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[ScandalVids]Ask Sarah

СообщениеДобавлено: 17 ноя 2009, 14:08
Dear Sarah: I am worried about this new trend amongst teenagers. My youngest son is 16, and lately he has started wearing black robes and eyeliner all the time, and listening to music by some new discordance group called "FleshIsWeak". Yesterday, I found a brochure for replacement prosthetics in his room. I love my son, and he has always been a bit of a loner, but since he has started hanging out with a new group of friends, his behavior has become a lot darker and more disturbing. My elder son jokingly refers to him as a "wobabe"—what is this, and should I be worried? -(Name withheld by request)

I’ve had a few letters like this lately, so I've taken the time to do some research into these "wobabes". The actual term is "WoB-a-be" and is a counter-culture phenomenon not unlike the "Ronin" gangs of the Federated Suns Draconis March. Basically, in every generation, teenagers rebel. In doing so, they often choose an icon that goes most harshly against conventional society. Here on Oriente, they choose the Word of Blake, specifically because we're engaged in a war against them. This is a phase some teenagers go through, but more often than not it is only that—a phase.

Fortunately, experts here have found that the WoB-a-be counterculture actually has nothing to do with the real Word of Blake, and has been tied to no serious crimes beyond vandalism and disturbing the public peace. Thus, you don't need to worry about your son running off to join the Word and quoting misappropriated passages from history and attributing them to the Blessed Blake. And the cybernetics fetish, of course, is just another way to rebel in our modern society. From my research, they talk a lot about it, but very, very few "WoB-a-bes" go through with it.

Nevertheless, keep an eye on your son. Let him know that his family still loves him, and try to keep him involved in your daily routine. If he does look like he’s going to self-harm, an intervention may be in order. In which case, you might also want to book an appointment to see a counselor immediately. Don't jump the gun on this one, though, as running to a psychiatrist over just some routine teen angst can often magnify the problem and send your teen further into his shell. Just be there for your son, and let him know whatever he does, he's loved. As terrible as they look, the "WoB-a-bes" are just a fad, and one your son will likely get over quickly enough—maybe even about the time he starts noticing girls!

- Sarah