Immortals who Guide the Inner Sphere!

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

Immortals who Guide the Inner Sphere!

Сообщение DeJaVu » 06 апр 2011, 07:50

Time and time again hauntingly familiar visages show up in photographs and tridee records of the human experience. Leaders make the same mistakes, commit the same sins, over and over. Is this simply a coincidence? No, says Professor Reginald Themso of the Paranormal Institute.
“We have evidence of the existence of famous men in later eras, after their deaths,” he told host Werner von Schattenberg. “Grigori Rasputin re-emerged after his supposed murder as a researcher heralding anti-aging treatments in the early 21st century. We see him again at the court of Kalvin the Devourer, as a chaplain no less. He is even present in the most famous final photo of Richard Cameron, a wraith-like figure standing out in the crowd cheering Amaris and the boy-Lord.”
The facial analysis that Themso and his colleagues undertake leaves no doubt that the infamous Mad Monk was alive and well during the Star League. But Themso dares to go even further than that. “Who else could the Master have been, but this immortal sinner?”
Nor is Rasputin alone. The infamous alchemist the Comte de Saint-Germain was recorded at the court of the Star League, demonstrating his Elixir of Life for Jocasta Cameron. He was listed in the records of the Order of the New Dawn as the founding Grandmaster of the New Earth lodge in 2185. The shadowy apocrypha of the Word of Blake even claims that he visited Jerome Blake and warned the ComStar founder of an Amaris plot, while providing him mystical spells with which to see the future. And who else could be out there? Is the mysterious resemblance between Charles Marik and Vlad Tepes just a coincidence?
Join us next week as we look at another surprising candidate, none other than Devlin Stone!
Shadows of Truth is an in-character entertainment journalism show, and as such anything stated is not considered canon unless otherwise supported in a published product.
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Re: Immortals who Guide the Inner Sphere!

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 06 апр 2011, 08:14

Отпусти его, чудо-трава... :facepalm:
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