Blake’s Boys Blessings in Boone Borough

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

Blake’s Boys Blessings in Boone Borough

Сообщение DeJaVu » 05 янв 2008, 18:21

12 September 3068; New Earth [Voice of Truth]: Here in Boone Borough on New Earth we see the news reports of the supposed atrocities perpetrated by the corrupt Successor Houses and their pet mercenaries. We saw firsthand, from barely a jump away, the way that Jaime Wolf and his Dragoons forced the Word of Blake to protect themselves from Dragoon aggression. We saw the videos of Allied Mercenary Command BattleMechs shooting up the peaceful citizens of South Harney on Hall. And then we watched as our own Com Guard garrisons left us defenseless to pursue their vendetta with the peaceful Word of Blake protectors of Terra in March.

And they are criticized for their policies, and attacked on all sides when they offer the hand of trust to the Inner Sphere at large. We get the news reports, and we see the videos, skewed toward the propagandist vilification of Blake’s true servants. But we know better.

In Boone the Word of Blake financed the building of the Renwick Medical Center, and then donated it in perpetuity to the city itself; Word of Blake acolytes were the first on the scene earlier this year when a natural gas explosion destroyed most of the City Battalion barracks in Southport, offering what care could be given when they found survivors. And it was Word of Blake Militia troops, not our own, that protected us when the raiding party from the Free Worlds League rampaged through the outskirts of the city. Although more than a hundred Blake Militia troops were killed, not a since citizen of Boone was harmed. These are the so-called villains of the Inner Sphere.

In Boone we know the truth, that the Word of Blake are peaceful folk, who only want to help spread education and enlightenment to the stars. The construction of the Kilzer Memorial Education Center will begin here in Boone next month, and the staff will be entirely drawn from Word of Blake education centers on other worlds.

We know heroes when we see them, and in Boone, we make them welcome.


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