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The Season at Rankar’s Deep—Week Two

СообщениеДобавлено: 11 апр 2011, 21:20
Welcome to the Rankar’s Deep Report.
Water was a problem at the Deep this week, as three days of rain enlarged the Deep’s pools and turned the rest of the arena into a quagmire. It took Phil Dawer and the arena crew all night to get the Deep ready for the matches.
The Stone Fists’ Wayne Layfield and Sherman Chow of the People’s Will Stable headlined the best match in the Class Two division this week. This slugging match was dictated by the Deep’s still-soft surface. It is a testament to both warriors’ skill that they managed to spend most of the fifteen-minute match on their feet, trading shots and moving well, despite the conditions. Layfield, in his older-model Porcupine, used his ’Mech’s lasers to slice open the left leg of Chow’s Koto, breaking the ankle and knee joint and felling the ’Mech. Unable to gain any footing with its damaged actuators on the slick surface, Chow conceded.
The second match of note was between Humbert Barton of the Swords Stable and Wyren Claws’ Hiroyuki Hojo. Hojo, enraged from last week’s loss against Anna Hung, came out smoking against Barton and his Shadow Hawk. Barton managed to do moderate damage to Hojo’s Bushwacker, but after thirteen minutes a massive electrical failure in Barton’s cockpit finished any chances of victory. Barton yielded, leaving Hojo with some satisfaction and a few precious points.
After two weeks, Jean Cuvier is on top of the Class Two division, Anna Hung holds the top spot in the Class Three, David Sanada leads the Class Four, and Isadore Kelly is the Class Five leader.
That’s all this week. Stay tuned for next week’s Rankar’s Deep Report.
This broadcast of the 3086 Rankar's Deep Report brought to you by Branson Breweries of Xolara. All fights are sanctioned by the Solaris Gaming Commission and the Lyran Alliance Gaming Board.