep: actually it's cloth
Habeas2: SHUT UP!
Habeas2: Ok, seriously, don't. I need questions to survive.
drufause: one of us is dead klep just so you know
GrtSarcasmo: I was so excited to go to GenCon this year (my first). Alas the fiancee was asked to stand in a wedding that Friday. how muc fun is GenCon?
wackrabbit: Few banners are actually sold by those ads. Back to topic though. I am pleased with the two .pdfs that dropped today. whoes idea on the retrotech to put rivets all over things?
Klep: GrtSarcasmo: have them hold the wedding at gencon obviously
Klep: ooh yeah, the art in retrotech is awesome
drufause: dressed in Bab5 outfits
GrtSarcasmo: um, well, to be frank, their kinda white trash-y
drufause: centiretro lookes awesome
GrtSarcasmo: I don't like to be seen with them in public. Also, I doubt they can spell "Babylon"
wackrabbit: I thought the 15th Arcturan Guard bought it on Terra. Wasn't that Lance's story?
Habeas2: GrtSarcasmo - GenCon is really, really fun
roosterboy: He lies!
Habeas2: Wackrabbit - Artistic license.
megatrons2nd: For trademark/ownership of images: how much of an image needs to be different?
drufause: I used to love going to conventions till hasbro killed living greyhawk
wackrabbit: Ah, like the girl Starbuck thingy
StCptMara: Herb, of the official duties you have at GenCon, which one is your favourite?
Habeas2: Megatrons2nd - ABout 12%
drufause: Hes going to say the masters firefight i bet
wackrabbit: Good to know, tiger stripes are still in fashion.
Habeas2: StCptMara - Seriously? Booth duty. No idea why.
drufause: Its out its not a secret Herb loves meeting people most
GrtSarcasmo: well, he is meeting his paycheck...
megatrons2nd: When you wright do you mostly do rules or fluff?
Habeas2: These days, it's a lot of fluff-rules hybrid. Stuff that's not necessarily to be published, but which supports rules and designs
Habeas2: "Proto-fluff"!
Habeas2: Th above term given to us by Paul Sjardijn
GrtSarcasmo: Did any of your schooling come in handy for doing game design, or is it more "on the job" training?
ytboturtle: We going to see more retros XTROs?
Habeas2: GrtSarcasmo - On the job, mostly, though some of my creative writing and journalism classes from college have helped, as did a smattering of math, physics, and istory courses along the way
Habeas2: Ytboturtle - Not sp0ecifically as such, no.
GrtSarcasmo: so a journalism degree IS useful these days...
ytboturtle: the retro was intresting....
ytboturtle: GS, these days, there isn't much of different between the two fields.......:D
Habeas2: GrtSarcasmo - As long as you don't then use it for journalism, yes.
wackrabbit: I have a communication degree and therefore have worked much of my last few years in the light industrial and hospitality sectors
megatrons2nd: are there plans for some exotic terrain in the map packs? like lava flows, a tornado template, jungle, or swamp
GrtSarcasmo: Landscape design degree and I shelve books and sling popcorn.
Habeas2: I actually told the teacher--after acing my journalism class--that I had NO interest in journalism, because I still felt (and felt confirmed by the class studies) that journalists were vultures, and that I prefer the lies I write to be honets lies (IOW "fiction")
GrtSarcasmo: Ohh, I'd love an "alien" world map, look a moonscape or something.
wackrabbit: Popcornslinger, great job title. Speaking of that, ay we see the XTRO Gunslinger sometime soon?
ytboturtle: Herb, Be careful the Vultures don't sue you for defamation of character!!!
GrtSarcasmo: I can imagine how well the went over with Herr professor...
wackrabbit: I always thought the hidden wars to have been a really interesting storyline
GrtSarcasmo: Wack? you want it? I'm willing to trade...
Habeas2: Megatrons2nd - With so many map sets to translate into Hex Packs, may be a while before we see truly new stuff.
wackrabbit: I've been approached by a local casino to work in security.
ytboturtle: somebody going to post this?
Habeas2: Wackrabbit - Gunslingers will be sometime in 2012 at the current production rate
wackrabbit: Sounds cool.
Habeas2: GrtSarcasmo - The professor was ... disappointed, yes. Especially since she effectively forced me to say that aloud, knowing she herself was a ournalist
StCptMara: Is there a plan for a standard rate of HexPack releases?
GrtSarcasmo: ohhh. bad news bears.
Habeas2: StCptMara - We're currently going at one per year, but that may accelerate as time goes on.
ytboturtle: well, off to write -- later!!
wackrabbit: Well, thanks for the impromptu to do.
StCptMara: I really hope so...my old paper maps are getting kind of rough..(and I have new players asking me where I got all those out of print maps)
GrtSarcasmo: The new maps are te cats meow. really--mine meowed while rolling all over them.
megatrons2nd: the $20+ price tag makes it difficult for me to convince my wife to let me buy them, 1 per year is a good pace
Habeas2: Thank you all for participating in this BattleTech Line Developer-aided Public Relations Experiment. Wow. 14 people still here at the end of the 2-hour chat!
wackrabbit: yeah hexpack might be the best way to do Solaris right
Habeas2: And those are all people assembled on short notice
StCptMara: I am glad I was able to make one of these chats, for once!
Klep: yeah
megatrons2nd: same here
Habeas2: Wackrabbit - Maybe, though for some maps, the HexPack may have to be "deluxe sized"; the Solaris Maps were positively huge affairs
wackrabbit: tru
GrtSarcasmo: Thank YOU, Mr. Beas. I could actually attend.
StCptMara: I would say that the Ishiyama map should really be one, multi part pack..
Hammer: Thanks Herb for info
wackrabbit: 'night all!
Leonard_Kerensky: i look forward to a Map Pack for Ishiyama...
Habeas2: Gnite, folks!

Добавлено спустя 16 минут 56 секунд:
Что-то новое (и большое?) выйдет через пару недель.

Обзор ДА событий будет в в виде сорсбука, потому что сложно придерживатсья формата новостей из ДТП, когда связи тупо нет.

Вихайкл аннекс был прохладно принят, так что апдейта к нему не будет.

Приближающийся сорсбук покажет начало и первые стадии для Республики сферы и для РВС, при переходе к ДА инфа о тех же организациях будет собрана и обновлена для 3130-40х

Херб: в 2012 году мы все разом воскликнем, "С радостным выпуском клановского бокс сета вас!"