[Scandalvids]Regulus' Most Beautiful Woman!

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[Scandalvids]Regulus' Most Beautiful Woman!

Сообщение DeJaVu » 17 ноя 2009, 14:07

Regulus' Most Beautiful Woman!

Sonja Amora, Undressed!

15 December 3070 [FWLNN]Anchor ..and in breaking news, our reporter on the scene Emily Carson is about to talk to Sonja Amora, the Captain-General's newest companion. Sonja burst onto the scene a few weeks ago wearing that dress, [cut to footage of an attractive woman in a very revealing purple backless dress as voiceover continues] creating a sizable male following in the process. The voluptuous beauty is reportedly in contention to be the new face of Irian Cosmetics, and we join her live with Emily now.”

[live cross to plastic looking reporter with a strikingly attractive woman in a lacy purple, very low cut dress – wolf whistles call out in the background. A cheer erupts as the reporter starts talking.]

Emily: Sonja, thank you for joining us

Sonja: Thank you for having me Em. [flashes smile at the camera – perfect teeth, and green eyes that seem to sparkle]

Emily: For someone who’s only been in the Regulan public eye for a few months, you’ve made a huge impression on all of us, including even the Captain-General!

Sonja: [lilting laugh] Yes, well, the people of Regulus have opened their hearts to me.

Emily: I'm not sure if you know, but you were recently voted Regulus' "Most Beautiful Woman," despite being a late inclusion in the poll.

Sonja: Really? [leans forward and raises hands to mouth]

Emily: Yes, pipping the favorite at the finish. But enough about these polls, tell us more about your relationship with the Captain-General!

Sonja: [laughs] Yes, well, Kirc and I have become close friends in our short time together it's true, but I'd hardly call it a "relationship."

Emily: In these times of uncertainty and war, how does it feel to be seen by millions of Regulans as the sort of future they'd get behind – a recent poll has shown 68 percent of respondents want to see you in a wedding dress soon!

Sonja: Oh, I think the Prince might have something to say about that! [giggles]

Emily: What do you say to the suggestions that you have undue influence over the Prince, and also have too much access to him?

Sonja: Well of course people will have these opinions, I'm the new girl in town, and a lot of people don't like that.

Emily: What about the rumors you've had cosmetic surgery?

Sonja: [Laughs], well I won’t lie and say that I’m "all natural", but I'm no plastic doll either!

Emily: Sonja Amora, it's been a pleasure. We look forward to seeing you again – hopefully on the Captain-General's arm.

Sonja: [smiles radiantly] Thank you Emily, Lovely to speak with you as always.


Re: [Scandalvids]Regulus' Most Beautiful Woman!

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 17 ноя 2009, 18:46

Emily: What about the rumors you've had cosmetic surgery?
Sonja: [Laughs], well I won’t lie and say that I’m "all natural", but I'm no plastic doll either!

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Re: [Scandalvids]Regulus' Most Beautiful Woman!

Сообщение KolbunD » 17 ноя 2009, 19:29

ой, а это не та цыпа, что потом придет в гости на Регул в 3072 году. Мадам Наама! Ну конечно же мадам Наама. Интересно на момент завоевания титула 3072г. она уже была напичкана всякими вкусностями от Маней Домини?
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Re: [Scandalvids]Regulus' Most Beautiful Woman!

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 17 ноя 2009, 20:00

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