Blake Protectorate Announces New Racing League

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Blake Protectorate Announces New Racing League

Сообщение DeJaVu » 26 янв 2008, 15:50

3rd May 3071; EPSILON ERIDANI Protectorate officials made the day of many motorsport enthusiasts today with the announcement of the formation of the Protectorate Racing League (PRL).
As described by Demi-Precentor Gavin Newell “…the PRL is a chance for both commercial and private interests to push the boundaries of not only technology, but the drivers themselves. It’s our hope that the PRL becomes a yearly fixture for many Protectorate worlds, with the resultant boosts in the local economy and tourism.” The Word of Blake has agreed to organize the League, with Irian Technologies being the major sponsor for the first season. Initially, the season will be split into twelve race meetings, with the possibility of more if the League proves successful.

Mr Jay Fairborne of IrTech also commented on the PRL: “We at Irian are quite excited about this new league. IrTech will itself be entering two teams, and it’s our hope that some of our competitors will match our commitment ensuring the ongoing success of this venture.” Industry observers believe IrTech is hoping its success on the racetrack will translate to improved military and industrial sales.

Mindful of corporate domination of the series, the Blake Protectorate has also made available the funds to enable up to four private teams to enter the League, provided they can raise enough capital to fund the entrance fee. Demi-Precentor Newell: “The Protectorate understands that not everyone has the funds of Irian to finance a team, so we’ve made it possible for a good team lacking funds to enter, and compete against the big boys. These teams will have some minimal technical help from the Protectorate, just enough so they remain competitive.”

An hour after the initial announcement, both Mitchell Vehicles and Skobel of Terra had announced their intention to run teams, and it remains to be seen how many other major manufacturers will follow suit.


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