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BATTLEBLOG - Merry Christmas To All

СообщениеДобавлено: 25 дек 2009, 08:11
I should long have left the computer and begun the Christmas Eve festivities, but I couldn't do so without a last Merry Christmas to the BattleTech community.

I've been doing this for a long, long time and through thick and thin the community has been there to provide support, constructive criticism, enthusiasm and more. Hopefully it's obvious that I love BattleTech and love my job. But at the end of the day it's the community that keeps me coming back (criticisms and all) year after year. We obviously didn't get out everything we wanted this year...but I'm very proud of what we did get out, especially products like Masters & Minions and 25 Years of Art & Fiction.

Here's hoping 2010 is an even better celebratory year than 2009 (after all, BattleDroids became BattleTech 1985, so we can celebrate "25 Years of BattleTech" all over again in 2010).

Merry Christmas to everyone...and if you don't celebrate, then I simply hope you have a joyful and game-filled next few days.

See ya next year!


З.Ы. В этом году уже ничего не будет, ждем 2010 с его громкими анонсами.

Re: BATTLEBLOG - Merry Christmas To All

СообщениеДобавлено: 26 дек 2009, 17:21
2009 в общем, для БТ был неплохим, не все получалось, что хотелось, особенно ансинов жалко. Но 25 лет - это не хухры-мухры. А анонс Mechwarrior уже повод для щенячьей радости. Ждем продолжения банкета.