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Beams & Bullets: Stealth Armor

СообщениеДобавлено: 15 апр 2011, 05:53
Some of the Holy Grails of Star League technology were its most advanced defensive gear: the Chameleon Light Polarization Shield (CLPS) and the Null-Signature System (NSS). These two systems became highly feared; BattleMechs using them were difficult to defect before fulfilling their headhunter missions. Units with these two systems became primary targets during the early Succession Wars, and almost no examples were left outside the rare chassis forgotten in a hidden Brian Cache. The best minds of the Inner Sphere were never able to keep these systems in production, despite being able to make body-sized sneak suits of all kinds.
In addition to the League-era CLPS and NSS, the Capellan Confederation pioneered the first real stealth armor. While Star League systems were more of a series of attachments to the armor, the Confederation actually made the heat baffles and venting systems integral to the plating, creating almost as effective but more hardy. BattleMechs equipped with this armor could take enormous damage before the system failed--so long as its Guardian ECM continued to function--while a lucky strike on any location for the older systems would render them inoperable.
That has not been the only advancement in stealth systems. Not only has it become available for combat vehicles and aircraft, but now also a BattleMech-sized version of the camo sneak suit and the mimetic armor once made for just infantry and battle armor. When stationary, a BattleMech with this Void-Signature System becomes practically invisible to visual sensors. Even when moving most observers only see a blur.
Next week we go into a system few have heard of, and even fewer have used. Join us for the MRM Apollo fire control system.
Beams & Bullets is a weekly column discussing recent advances, adaptations, and tactics for some of the newest and most dangerous weaponry to appear in the Inner Sphere and Clan Occupation Zones. Check back every week for new insights to the beams, bullets, and gunsights you need to survive.