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Новинки! Квик-Страйк 3039 и рекордшиты Клондайка

СообщениеДобавлено: 16 мар 2010, 11:17
Tools for the Quick-Strike Commander
The year is 3039, and mankind is at war. At the pinnacle of military technology is an avatar of armor and weapons: the BattleMech. On the battlefields of a thousand worlds, the warlords who reign supreme fight to reclaim the mantle of the fallen Star League in the name of their House and their honor.
Quick-Strike: Technical Readout: 3039 Unit Cards provides players with the means to create easy-to-handle-and-store data cards featuring all the vehicles, BattleMechs and fighter designs from Technical Readout: 3039. Each card includes the ’Mech’s image, manufacturing data, and gameplay stats for use in BattleTech miniature wargames using the Quick-Strike Rules set found in Strategic Operations, or can be used as reference cards for games using the BattleForce rules set found in the same core rulebook.
In the wake of the Star League’s collapse, Aleksandr Kerensky led the bulk of the SLDF into deep space to escape the inevitable Succession Wars. But war soon came to the “Star League in Exile” anyway, prompting General Kerensky’s son Nicholas to form a new society, based on the principles of honor and strength. Fifteen years later, the newborn Clans were unleashed against those who abandoned Kerensky’s vision.
Record Sheets: Operation Klondike is a companion volume to Historical: Operation Klondike, including more than 80 pre-filled record sheets of vehicles, ‘Mechs and aerospace fighters mentioned in the Rules section of that sourcebook.

Re: Новинки! Квик-Страйк 3039 и рекордшиты Клондайка

СообщениеДобавлено: 16 мар 2010, 12:54
Кстати, как эти квик-страйк карты использовать предлагается? В качестве рекордшита миниатюры в масштабе бэтлфорс?
[UPD]А, всё, нашел.
Quick-Strike Rules set found in Strategic Operations, or can be used as reference cards for games using the BattleForce rules set found in the same core rulebook.

Re: Новинки! Квик-Страйк 3039 и рекордшиты Клондайка

СообщениеДобавлено: 17 мар 2010, 23:23
Я наверное что то пропустил. Чем отличается Von Luckner Heavy Tank (Star League) от Von Luckner Heavy Tank (Royal)?

Re: Новинки! Квик-Страйк 3039 и рекордшиты Клондайка

СообщениеДобавлено: 17 мар 2010, 23:51
Andos писал(а):Я наверное что то пропустил. Чем отличается Von Luckner Heavy Tank (Star League) от Von Luckner Heavy Tank (Royal)?

Ошибка в рекордшитах. Это 2 разные модификации (подробно на 159 странице Клондайка).

Re: Новинки! Квик-Страйк 3039 и рекордшиты Клондайка

СообщениеДобавлено: 18 мар 2010, 00:43
А что это за "Unit Cards" такие?