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Апрельский бэттлчат (скрипт)

СообщениеДобавлено: 24 апр 2011, 12:01
Habeas2: Officially beginning today's early afternoon BattleChat now. Usual rules apply: I'm your host. Keep questions straightforward and polite. Give everyone a chance to pose questions. I'll kick anyone who makes this difficult.
Habeas2: Go me!
Habeas2: To answer the first question:
Habeas2: JimdiGriz - Physically, I'm perfectly fine. The bruise has even healed by now...mostly. Sadly, by now my car (Tyler-con) is a metal cube....
JimdiGriz: Good to hear you're okay. Sorry to hear about the car. Do you have a battlemech in the garage you could use?
Habeas2: JimdiGriz - Not exactly, but for the time being, my folks let me borrow their GMC if I need to go anywhere. Fortunately for most of us, I have nowhere to go most days.
Harlock: Cars can be replaced just like Battlemechs.
Habeas2: (Although, interestingly enough, I just had to blow off the friend I was helping when the accident occurred, so I could be here for this chat, so by all means let his sacrifice not be in vain; ask questions, and don't be shy!)
JimdiGriz: How are talks going with Chessex over the planned Battletech dice?
Habeas2: Trboturtle - Yes, they can be; in a few months, I'll be looking into a new Decepticar. For now, though, I consider myself semi-grounded.
ScottSR: A new era was entered into by CBT for the first time recently with the release of DATP: Liao, how do you feel fan reaction has been for this product? Have you been "satisfied" with the product, whatever that means to you?
ScottSR: A new era was entered into by CBT for the first time recently with the release of DATP: Liao, how do you feel fan reaction has been for this product? Have you been "satisfied" with the product, whatever that means to you?
You left the chat by being disconnected from the server.
Habeas2: JimdiGriz - So far as I am aware, there's been no immediate progress on any talks with Chessex. That could simply be because it's kind of a low priority right now, though.
Tolan: It s still early and you may or may not be able to discoluse it. How is the new Intro box doing sale wise?
JimdiGriz: So, we shouldn't be looking for them this Gencon?
ScottSR: I think DATP: Liao caught people by surprise since we probably werent expecting any DA material until next calender year. I know personally I liked finally seeing some RAT/unit data for the RAF, and the verififcation that certain omnimechs survived into that timeframe.
trboturtle: When is the next XTRO due?
Habeas2: ScottSR - While I don't have exact numbers right now, I'm confident the fan reaction was excellent, and we're confident that future DATP and other Dark Age-themed products will support their own production.
Habeas2: Tolan - So far as we can tell, we sold out of the latest intro box set in about 10 days. We're already ordering a new batch, so I'd say it did awesome.
Habeas2: JimdiGriz - Oh, we could always surprise you.
Tolan: Very good to hear that!!!
ScottSR: Are you currently planning to release any additional DATP or DA material "soon" or this calender year?
Habeas2: Trboturtle - The next XTR is due in.... May
Habeas2: ScottSR - Yes
Circinus_Enquirer: Mr. Habeas! Mr. Habeas! Demi-Precentor Galgaliel, Circinus Enquirer! Catalyst is notorious for publishing highly sensitive military reports and other leaked documents. What are your sources, and what reports are you planning to leak in the coming year?
Habeas2: Circinus_Enquirer - I could tell you that answer, Demi-Precentor, but a) you wouldn't believe me, and b) I'd have to have you and your associates killed. Sorry.
JimdiGriz: Since he's from Circinus, won't that happen soon anyway?
Nathan60: Sorry about the accident. In the last chat you talk about new TROs, will we be seeing one sometime this year?
Harlock: So when is the next Field Report out?
ScottSR: A qstn about omnimech availability: TRO3050, 3085 and M&M, all mention how some of the 3050 era omnimechs are now quite rare. HOwever, the MUL took ALL of 3050 omnimechs, kept them available, and basically gave them to everyone [clan general, IS general, merc general]. This seems very inconsistent, can you elaborate on this?
Habeas2: JimdiGriz - It's not for me to say when Circinus is to be bombed into oblivion. Woops....
Circinus_Enquirer: Can Catalyst comment on the rumors that Devin Stone is not human? Experts have testified that he is, in fact, just a Hobbs Takooma in 'a convincing wig'.
Habeas2: Nathan60 - Thank you, but you didn't cause the accident, so no need to apologize. Yes, a new TRO is scheduled for this year.
Habeas2: Harlock - The next Field Report is scheduled to release in....May
JimdiGriz: Can you tell us what are the new products will be released at Gencon?
Habeas2: ScottSR - To be perfectly frank, the MUL is--and likely will always be--a living document, subject to change and correction pretty much for the rest of its life. There has also been (IMO) a tendency to read too much into what it says wen it claims a unit is available or extinct. In a universe such as BattleTech, as you all know, there are lots of shades of gray, even when one thinks an answer should just be about pure numbers.
Tolan: Can you say the the next installment of the MUl will be released?
Habeas2: Circinus_Enquirer - I am unable to speculate on the opinions of "experts" from the Circinus Federation. But I think I can assure you that Devlin Stone is, in fact, human.
ScottSR: If I recall correctly, the next field report should be lyran alliance? After that will it be periphery, and then IS-based clans?
Habeas2: JimdiGriz - It's always hard to predict exactly, but we're trying to have at least a new TRO for GenCon, and maybe a Jihad book.
Northman3050: Do you know when the MUL we be a searchable database located on a webiste?
Tobias_Kazama[VoTD]: Tobias Kazama, Voice of the Dragon. Has the publican of Handbook:House Kurita been delayed due to a case of "saving the best for last"?
Habeas2: Tolan - I am afraid I cannot. The best answer is invariable going to be "when it's ready".
Circinus_Enquirer: For the forthcoming HexPack, is the pre-order bonus PDF-only, or will an extra cardstock tile be included with pre-ordered packages?
Habeas2: ScottSR - Close! Clans may come before Periphery
ScottSR: Yes!!! I mean, "oh, okay then"....
Habeas2: Northman3050 - Nope!
Tolan: Thank you. Also, Is there any plans for a post-Jihad/DA Field Report for ComStar?
Habeas2: Tobias_Kazama[VoTD] - No. If that were the case, we all know Steiner would have been the last Handbook.
Habeas2: Circinus_Enquirer - It will be a cardstock tile.
Northman3050: when do you see that the TROs will be time wise in line with the current time line. For example we have 3085 but we are not even to that year yet
Habeas2: Tolan - No.
ScottSR: Given the release of DATP: Liao, your mention in this chat of future DA material this year, and your mention in this chat of another TRO this year, are we "officially" [semi-?]entering DA timeline this calender year?
Harlock: If there isn't going to be a Field Report Comstar, will there be a Field Report Republic Armed Forces?
Habeas2: Northman3050 - I'm not entirely certain what you mean. If you refer to the in-universe year for the next print TRO, the answer is that it will be set in 3090, and effectively represents the last "classic era" product of the line.
Habeas2: ScottSR - No. We should officially enter the Dark Age in the 2012 calendar year.
Tobias_Kazama[VoTD]: DO you have any updates regarding the matter of "the unseen"?
Habeas2: Harlock - No.
Habeas2: Tobias_Kazama[VoTD] - At this point, all we can say is that the status of the "Unseen" remains unchanged. CGL will be staying away from the Unseen imagery until then; we don't need to stir up a hornet's nest, after all.
ScottSR: For an era of "relative peace" does do that many new designs show up between 3085/3086 and 3090 to warrant a new TRO???
Tobias_Kazama[VoTD]: What is the next major sourcebook, and when can we expect it?
Circinus_Enquirer2: What sort of hoops does Catalyst have to jump through to get print books onto the shelves of mass market book retailers?
nathan59: Can you tell us what year the new TRo will be?
Habeas2: ScottSR - The next print TRO is slated to have close to 100 designs in it, all in production by or in 3090.
Habeas2: Tobias_Kazama[VoTD] - At this moment, I cannot say with any certainty.
Harlock: Any hints on whether GM-Kathil will be actually be producing any design for this new TRO?
Habeas2: Circinus_Enquirer2 - So many that even I gave up trying to work it out. I leave that for people above my pay grade.
Habeas2: Nathan59 - As noted, the next print TRO will be set in 3090.
Tobias_Kazama[VoTD]: Well can you say what coming products CGL is currently focusing on at this time?
ScottSR: There was abigh press release on the CBT website a few months back saying Era report 3062 will be available 2nd quarter 2011, is that timeframe still looking good? Do you know what era/year will be the next era report?
ScottSR: ^ "a big press release"
JimdiGriz: What can Battletech fans look forward to in the future: products or in-universe events?
Habeas2: Harlock - That's a rather peculiar and specific question.... The answer is no.
Harlock: Well I try So will there be any aerofighters in the TRO?
DEZOAT: Well I just check in here.
Habeas2: Tobias_Kazama[VoTD] - At present, we are focusing on no less than five print books, with a PDF schedule of roughly four per month to boot. In addition to reprints of TROs, we have one Historical, one Era Report book, two Jihad books, one TRO, and a special rulebook supplemental on tap right now. Plus, of course, a core rulebook.
Habeas2: ScottSR - Yes, and yes.
Habeas2: JimdiGriz - Products! Lots and lots of products!
Circinus_Enquirer2: For going back to earlier eras, are there any plans to revisit robotic control systems (such as the LosTech security robot, mining robot, and agricultural robots from MechWarrior 1st Edition) in construction rules?
ScottSR: Can we look forward to the inclusion of any new protomechs in TRO3090? Also, can you tell us what year the nexr era report will be set in?
Habeas2: Harlock - One or two.
Habeas2: Circinus_Enquirer2 - Sure, of a fashion.
JimdiGriz: Will there be any Age of War designs in the coming TROs?
Habeas2: ScotSR - Yes, there will be new ProtoMechs in the next print TRO.
Habeas2: ScottSR - The next Era Report is 3062. I thought we published that announcement somewhere?
Circinus_Enquirer2: Wait a minute! You told that frail hack from Voice of the Dragon the product schedule? I asked first!
Habeas2: JimdiGriz - Yes
ScottSR: Speaking of protomechs, neither RS3075 or RS3075u contain record sheets for the protomechs in TRO3075, are those record sheets available somewhere? or in the pipelien to come out on a future RS3075u revision?
Habeas2: Circinus_Enquirer2 - He asked more nicely.
ScottSR: Sorry, the next era report AFTER 3062, you were VERY literal with my question I see.
Habeas2: ScottSR - They will come out later.
DEZOAT: The Clan box set. How many minis will be in it.
nathan59: Will there be new battle armor and Infantry in the new TRO?
Tobias_Kazama[VoTD]: Periphery scum.No matters
Tobias_Kazama[VoTD]: *manners
Habeas2: ScottSR - Yes I was. That's how I roll. The next Era Report is slated for a 2012 publication. Given what I have said about the 2012 lineup, I just gave you a big hint there. Also of note: Between then and now, you will also see two PDF-exclusive Era Digests.
Habeas2: DEZOAT - Presently, the plan is for 25 minis.
Habeas2: Nathan59 - Battle Armor yes; infantry no.
Habeas2: 20 minutes, folks!
ScottSR: DATP:Liao was a new pdf-only product, which as you mentioned here earlier has been very popular/successful. Another recent new pdf series just came out, starter:fist and falcon. HOw has response/succcess been there in your opinion? Are there currently plans for additional products in that line, say starter:dragon and bear or others?
Circinus_Enquirer2: Is the "A Time of War" Companion still in the works? And is it planned to contain the same type of supplemental data that the other Companion books had for their RPG core systems?
Habeas2: The Starter series is still being evaluated, but there are plans to continue it if the sales are there. However, the rate of production for Starters is going to be quite different from what we've seen in the other series, due to the sheer volume of products we have right now.
Habeas2: Circinus_Enquirer2 - Yes, and .... well, what'll be in there is about what ou can expect from a product of its nature. I realize that's a vague answer, but the other RPG Companions in the past were pretty diverse as well.
ScottSR: Is XTRO: clans slated for the near future? I think last Fall you said around August or so. Also, are JTP: Hesperus 2 and/or JTP: Solaris 7 nearing release?
JimdiGriz: Is there anything in the Dark Age fiction that you'd like to remove from cannon?
Tolan: Will we see the War of Reaving Sourcebook release this year?
Habeas2: ScottSR - Yes. And the Hesperus and Solaris JTPs kind of shift in the schedule these days, so it's hard to say when we'll see them.
Circinus_Enquirer2: 'Kingdom of the Gypsies' was a popular holovid in the FWL about a cybernetic madman who plotted the Inner Sphere's doom from a hidden base in the Periphery. When will Master Thomas Marik receive his residuals? Rebuilding an army isn't cheap.
Habeas2: JimdiGriz - ALl population numbers
Habeas2: Tolan - Yup.
ScottSR: Recent "taunting" by Ghostbear/Ben Rome in relation to clan war of reaving [twitter posts, April Fools "fake" book outline] has been quite "mean"!!! "Mean" "how dare you continue to toyfully taunt us like this as if we are all a bunch of little mice and you are one of Herb's cats", but we also love it since it lets us continue our endless speculation.
Habeas2: Circinus_Enquirer2 - As soon as he learns how to go through proper channels and ask, we'll talk about it. Hint: Nuking planets is not considered "proper channels"
Habeas2: ScottSR - Yes, Ben does his boss proud there.
Habeas2: 9 minutes
Tobias_Kazama[VoTD]: How will "Interstellar Operations" change the "Inner Sphere in Flames" rules?
Circinus_Enquirer2: What sort of presence is Catalyst planning for GenCon this year?
Slasher: Did I miss anything earth-shattering
ScottSR: ^ "Mean" as in "how dare you..." [sorry ran out of space there]. Feel free to continue "stirring the pot" so to speak. Can we expect a title such as "JHS: Clan Homeworlds" or "JHS: Wars of the Reaving" or maybe just "Most important sourcebook EVERRR!!!!"
Habeas2: Tobias_Kazama[VoTD] - Unknown at this time
Habeas2: Circinus_Enquirer2 - We plan to annex the TSR booths this year. Otherwise, you should see about the same presence as last year. Meaning: Lots
Habeas2: Slasher - It was revealed that Devlin Stone is, in fact, a human being.
Habeas2: ScottSR - How about "Wars of Reaving"?
Circinus_Enquirer2: Let's see the birth certificate...
Slasher: Damn, I thought he was at least part machine
Habeas2: Circinus_Enquirer2 - Trump??? Is that YOU!?
JimdiGriz: Do you know what cannon events are planned for this Gencon? Will we go back to the ballroom?
ScottSR: Can you tell us about plans for any upcoming new IWM lance packs or additional battleforce 2 sized mini-mini sets? Recent releases of that type have been associated with CBT products
Habeas2: JimdiGriz - I'm afraid I don't really know what to expect from Con events this year. Mike Miller (Southpaw, not Cray) is in charge there
Habeas2: ScottSR - The next lance pack from IWM should be really fun! And I'm not telling you why yet
Tobias_Kazama[VoTD]: Given the HTP:Galtor, can we expect reprints of other past products such as the Dragon Roars, Chaos March,etc?
ScottSR: Can you say anything [other than "this year"] about timeline for 2 upcoming books finishing the JHS series, or for "wars of reaving" sourcebook?
Habeas2: Tobias_Kazama[VoTD] - Yes, at least in some cases.
DEZOAT: Will there be any novel on the war of reaving
ScottSR: When will clan blood spirit successfully take over the entirety of the inner sphere? and what role will clan nova cat play in this venture???
Habeas2: ScottSR - Nope. As a policy, we no longer offer estimated release dates; only confirmed street dates. The two remaining Jihad books actually are WoR and JHS: Reckoning.
Tolan: What is the title of the next XTRO?
Habeas2: DEZOAT - Not likely, no.
Tobias_Kazama[VoTD]: I can answer that: No and as bodyshields for Kuritas forces
Habeas2: ScottSR - Never, and absolutely none.
DEZOAT: bummer
Habeas2: Tolan - Ahhhhhh. Someone figured out my scheme to conceal a surprise there!
Harlock: Will Hanse Davion have another illegitimate child appear?
Habeas2: Harlock - No
Circinus_Enquirer2: Like he needs more than seven of those...
Tobias_Kazama[VoTD]: Will we finally learn that the events of "Far Country" were the result of a mass psychosis suffered from a misjump?
JimdiGriz: You could see his illegitimate grandchildren.
Habeas2: Tobias_Kazama[VoTD] - Nope.
Habeas2: 1 minute.
Circinus_Enquirer2: Mr. Habeas! Can Catalyst comment on the large fleet of nuclear armed ships arriving in orbit over Circin........
Circinus_Enquirer2: <signal lost>
Habeas2: Circinus_Enquirer2 - Not at this time, no.
ScottSR: HOw many shadow divisions are currently operating in the clan homewolrds?
Habeas2: Thank you for participating in this Catalyst Game Labs BattleTech Line Developer-aided Public Relations Activity!
Tolan: Thank for your time Herb.
JimdiGriz: Thanks, Herb!
Habeas2: Next chat is 8 PM today, Civilized Coast Time.
Tobias_Kazama[VoTD]: Last Question.Can you refute the propaganda that several senior officials are members of the Black Dragon Society?
Harlock: Thank you, Herb.
Topic changed to "Next Live BattleChat! - Next chat on Saturday, 23 April 2011 at 8 PM (EST)" by Habeas2.
ScottSR: ^stole qstn from CE2. But apparently too late. Thanks for your time Herb!
Circinus_Enquirer2: Thanks for the press conference...and for playing along.
Tobias_Kazama[VoTD]: lol
Tobias_Kazama[VoTD]: that was fun
Habeas2: NP. One day I'll try and do a real "in-character" chat
Tobias_Kazama[VoTD]: might come back for the later one and do it again
Circinus_Enquirer2: Hmmmm. 8 hours to think up new material...
Habeas2: 7
Tolan: can I ask a quick question abot leviatians?
Habeas2: Sorry, Tolan; I really wouldn't know about that line
ScottSR: CE2: ask about shadow divisions in the clan homeworlds.
Habeas2: Laters, all!