Lyndon Bickner Dead at 84

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Lyndon Bickner Dead at 84

Сообщение DeJaVu » 16 фев 2008, 10:39

Actor, activist, philanthropist leaves valued legacy
[06 June 3071: Entertainment Daily] Beloved star of stage and screen Lyndon Bickner died at his home on York yesterday at the age of 84, leaving behind a legacy of entertainment and political activism that spanned decades.
Perhaps best known for his role as the scheming court functionary Baron Wolfenden for six seasons on the long-running holodrama The Steinhearts, Bickner was a respected stage actor before being lured to the holovid series by his friend Joel Jacoby, a producer on the show. He first came to the public's attention for his emotional portrayal of Claudius Steiner in the one-man play The Madness of the Man on Tharkad in 3009 and became a sought-after performer throughout the Commonwealth. After leaving the cast of The Steinhearts in 3021, Bickner began a long run at the Eamonn Keogh Playhouse on Donegal, playing a variety of roles in productions over the course of the next three decades. In 3050, he was honored with the Archon's Award for Cultural Excellence in recognition of his lifetime of work.

In addition to his professional work, Bickner was also active in political circles, campaigning for many causes but being most associated with post-Clan invasion refugee charities. It was in support of the latter that he met with Melissa Steiner-Davion on the day before her assassination, a meeting which seemed an uncomfortable coincidence in retrospect given the fate of his Baron Wolfenden character. Bickner and his first wife, actress Fiona Kiaulani, subsequently spent most of 3056 traveling along the border with the Jade Falcon Occupation Zone, raising awareness of the refugee problem and providing entertainment to the garrison troops stationed there. Even after the untimely death of his wife in a hovercar accident on Arc-Royal, Bickner continued his efforts on behalf of refugees, donating nearly six million kroner over the course of several years to several charities and aid organizations.
Lyndon Bickner is survived by his wife Serena Colton, former coloratura with the Tharkad Opera, and four children from his previous marriage: Timothy Bickner of Thorin, Kelsey Davis of Bolan, Dr. Emily Kurosawa of Halifax, and Simon Bickner-Fells of Gulf Breeze.


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