Чат от 23 Февраля (not translate)

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

Чат от 23 Февраля (not translate)

Сообщение DeJaVu » 24 фев 2008, 13:12

ok guys this is a very quick and dirty transcript but it'll do until someone has more time.

Tara_yesHISwife_Bills> like I could ever get him out of his office

CynicklePilgrim> And what is the 1st original game going to be like?

Vairdic> It's a fun party-style card game called Paparazzi. We'll have an official announcement on it in a few weeks.

CynicklePilgrim> Tara, I'm not a young man anymore. My heart can only take so much strain.

[wolfhound_88] intresting

Tara_yesHISwife_Bills> sorry CP

Vairdic> Players are Paparazzi trying to get pictures of celebrities.
Tara_yesHISwife_Bills> but a girl can dream

CynicklePilgrim> Paparazzi? Do we get to shoot them (with guns, not cameras)

Vairdic> It's called "Paparazzi: The Game of Trash-Celebrity Culture"

Tara_yesHISwife_Bills> no it is a family game

Vairdic> Hahahaa
[wolfhound_88] don't take this wrong but given how the paparazi are do we really want to be training a new generation of them?

roosterboy> That's an interesting choice. Totally unlike CBT or SR.


Vairdic> It pokes fun at the silly things celebrities do, and how rediculous it is that by doing these their pictures are worth more.

[wolfhound_88] ah! ok that makes a bit more sense

roosterboy> Sounds kind of fun, actually.

roosterboy> Bet it'd go over big out here in L.A. ::tongue

Vairdic> There are cards like "Babies first Exploitation" that can be played on a celeb to increase their value.

[wolfhound_88] lol

CynicklePilgrim> and NYC

Tara_yesHISwife_Bills> yeah but would they get the iroony of it in LA?

roosterboy> Good point

[wolfhound_88] i doubt it

Vairdic> There was some real serious interest in NYC at Toy Fair.

[wolfhound_88] that's good

Vairdic> It's a short game, meant to be played in 30 minutes or so.
Vairdic> light and fun.

CynicklePilgrim> Now you have to go from concept to product. That's the hard part

Vairdic> We're almost there CP, remember, this is Catalyst, not FanPro

Tara_yesHISwife_Bills> ouch
Tara_yesHISwife_Bills> true but ouch

CynicklePilgrim> HAHAHAHAHAHA
CynicklePilgrim> So, howclose is 3075 to PDF/Printing

Vairdic> I can't say yet
Vairdic> But likely closer than you think

CynicklePilgrim> I figure it's probably just about to go through playtesting or fact checking

Cavalier> Hello.
Cavalier> Was there a chat?

Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> this is it

CynicklePilgrim> There's a leaguer in the house

Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> So I was typing the Catalyst attended thier first non BIG Con this last weekend
Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> We are trying to get to a few small ones to help get out who we are and what we have
Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> We are attending one next month in Southern Wa/ Portland Oregon

Vairdic> That one looks exciting too.

Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> and another one the week before Gen Con
Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> and whatever else I can find between now and the end of the year

[wolfhound_88] cool

CynicklePilgrim> Busy as bess, you are Tara

Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> you ahve no idea.

[wolfhound_88] such hame that as yet a trip to britian isn't profitable enugh

Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> not at this time.

CynicklePilgrim> Send MacAttack, he lives in Scotalnd

Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> And the Cons I am getting us in have a minimal fee,

>> SMohanJr has joined room #PublicBattleChat

Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> Hi Steve
SMohanJr> Hi, Tara
SMohanJr> Hi everyone
SMohanJr> are you guys talking about CGL news?

Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> yup

CynicklePilgrim> It's the Puebloan. How's the weather down south

roosterboy> We're talking about you, Steve. Everyone shut up now!

Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> we just let them know you are writing a 1000 page book for CBT

SMohanJr> not too bad
SMohanJr> only 1000?

Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> ok more like 1500 but who is counting

CynicklePilgrim> They are saving you from carpal tunnel

SMohanJr> : )

CynicklePilgrim> plus They need someone besides Jason to writes stories for BC

Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> which Jason?
Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> Randall says we willl pay you a shinny nicle for the 1500 pages

CynicklePilgrim> Schemtzer. I can't remember if he's Alpha or Beta

Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> Beta

SMohanJr> Wll if it's SHINY . . .

CynicklePilgrim> It's shiny, but it does have a hole in the middle

Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> but its a small hole
Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> hex shaped

SMohanJr> Just like the one in my head

Vairdic> OH!
Vairdic> Oh oh oh! Almost forgot to say.....
Vairdic> The anthology has arrived.

CynicklePilgrim> time for the big reveal



Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> live from New York its saturday night
Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> Itsd about Freaking time!!!!!!

CynicklePilgrim> What! Aboot friggin' time

SMohanJr> Think you guys might get around to ship it in the next month or so?

Vairdic> Troy has most packed up, and we'll be shipping soon

Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> we are going to hold onto it for another year


CynicklePilgrim> So when are you going to put it in the Battleshop so us minions can buy it

SMohanJr> COOL again!

[wolfhound_88] antholgy? sweet!

Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> Probably as soon as all the pre ordrs are shipped to make sure we dont miss any of those people who have been wating after paying over a year ago

SMohanJr> It seems to me that things are really coming together nicely for CGL

Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> I would agree

SMohanJr> It seems like production has really picked up since the FanPro days

Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> thats because it has

SMohanJr> : )

Vairdic> http://www.battlecorps.com/catalog/prod ... ts_id=1810
Vairdic> it's been up there

Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> show off

CynicklePilgrim> Man do I feel dumb. I probably didn't order because of the delay. I'll put it on my to-do list

[wolfhound_88] can't wait til it arrives

Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> have we posted the Forums and everywhere elase that it is finally available?

CynicklePilgrim> How many new stories (not previously published on BC) are there?

[wolfhound_88] it'll be nice to have a proper book of some of the best BC stories

Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> I think one

SMohanJr> I'm all for proper books

Vairdic> Just one: Destiny's Challange, by Loren

Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> Hey Steve your name is in this book (tara is thumbing anthology while typing)

SMohanJr> Yes, I have a story or two in there I think

Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> 2

CynicklePilgrim> OK, I will puy an order once the finances are in order (other bills are paid)

Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> so does Jason Alpha, AStachpole, Loren, Blaine,Robert Thurston, Randall, Dan Duvall, Ilsa, Kevin, Louisa M Swann, Phaedra
Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> smells good

CynicklePilgrim> We need more Louisa Swann stories and Phae, too (loved her book)

SMohanJr> I'm seeing Phae next weekend--will pass that on.

Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> yes please
Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> well it is almost 11 so if you have any dying questions to ask Dave or myself please ask away

SMohanJr> Learning about the antho was a nice treat--are you authroized to share with us any more hints of upcoming attractions?

[wolfhound_88] with luck once people find the book and discover that there are more great stories by these people on here you'll have lots more people signing up

Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> well Randall let slip that TRO3075 is up coming
Tara_yesHiswife_Bills> last chat

SMohanJr> Excited to see that!

Vairdic> We do have a few projects that are coming up that no one has heard about. So expect some more totally new CBT and SR goodness coming out of the blue soon. Same with new games that aren't related to the two.

SMohanJr> : )

CynicklePilgrim> More SR goodness is good, I just wish I could the 4th Ed starter book and Holostreets would get off the ground

Vairdic> Starter book?

>> Tara_yesHiswife_Bills has left room #PublicBattleChat

SMohanJr> Do you mean a starter book in the same vein as SWORD AND DRAGON?

CynicklePilgrim> The sourcebook, you know the rules book

Vairdic> The Core Rule Book you mean...

>> Tara_yesHISwife_Bills has joined room #PublicBattleChat
Tara_yesHISwife_Bills> Sorry closed the wrong window

CynicklePilgrim> Yep

Vairdic> That'll be shipping to retailers on monday (official announcement to come on Monday)

CynicklePilgrim> Okie dokie

[wolfhound_88] hmm shadowrn, never really got into that

Vairdic> And now, I must go tackle the pile of email again!

SMohanJr> seeya Dave

>> Keiran has joined room #PublicBattleChat

Tara_yesHISwife_Bills> and I must go play mom for the rest of the day.

SMohanJr> Bye tara

CynicklePilgrim> I loved the universe, I have read all the novels, new and old

Tara_yesHISwife_Bills> thanks for showing up today

CynicklePilgrim> Probably just back from the Ratskeller

Tara_yesHISwife_Bills> Have a good Day/night everyone

SMohanJr> I think I will duck out, too--good to talk to everyone!

>> Tara_yesHISwife_Bills has left room #PublicBattleChat

>> Keiran has left room #PublicBattleChat

>> Vairdic has left room #PublicBattleChat

>> SMohanJr has left room #PublicBattleChat

CynicklePilgrim> Since I'm a vampire, it's time for me to hit the sheets, too.

>> CynicklePilgrim has left room #PublicBattleChat


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