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BattleForce Bundle (PDF)

СообщениеДобавлено: 13 май 2010, 01:49
Цена: 5$
Дата выхода: 15 мая 2010

Box Print Price (BattleForce: 1987/BattleForce 2: 1997): $20.00/$35.00
Zip File Size: 63 MB

BattleForce is the BattleTech game of lightning-fast combat. Units in BattleForce are represented in a more abstract manner, but still retain their individuality, allowing for fast playing games. It’s also a perfect system for playing large games.

This zip file contains only the rulebooks published in the BattleForce (1987) and BattleForce 2 (1997) box sets. They provide a great snapshot of the development of this rules system across the lifetime of the BattleTech line.

While players are free to use any rules set they wish, both of these rulebooks have been superseded by the BattleForce: Standard Rules and BattleForce: Advanced Rules published in Strategic Operations.

NOTE: Both PDFs are scans of print books. It may contain modified illustrations of BattleMechs that are not currently used in BattleTech.


Re: BattleForce Bundle (PDF)

СообщениеДобавлено: 13 май 2010, 04:40
Red Dragon
о как. кхе-кхе. Я вот возьму, если они его пересканили нормально. Как я мучался местами со старыми сканами, когда переводил БФ2. ну и опять же классика.