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[Новости] Июльский XTRO

СообщениеДобавлено: 29 июн 2010, 19:17
...был передвинут на 1 августа из-за загруженности его авторов и Брента Эванса в "реальной жизни". На график других проектов это никак не влияет (по идее, в июле мы также должны получить новый Turning Point). Помимо этого, в августе грядут еще некоторые неназванные сюрпризы.

Due to real life issues among a couple of our regular contributors--not the least of which includes the artist getting snagged to do Origins--July's Experimental Tech Readout has been pushed to August 1. Rest assured this has no impact on any of our other current projects (print or PDF); it was just a bottleneck that occurred as a result of some delays that naturally come with the con season. The next XTR will post in August, accompanied by some other surprises I am not going to reveal just yet....

(All things considered, since these things were originally planned on a two-month release basis, we're well ahead of the game anyway, but I know you guys would be concerned when XTR goodness didn't flow on time...especially given how you guys pretty much devour these things when we run them.)

- Herb

Re: [Новости] Июльский XTRO

СообщениеДобавлено: 29 июн 2010, 21:22
Den [WM]
Черт!!! :cry:

Я так его ждал...