Fireworks On Set Of "21 Days"

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Fireworks On Set Of "21 Days"

Сообщение DeJaVu » 14 янв 2008, 10:36

Anti-Blakist tensions Arise on Set of Epic Tukayyid Movie
14th April 3071: [INN, Orestes] - In a movie about humanity's largest battle you expect a bit of bloodshed. But it was bloodshed of a different kind on the set of INN Historical's epic motion picture "21 Days" last week.
The first studio production to try to cover the entire Tukayyid campaign, "21 Days" has been plagued by cost overruns and a clash of personalities between the director, Precentor Tracy Conaway, and the star of the film, septuagenarian actor Thomas Dafydd Howell. That clash turned into open warfare when Howell stormed off the set after throwing a vase of flowers at the veteran director.

"They're both insane as all hell," claims an insider. "You'd think Howell was the second coming the way he prances about, and Conaway has two volumes: loud and [expletive] loud. Put the two of them in the same room, and it's easier to go off for a fifteen minute coffee break. It's not like you'll miss anything—you can hear them from the other side of the lot."

Howell's agent, Tony Dinnigan, tried to downplay the rumors. "Tom's an excitable guy at the best of times. Plus, with the lack of info coming from Atreus, and being under the pump playing Focht…look, he's under a lot of pressure." Others less kind have claimed that Howell has lost faith in the ComStar-funded production.

"Tom Howell is a prima-donna of the worst sort; but in this case, he's got a point. ComStar or the Blakies, the movie's about both of them. However it goes, the Blakies end up looking good. Howell was fine with that before, but now it's reached the point that he sees the entire thing as a propaganda piece for the Blakies. He's not standing for that, and he doesn't care who knows it."

Whatever the outcome of this battle of egos, it looks like it may come too late to save the movie itself. Rumblings within the INN hierarchy point to cancellation of the project as ComStar diverts more funds towards its military.


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