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Irian Prototype Crashes, Pilot Perishes

СообщениеДобавлено: 24 фев 2008, 13:08
[22 October 3072: PTI TechWatch] Irian Technologies’ newest prototype crashed today, resulting in the death of long-time test pilot Jake ‘Flash’ Wagner. The SBA-4S Sea Bass flying submersible was Irian’s latest vision of the future, allowing one vehicle to patrol the sky and the ocean. Critics scoffed at the idea, but the dedicated engineers managed to get further than most thought possible. The first test run started out well, with Wagner piloting the vehicle underwater. After rising to the surface, he was able to get airborne after a kilometer of taxiing on the surface.
Once aloft, the craft flew well but not spectacularly. Following a few minutes of flight, Wagner landed on the water and re-submerged the craft at 15 knots. He reported some control issues and was never heard from again. Divers retrieved his body and the vehicle data recorder from the wreckage. “We never expected this,” one of the engineers said, “it should have held up under water.” Irian promises a complete investigation of the incident. Wagner is survived by his partner and three children.