BattleChat Live 11.12.2010

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BattleChat Live 11.12.2010

Сообщение DeJaVu » 12 дек 2010, 15:08

Part One
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<Hersh67> It has begun
<BH-21> ut oh, we have to stop talking about the competitors
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<Habeas2> Hello, and--once again--welcome to the Catalyst Game Labs official, live IRC BattleChat, hosted and starring the BattleTech Line Developer (me).
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<Habeas2> The standard rules for this chat apply, as always: Keep questions brief and to the point. Be mindful of others. Questions will be answered as quickly as possible, prefaced by the user's name. Any unruly conduct may result in kicks of bans by the channel owner (the BattleTech Line Developer (me)).
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<Nathan36> Good Morning
<Hersh67> What is the word on the Anniversary box set?
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<Habeas2> Hersh67 - It's coming.
<Nathan36> Will the Liao Hanbook be coming out soon?
<Habeas2> Nathan36 - Soon, yes.
<Hersh67> Timeframe? As in before or after Christmas. I have a godson who is supposed to get one.
<Habeas2> Hersh67 - The Liao Handbook is scheduled for early 2011
<Hersh67> No, I meant for the Box set.
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<Habeas2> Hersh67 - Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, the box set will not be available prior to Christmas of 2010.
<Hersh67> Okay, alternate plans need to be made. Thank you.
<Habeas2> Hersh67 - You are welcome.
<DarkMessiahMobile> Good afternoon, Herb. Any word on the status of the Master Unit List?
<Habeas2> DarkMessiahMobile - The MUL is technically ready for launch. We are holding it up only to coincide with an upcoming Record Sheet product, so the consumers may be able to access the latest information with minimal confusion.
<DarkMessiahMobile> Ah, excellent. Thank you!
<Maelwys> Which Record Sheet product if we may know?
<Habeas2> Maelwys - I believe that to be 3085 Unabridged.
<Hersh67> One day it would make a great weekly status report to give the trials in brining the Anniversary set to fruition.
<Maelwys> danke
<Nathan36> Yes on RS3085unabridged, any word on RS3067?
<Habeas2> Hersh67 - No, it wouldn't.
<Habeas2> Maelwys - Bitte
<Halo_One> What's the word on Interstellar Ops?
<atlask> Will there be any more Quick Strike Cards: Technical Readouts?
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<Habeas2> Nathan36 - No definite information about RS 3067 is available at this time.
<Habeas2> Halo_One - We are still working on it
<Habeas2> Atlask - As manpower and time presents itself, yes
<02BH-21> is ATOW in stock, haven't found a vendor yet that carries it
<ScottSR> for the field report series such as DCMS, when those products get to the clans, is the plan to have one field report per clan, one field report for all the clans, something in between, or something else?
<Habeas2> BH-21 - Yes. AToW has already gone to street. The LEs have not yet been released but the standard print run is out.
<Habeas2> ScottSR - One Field Report for all Inner Sphere Clans
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<Bren> Without any specific references to Maelwys, what's the worst thing about BattleTech players/enthusiasts
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<talonspiritcat> any planned ability to download battlecorps fiction en masse? like all of 1 authour with 1 click instead of story by story?
<ScottSR> how is TRO3085 supplemental coming along? still any chance for a 2010 release date?
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<Nathan36> Will there be any surprises in the next year?
<Habeas2> Bren - That there just isn't enough of them
<Habeas2> Talonspiritcat - At present, no. But there are always possibilities
<Habeas2> ScottSR - Good. Yes.
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<Habeas2> Nathan36 - If we told, would they be surprises?
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<ScottSR> are there any products on the near or semi-near horizon that your really excited to see get out there?
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<Habeas2> ScottSR - Yes, and they're all in 2012
<Halo_One> What about doing a live BattleChat on Youtube or
<Habeas2> Halo_One - No chance in hell at this point. I'm not at all photogenic and my animals would steal the show.
<ScottSR> you had a quick one line or so update on your twitter account about a product, the exact name I forget, but it was something about "war of the reaving". For those of us who got all excited about that, for what you were soliciting [cover page artwork or something???], is that usually like still 1 yr out from release, or more or less?. Not anytime soon
<ScottSR> I was running out of space. For those of us who were instantly salivating, should we remember that this is NOT a "coming soon" item, and could be like a year from now or more or less? Stupid patience...
<Habeas2> ScottSR - All work (art and writing) for the Wars of Reaving project is already underway. The product is scheduled to release in 2011.
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<Nathan36> Would you say 2011 will be a Clan year?
<Hersh67> If my local office depot/staples/ect won't print a copy of a pdf I bought on say, battlecorp, how do I deal with that? Can CGL issue me a permission to print a copy?
<Habeas2> Nathan36 - Not necessarily, no. I see only two Clan-centric non-PDF products in 2011.
<ScottSR> For the recent pdf-only dossier products, what has been your perception of fan reaction to those?
<Tizona> Are you considering projects or products different to the kind we are used until now? If so, could you shed some light on them?
<Habeas2> Hersh67 - I believe that is entirely up to the policies of your local printer/retailer. I am not aware of any permissions system we have that would smooth the proces for you.
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<Habeas2> ScottSR - About the same reaction we normally see on products: Initial excitement, eventually tempered by personal opinions of those who either refuse to buy on principle, or who bought them and felt the urge to share their thoughts.
<wolfhound_88> sorry i'm late. are you able to give us anything close to a possible release date for tro 3085 supplemental?
<Habeas2> Tizona - Yes, and no. Sorry, but the details of upcoming projects are largely covered by Non-Disclosure agreements
<Habeas2> Wolfhound_88 - Very soon. Before 2011.
<ScottSR> do you think there was enough interest in these pdf-only dossiers to continue producing more of them? feel free to not answer if need be
<Habeas2> ScottSR - Standby.
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<Nathan36> Thanks for giving me my fix on Battletech
<Habeas2> ScottSR - According to the sales figures, yes.
<Habeas2> Nathan36 - You are welcome.
<DarkMessiahMobile> Speaking of the new dossiers, is there any possibility of using them to cover "minor" but fan favorite characters who haven't recieved much face time during the Jihad, like say Cassie Southern or Marcus GioAvanti/Avanti's Angels, or will they strictly cover brand new characters and units?
<ScottSR> can you tell us anything about the relative size and content of TRO3085 supplemental. For example, "about 1 third the size of TRO3085, but with more of a focus on clan mechs and warships" <hopes>
<Habeas2> DarkMessiahMobile - The Dossiers will not be limited to any particular time period or faction, nor do they exclude the possibility of notable in-universe personas in future products. The only key element is that the characters must be MechWarriors, and their machines must be among products being produced by IWM at the time. (The dossiers are a cross-promotion with IWM, after all.)
<ScottSR> any plans on doing dossiers on clan peeps?
<Habeas2> ScottSR - TRO305S is roughly 55 pages in length.
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<Habeas2> ScottSR - The Dossiers will not be limited to any particular time period or faction.
<Habeas2> At this time, the BattleTech Line Developer would like to remind everyone that these chats are scheduled to run a minimum of 1 hour. There are presently 15 minutes remaining to this chat.
<ScottSR> I think you said before the next era report will be 3062, is that correct? Any approximate time frame on that one, say mid-2011? a few months? something else?
<talonspiritcat> I would like to just thank all of TPTB for the decades of fun this game has brought.
<Habeas2> ScottSR - Early 2011.
<Habeas2> Talonspiritcat - Thank you, even though sometimes it feels like we're passing bowling balls here.
<ScottSR> I ran out of time last battlechat, for "Historicals: reunification wars", how is that coming along? I assume that is still a ways down the pipeline in terms of release date
<Habeas2> ScottSR - Reunification Wars is well underway. We are presently still looking at a release in 2011.
<ScottSR> can you tell us if 3085S contains any new protomech designs? clan pocket warships? more blakist designs carrying clan streak LRM's?
<Habeas2> At this time, the BattleTech Line Developer would like to remind everyone that these chats are scheduled to run a minimum of 1 hour. There are presently 10 minutes remaining to this chat.
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<ScottSR> speaking of which, was there ever any official justification for why the !WOB! was the first group with record sheets containing clan streak LRM's??? Did they go to the homeworlds and steal them from the coyotes??
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<Habeas2> ScottSR - No to all of that
<Habeas2> ScottSR - They raided Clan stores when those weapons were being tested.
<Habeas2> At this time, the BattleTech Line Developer would like to remind everyone that these chats are scheduled to run a minimum of 1 hour. There are presently 5 minutes remaining to this chat.
<Hersh67> Please tell me the original operation Liberation is also somewhere on the drawling board...
<ScottSR> care to elaborate on where those stores were, or whose??? nova cats, coyotes, other? feel free to decline this qstn as well. Man, WOB just steals all the good stuff don't they...
<Halo_One> Can you tell us when we will get some info on what happened to the home Clans?
<Habeas2> Hersh67 _ "the original operation Liberation is also somewhere on the drawing board..."
<wolfhound_88> can you tell us anythinga bout battlecorps dark age plans?
<Hersh67> lol
<Habeas2> ScottSR - Can't say. It's nebulous.
<Hersh67> Any idea which year they will projected to come out?
<Habeas2> Halo_One - Next year
<mib_xg0rrp> I bet it'll be dark....
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<Habeas2> Wolfhound_88 - In the next year or so, you should be seeing more fiction set in the Dark Age
<ScottSR> umm, timing wise when are we looking at field report: IS clans? spring or so?
<Habeas2> Hersh67 - Some time after the Reunification War Historical
<Hersh67> Will we begin seeing printed novels in the bookstores soon?
<talonspiritcat> I will enjoy seeing more DA fiction
<mib_xg0rrp> Did I miss much?
<Hersh67> Including the reprints of old novels?
<muttley> How is the Ballad of Brooklyn Stevens doing?
<Habeas2> ScottSR - Presently scheduledc for July 2011
<Habeas2> Hersh67 - It remains our hope to return novels to the bookstores, but at this time Catalyst Game Labs has to evaluate the practical feasibility of such an endeavour.
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<Habeas2> Mib_xg0rrp - You missed the first 55 minutes of the chat.
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<ScottSR> Herb, you get really popular when you declare 5 minutes left! Thanks for your time and the new info!
<mib_xg0rrp> RL was getting in the way until I clubed it over the head and scampered over here...
<Habeas2> Muttley - Stalled while I try to make sure product flows. The various projects need a more micromanaged hand these days, and quality control efforts all but ensure that I never do anything but sourcebook work.
<Habeas2> ScottSR - You are welcome.
<muttley> OK, guess I'll just wait... its a very good story so far
<Habeas2> Mib - Club harder. Use the spiked bat.
<mib_xg0rrp> RL has a hard head......
<Habeas2> Mib - Hit it in the crotch, then
<wolfhound_88> probably not yhour department but do you know if jason S is having any luck with getting unfisnhed stoires, i.e shadows of faith or black mist rising?
<Hersh67> Yeah, that always works for Herb...
<Habeas2> Wolfhound_88 - I think he plans to just call them done and cut his losses.
<Habeas2> Thank you all for participating in this Catalyst Game Labs BattleTech Line Developer-aided public relations activity.
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<Halo_One> Later.
<Nathan36> Thanks
<Habeas2> Good bye.*** Habeas2 changes topic to 'BattleChat-Live! Your place for official BattleChats with the Line Developer! - Next Chat on Saturday (11 December 2010) at 8 PM EST!'
<wolfhound_88> thanks herb
<talonspiritcat> thanks
<Habeas2> Next chat scheduled for 8 PM EST. Approximately 6 hours, 55 minutes from now.

Part 2
<Habeas2> Hello, and--once again--welcome to the Catalyst Game Labs official BattleTech Line Developer-aided public relations activity.
<talonspiritcat> hello herb
<Habeas2> This chat is not being moderated. Logging is left up to you. All participants are encouraged to keep questions brief, and be mindful of others. Discourteous behavior is grounds for a kick and/or ban action by the chat owner.
<Halo_One> Yo.
<Habeas2> Your chat owner is the BattleTech Line Developer (myself). This chat is scheduled for a minimum of 1 hour duration.
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<Habeas2> Thank you for participating in this Catalyst Game Labs' official BattleTech Line Developer-aided public relations activity.
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<Habeas2> Talonspiritcat - Hello
<Habeas2> Halo_One - Joe.
<phosphor> So, uh, anything cool coming down the pipeline you can tell us about?
<muttley> Orange fur vs Hairless? Kzinti in Battletech?
<muttley> The Kuritans and the Clans DO "scream & leap"
<Habeas2> Phosphor - I am afraid your question is a shade too open. In my opinion, everything coming down the pipe is cool. As long as it's BattleTech anyway. If it's not BattleTech, it's crap, and odds are BattleTech is carrying them.
<Habeas2> Muttley - Oscar is not amused. But don't worry. Oscar is rarely amused. He's contented at best.
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<trboturtle> Well, Oscar is so busy running the illumanati....
<phosphor> Is the box set still coming? I was hoping to give out 3 or 4 for Christmas. =\
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<trboturtle> Is the problems with the box set being on the manufacturing end of things?
<Habeas2> Phosphor - The Box set it still coming, but unfortunately, due to various circumstances, it will not be ready in time for Christmas.
<Habeas2> Trboturtle - At this point, no. Shipping and other logistics are all that remain, but will not be complete in time for a pre-Christmas delivery.
<Fat_Kid_From_Stand_By_Me> What can we get you for Christmas, Herb?
<Habeas2> Fat_Kid - There are so many things I would like that it boggles the mind.
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<trboturtle> So the problem is not in CGL's area of control?
<John_Hawk> Hi Herb. Thanks for setting this up again. Other than XTRO House Liao, are there any other releases before Christmas, and if you can tell us, what are they?
<Steve_Restless> What product that we are currently aware of, are you the most excited about?
<Halo_One> Will we be seeing more LAMs in the near future?
<Fat_Kid_From_Stand_By_Me> Any progress on making more high quality plastic minis like the Loki and Thor?
<Habeas2> Trboturtle - At this moment, no, it is not.
<kendo> The fan feedback survey that went out a couple months ago seeking ideas for ATOW supplement appeared to have quite a bit of interest in the notion of piracy in the BT universe. Is there a chance piracy could see a bit more attention in a supplement at some point?
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<Habeas2> John_Hawk - Nope. That's pretty much it. Oh, and TR3085 SUpplemental.
<John_Hawk> Sweet! Looking forward to both! Thanks, Herb.
<Habeas2> Steve_Restless - That you know of? Jihad: Final Reckoning
<talonspiritcat> Any chance of a BattleTech calendar?
<Steve_Restless> I'm eager for that one too. awesome.
<Habeas2> Halo_One - Yes
<Habeas2> Fat_Kid - At this time, I cannot say.
<Habeas2> Kendo - ANything's possible.
<Habeas2> John_Hawk - You are welcome
<Habeas2> Talonspiritcat - Anything's possible.
<Habeas2> John_Hawk and Talonspiritcat - That is, anything's possible if there's enough money in it, and manpower to produce it.
<kendo> yes, anything is.
<Fat_Kid_From_Stand_By_Me> About what RL year do you see us finally making the jump to the 3030's?
<trboturtle> The question is: IS there enough intrest in, say a Calander?
<General308> what type of units can we expect in the 3085 supplemental?
<Habeas2> Fat_Kid - We passed that RL year about 20 years ago or so. In fact, we skipped over the 3030s to arrive in 3050
<Habeas2> Trboturtle - Not at present, no.
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<Fat_Kid_From_Stand_By_Me> It looked like 3130's when I typed it! How about them?
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<Habeas2> General308 - Infantry, Battle Armor, Vehicles, BattleMechs, IndustrialMechs, DropShips, and a WarShip
<Habeas2> Fat_Kid - 2012
<muttley> I thought we were downsizing on WarShips?
<Habeas2> Muttley - You may have noticed the singular in that response above?
<General308> More infantry is good. I am suprised to here a new warship. I thought they were getting wiped out
<muttley> yup, but no real niches remain to fill
<trboturtle> no new protomechs?
<John_Hawk> Herb, are there any plans to work with IWM to produce new "mechs-formerly-known-as-unseen," or are they going to be left up to fan financing?
<Habeas2> General308, Muttley - Correct.
<Fat_Kid_From_Stand_By_Me> What's your dream Battletech product? What would you love to make regardless of whether it would sell or not?
<Steve_Restless> Any chance of someday seeing LAMS that do not use different transforming modes, but are instead capable of flight in "mech form" ?
<kendo> I really like the move to adding conventional infantry, and for one can not see enough of this unit in upcomming products.
<Habeas2> John_Hawk - As a general rule, IWM operates on its own schedule when it comes to "older" chasses and molds. Fan financing may be the more expedient way for them to go.
<General308> Any thoughts on if a 28mm Battletech infantry game could make it on the market?
<trboturtle> Do you have any idea what lance packs IWM will be coming out with next year?
<Habeas2> One moment please, all.
<trboturtle> The overloads call their servent...
<trboturtle> 8Overlords*
<Habeas2> Trboturtle - No new ProtoMechs in TR3085S, no.
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<muttley> Any cool "named" characters coming in TR3085S?
<muttley> Are the dossiers going to tie back into TR3085S?
<Peter> "Rail guns play a major part in nearly every fanciful battle of the future, whether it be giant robots fighting for control of the Inner Sphere or the last remaining member of Noble Team holding off the Covenant invasion for as long as possible."
<Habeas2> Fat_Kid - Hmmm, good question. I would actually love to do alternate timelines.
<Habeas2> Steve_Restless - Probably not.
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<kendo> where is the development of the story line relative to the writer's summits? In the middle, nearing the end of a cycle, or just had one and things are mapped out for the next half dozen years or so?
<Habeas2> General308 - The closest to that is the Tactical COmbat Addendum in the AToW RPG. No direct mini game is planned for infantry level in BattleTech
<Habeas2> Trboturtle - Yes, I have an idea.
<Habeas2> Muttley - I'll let you guys make the call on who's "cool" in the TR3085S
<Habeas2> Kendo - Oh, we're well ahead of where the last SUmmit plotted us.
<kendo> Does that mean you have had the opportunity to push the timeline faster, add add more conent, or both?
<kendo> or neither?
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<Habeas2> Kendo - I am not so certain I know what you are asking there
<Fat_Kid_From_Stand_By_Me> Do you ever find yourself with a product idea that you just can't figure out how to fit into the line or schedule?
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<kendo> if you are well ahead of where you thought you would be at this time in story development, does that afford you some opportunities to add content or just push the story line ahead faster?
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<Habeas2> Incidentally, due to distractions that have come up on my homefront, I am seriously slowed down. I am therefore extending this chat by 30 minutes to compensate.
<Habeas2> Fat_Kid - I have a PILE of products that I wish we could have fit in the schedule. Sadly, for budget, manpower, or other practical reasons, they are all sitting on the virtual shelf.
<douglas> Will Interstellar Ops have rules for resource allocation and consumption for house units?
<wackrabbit> Speaking as someone who just arrived, I thank you. My question: has the reception for Operation Klondike been received as well as had been hoped-for?
<Habeas2> Kendo - Not precisely. See, when we plot out the story line, we also plot out the schedule of products.
<kendo> Ah, I see..
<mib_vlfrpj> Herb, are we going to see some supporting products for A Time of War (like the old Mechwarrior Adventures: Bloodright, etc)?
<Habeas2> Douglas - On a strategic level, it should, yes, but not to fine details.
<douglas> ah, thank you
<Fat_Kid_From_Stand_By_Me> Now that AToW is out, which product is generating the biggest headache to develop? Besides the obvious box set woes, I mean.
<Habeas2> Wackrabbit - Yes, Klondike has been very well received.
<douglas> Now that the Jihad is technically over and we are seeing products that cover the aftermath, is there a product in development that will advance the storyline beyond 3085 or can we expect to have the Jihad and immediate aftermath be the focus for quite a while?
<Habeas2> Mib - Yes. There will be supporting products for AToW.
<wackrabbit> Glad to hear it, For a game book and a reference source, it makes really decent reading.
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<Habeas2> Fat_Kid - Hmmm.... Right now, anything with a Record Sheets is a monumental headache.
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<wackrabbit> Any other Era Report-style pieces you would like to sell?
<Fat_Kid_From_Stand_By_Me> What era of Battletech fiction do you enjoy reading most?
<Habeas2> Douglas - We still have two more products coming scheduled for the final years of the Jihad, then about two or three more that are contemporary with TR: 3085.
<Habeas2> Wackrabbit - The ERa Reports and Era Digests are active series, so we will likely be selling quite a few.
<Habeas2> Fat_Kid - The Jihad!
<douglas> Woo
<General308> Herb why are record sheets so hard to do? I would have thought those would be down to a science after all these years.
<John_Hawk> Herb, we know the title of Jihad: Final Reckoning. What's the other Jihad era piece that's coming, if you can tell us the title?
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<Habeas2> Once again, people, an apology for the slower responses before; my brother from The-State-That-Must-Be-Destroyed decided to call me via Skype.
<General308> State that must be Destroyed rules!
<Trboturtle> Oh, that explains it...
<Habeas2> general308 - SO would I. Unfortunately, we are both wrong.
<Habeas2> John_Hawk - Technically speaking, the Wars of Reaving is set in the Jihad era.
<Trboturtle> I didn't know Cleavland was a state.....
<Habeas2> So, who wants to get me coffee? I've just run out.
<Fat_Kid_From_Stand_By_Me> wackrabbit will do it.
<John_Hawk> Ah, cool. Thanks. I keep forgetting about that. Too focused on Inner sphere stuff. Sorry!
<General308> sure I will do it I know Her would love coffee mailed from Texas!
<wackrabbit> Not with the shipping cost and all, and if the plutonium and the sugar won't get past the scanners, what good would the coffee be?
<Habeas2> General308 - My brother already claims he can mail me a webcam from there faster than I can go out and buy one, but for some reason he refused to test that theory...
<Fat_Kid_From_Stand_By_Me> TRO 3085 was a magnificent book. Will you try to get the same team back when the next TRO rolls around?
<wackrabbit> Yeah, Welshie did a good job of herding the Agents and BCL writers also.
<douglas> Are there any plans to expand the plastic miniatures range beyond the Thor and the Loki?
<mib_vlfrpj> Herb, can we expect to see some of the Virtual World exclusive 'Mech designs (like the Deimos) in the TRO 3085 Supplemental?
<Habeas2> Fat_Kid - We are taking a different tack with future TROs.
<Habeas2> Douglas - Someday, we hope.
<Habeas2> Mib - Yes
<mib_vlfrpj> Woo-hoo!!
<douglas> yay! I hope too. Those miniatures are fantastic.
<Habeas2> There are now 24 minutes remaining to this chat.
<muttley> Herb- did Berith kill Brooklyn?
<Habeas2> Muttley - We don't know. ;)O
<muttley> I bet Oscar knows
<Fat_Kid_From_Stand_By_Me> Will we see rules for tripod 'Mechs soon?
<Habeas2> Muttley - Yes, he does.
<Habeas2> Fat_Kid - If 2012 is "soon" for you, then yes.
<John_Hawk> please say no tripods, please say no tripods.
<John_Hawk> darn.
<Trboturtle> after all, OScar is Herb's ghost writer.....
<General308> Here I was hoping the tripods would get forgoten about
<Fat_Kid_From_Stand_By_Me> Hey, it could be after December 21, 2012!
<muttley> Whoo is your favorite character to write as?
<Trboturtle> That's SR territory......
<mib_vlfrpj> This might be out of your arena, but are we going to see the gaps in BattleCorps' anthologies filled in, like the last story of the Proliferation Saga?
<John_Hawk> herb how do you keep your cats away from your christmas trees?
<John_Hawk> Ours can't get enough of them.
<Habeas2> Muttley - I haven't written as much lately. Hard to really say. Bertram Habeas was fun back in the day, but honestly, given my posts on the CBT forums and the way I have to write them, I may as well say GLaDOS
<General308> So is Catalyst going to run ATOW games at the cons this year to help push the game.
<muttley> My cat attacks the bottom row of ornaments but nothing higher
<muttley> GLaDOS?
<Fat_Kid_From_Stand_By_Me> Of all the Battletech products you've worked on, which has been your favorite?
<Habeas2> Mib - Considering the "gap" in Proliferation is the CapCon, and Cappies don't count, I'd not hold my breath. Seriously, we want to get that done too, but we haven't much liked the efforts undertaken along those lines so far.
<Trboturtle> Farm it out to some hack writer...
<wackrabbit> If you could capture the success of an older product in a fresh way, like the old Objective Raids book, which one would you like to do and how would you want to go there?
<Habeas2> John_Hawk - Make sure the lights are off to the tree and get a watergun ready. Even then, you have to leave the room sometime, and last night our youngest shattered a large glass candleholder trying to get at tree decorations. So, good luck!
<Habeas2> General308 - Likely, yes.
<General308> great!
<Habeas2> GLaDOS is the slightly off-kilter computer from the Portal game.
<muttley> Aha!
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<Habeas2> Fat_Kid - I liked A Time of War. And I really enjoyed the entire Jihad series. Going to be slightly sad to see them end.
<muttley> There are a lot more stories to be told in the Jihad
<mib_vlfrpj> Okay. That's cool. How about the Forgotten World stories (my all-time favorite BC stories)? Are those all done and published or can we hope for more?
<General308> What are you looking forward to the most know that the jihad is over?
<Fat_Kid_From_Stand_By_Me> Have you ever taken any professional writing courses or is it all just natural talent?
<Habeas2> Wackrabbit - Hrm. I once proposed an Objectives Raids redux product. Randall screamed, then said "Oh, you were kidding, right?" I've since learned why. Of course, OR wasn't what we would call successful....
<Habeas2> Mib - Yes, you can hope for more. I know I am....
<Habeas2> General308 - Getting through the Dark Age
<mib_vlfrpj> Wheee!!! Thanks for the early Christmas present Herb!
<Fat_Kid_From_Stand_By_Me> I must be alone in my love of OR.
<General308> As in through do you mean to them or after them herb?
<Habeas2> Fat_Kid - I took a few college courses. They didn't really have many where I went. That's all the professional schooling I've had.
<Habeas2> General308 - After
<General308> Look forward to seeing the after not so much the DA.
<Habeas2> 12 minutes remaining....
<Habeas2> And be careful what you wish for.
<Trboturtle> How far ahead has the universe been planned, in general terms?
<wackrabbit> Too bad about that. What was the biggest hit before you came on board, and have you got any schemes to put a new shine on it?
<Habeas2> Trboturtle - Product has been planned through 2014 so far
<General308> To me a modern Objective raids would be broke down as a RPG/BT supplement with RPG maps for the game. But not Sphere wide. Either House wide or as a corprate suplimante. as a PDF only product.
<General308> It is two bad the original didn't sell better
<General308> Herb what year starts after the darkages?
<General308> IE what RL year
<Habeas2> Wackrabbit - Hard to say. In all honesty, BattleTech's biggest products are always TROs. After that, you're talking FIeld Manuals and core rulebooks
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<Habeas2> Wackrabbit - Since core rulebooks are already underway and we've already started the FIeld Report series, I'd say you have your answers already
<Habeas2> general308 - 2013
<Habeas2> General308 - Unless the schedule slips
<Habeas2> 7 minutes remaining....
<wackrabbit> I like the .pdf only stuff. It does make me thirst for the DTE. The unit updates in the newer products Field Reports has been particularly nice. Any thoughts as to doing paper anthologies of good-selling .pdf stuff?
<John_Hawk> Herb, Thanks to you and all of your team for a great year for Battletech. Can't wait to see what you all come up with for next year!
<Habeas2> Wackrabbit - Yup
<Habeas2> John_Hawk - You are welcome.
<wackrabbit> Ausgeseichnet!
<Habeas2> Danke
<wackrabbit> I'll try to do the coffee thing next time, 1MRad or two, Herb?
<Habeas2> Two
<Habeas2> 3 minutes remaining
<Fat_Kid_From_Stand_By_Me> Tune in next time when I log in as Lenny_From_Memento and ask Herb the same question for a full hour!
<Habeas2> And I answer it differently each time
<wackrabbit> heh, that would be murder!
<wackrabbit> Night all!
<Trboturtle> Next big thing to look for in product?
<Habeas2> Actually, you have to tell me your life story each time first
<Habeas2> Trboturtle - The Box Set!
<Fat_Kid_From_Stand_By_Me> I have this condition...
<General308> Herb how many nukes have you used in the Jihad?
<General308> We all know you have a running count
<John_Hawk> Yeah, but at least with that name, you know you grow up big and skinny and dating hollywood hotties.
<Habeas2> General308 - I never count. It detracts from the ecstasy.
<John_Hawk> name = fat_kid.
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*** Habeas2 changes topic to 'BattleChat-Live! Your place for official BattleChats with the Line Developer! - Next Chat on Saturday (Date to be determined) at 12 PM EST!'
<Habeas2> Thank you for participating in this Catalyst Game Labs BattleTech Line Developer-aided public relations activity.
<Habeas2> Good bye!
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Re: BattleChat Live 11.12.2010

Сообщение Click » 15 дек 2010, 15:58

Перевел бы кто... :roll:
Смерть стоит того, чтобы жить, а любовь стоит того, чтобы ждать...(с) Цой
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Re: BattleChat Live 11.12.2010

Сообщение DeJaVu » 15 дек 2010, 16:12

Для чего? Кому нужно - сам переведет, там половина флуда. А в общих чертах и так все известно
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Re: BattleChat Live 11.12.2010

Сообщение Click » 15 дек 2010, 16:32

VIV ващето ты прав. Тратить время на флуд не стоит.

Если кто хочет - просто опишите в общих чертах о чем там речь. Было бы полезно для тех фанов, кто не дружит с инглишем.
Смерть стоит того, чтобы жить, а любовь стоит того, чтобы ждать...(с) Цой
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Re: BattleChat Live 11.12.2010

Сообщение Hobbit » 15 дек 2010, 21:07

Click писал(а):VIV ващето ты прав. Тратить время на флуд не стоит.

Если кто хочет - просто опишите в общих чертах о чем там речь. Было бы полезно для тех фанов, кто не дружит с инглишем.

См. "Новости короткой строкой".
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