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MWDA Chat Log [1 of 1]

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MWDA Chat Log [1 of 1]
2005-03-04 12:23:46
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Vairdic {Q}Ok Guys & Gals... The speakers are Jason, Loren, and Randall. Ask Away!

Rumor {Q}is this thing on? hello?

Vairdic {A}Not for you.

TenakaFurey {Q}Will we ever find out for certain what happened to cut the Clans off from the Homeworlds? A Civil War has been touted as a possibility but that seems such an incomplete, unsatisfying answer that doesn't really explain things.......Or is this a story angle that may or may not be covered/kept for a rainy day?

Precentor_Martial {A}Actually, that is more likely to be covered by Classic BattleTech sourcebooks/stories on BattleCorps, then by MWDA...and absolutely, what 'happened in the home worlds' will eventually see the light of day.
Coyotero {Q}Randall: Hunters of the Deep gave great background and a nice look at the Sea Fox's are we going to see them again in the future?
Precentor_Martial {A}Probably not a whole novel dedicated to them as what was done in Hunters of the Deep, at least not for some time to come. However, there are other avenues being looked at for conveying MWDA fiction, such as perhaps an anthology. If that occured, I very much would be pushing for a Sea Fox short story.
ATimson {Q}Loren: Was the title _Prodigal Son_ ever attached to _Blood of the Isle_? And if not, do you have any idea why that's the title listed on the cover artist's site for it?
Rumor {A}Yes it was. it was the 'working title' under which I wrote the book. Which is why you will see some 'prodigal son' references in the novel. But in the end, it didn't fit as well as I'd like so I went back through and found the 'blood of the isle' theme and went with that insitead.
roosterboy {Q}Randall: What is the exact release order for Fortress Republic and Heretic's Faith? I've seen conflicting dates from several places.
Precentor_Martial {A}Yup, and that was my fault. I have this giant spread sheet of all the novels, quick story plots, main characters involved, factions, sets...well, you get the idea...and it goes out for several years. Any ways, on that list (and list both Loren and Sharon and several other people signed off on), Heretic's Faith was after Fortress Republic, but it is not. The 'real' release date for Heretic's Faith is August 05, and Fotress Republic is October 05. Sorry about the confusion.
TenakaFurey {Q}Do the Ravens still have access to the facilites at Quatre Belle?
Precentor_Martial {A}Now that would be telling too many secrets...keeping pushing, though. Never know when we'll drop something in... ;-)
Coyotero {Q}Jason: Are you scheduled to do any more DA books?
JM_Hardy {A}Not at the moment.
Tara_yesHiswife_Bills {Q}To all, Do you enjoy writing DA or CBT better.
Rumor {A}Depends on what day it is. They have developed into similar but still-different story structures. By Temptations and By War rates up there with one of my favorite books to write. But so does Illusions of Victory and Endgame. And ask me tomorrow, I might have a different answer. It's all about what story I get caught up in.
Tara_yesHiswife_Bills {Q}To all, Do you enjoy writing DA or CBT better.
Precentor_Martial {A}Two totally different birds. CBT is my first love and of late, I've had a chance to be doing stuff that was never covered before, such as the Historical: War of 3039, Support Vehicle Construction rules and so on. However, in MWDA, we have a very blank slate and so I get to help mold whole new factions and ideas and so on. They're both very exciting, just in different ways.
TenakaFurey {Q}Will we ever get more info/rules on the Horses new QuadVees?
Precentor_Martial {A}Actually I've no idea. I hope so, but that is something out of my hands at this point.
roosterboy {Q}Jason: Why am I so itchy? Where did this rash come from?
JM_Hardy {A}Ask Erde.
Vairdic ouch
Coyotero {Q}Anyone want to talk about the future of Comstar? After the last book there are a lot of questions.
Rumor {A}errmmmm.... you might need t be more specific. Which book raised what questions? In general, the future of ComStar looks bleak. I've certainly built in a few trapdoors for them to fall through.
Tara_yesHiswife_Bills {Q}To all, Do you enjoy writing DA or CBT better.
JM_Hardy {A}Might as well get my answer in here: as more of a newcomer than Loren or Randall, I see a lot of opportunities in both timelines, so I have fun either way.
roosterboy {Q}Can you give us any clues about the novels coming out after October? Just a little hint?
Precentor_Martial {A}Wow...mmm...got to be careful there. Well let's see, we'll try and confirm some of the more 'obvious' things, such as another novel that is the 'next step' in the Daughter of the Dragon storyline, another novel dealing witht he 'next step' of what House Liao is up to, as well as another novel dealing with the Spirit Cats and the after affects of the novel Heretic's Faith. And we'll see some new factions come 'on screen' that we've not yet had...is that enough hints without giving too much away? ;-) As you'll see in the Republic in Flames dualogy of Sword of Sedition and Fortress Republic, along with Heretic's Faith and Daughter of the Dragon, we're ramping things up and it only takes it to the next level in 06.
ATimson {Q}Loren: Your two coconspirators both have novels published only in foreign languages, despite their having been written in English. When do you get to join the club?
Rumor {A}Well, Jason's (if we are talking Crimson Skies) was an unfortunate event, and I wish it hadn't happened that way. Randall's was designed that way (at first). Still I am not so fond of the idea of writing something that will appear only in a foreign language. So, honestly, I hope I don't join that particular club. I belong to enough strage-writer-story clubs as it is.
ATimson {Q}Jason: What are you working on at the moment (or have been recently)? There was the one story by you in October, then TSJ--but since then, nada. ::sad
JM_Hardy {A}Perhaps I should forward this one to Loren, as he has some stuff from me . . . anyway, I've got stuff in the hopper for BC, I've been doing the journal entries for Mechwarrior: Dark Age website, and there's another project involving WizKids that I don't believe I can talk about yet but I'm extremely excited about.
JKnight77 {Q}Any chance of getting CBT-style stats for units used in the DA novels put in the back of them, for cross-over potential from MW-DA to CBT as well as for CBT use?
Precentor_Martial {A}I doubt it. Doesn't hurt to ask, of course, but I wouldn't hold my breath. A more likely event, however, would be to see an ad for CBT as a whole, or possibly BattleCorps as a whole in the back of a future MWDA novel (keep your fingers crossed).
Erde_Centrella {Q}Jason, how did you get that mark on your face?
JM_Hardy {A}From basketball this morning.
Coyotero {Q}To all: MWDA books seem to share a lot of characters between authors, more so than CBT, what is this new challenge like?
Precentor_Martial {A}I've only dealt with it on a very small scale in Heretic's Faith (a character originally appearing in Loren's Sword of Sedition and several characters from Ilsa's Daughter of the Dragon make small cameos). But I've actually found it very cool and refreshing, trying to mold the character along the lines of what the other author created. In particular, it was very enjoyable to send a few chapters to Ilsa and then have your comment back on X, Y and Z; things I didn't think of at all. Most of it was perfect and only one or twice did I 'push back.' But it does mean more coordination between authors, which so far I think we've been handling pretty well.
TenakaFurey {Q}Will we ever see Duke Aaron Sandoval become First Prince? Or, at least, something bad happen to Erik?
Rumor {A}Yes....now you decide which quesiton that applies to. okay... let me say this... we WILL see a new First Prince before not too long. And Erik himself has got some upward mobility going. (You don't like Erik? aww...)
Coyotero {Q}To all: MWDA books seem to share a lot of characters between authors, more so than CBT, what is this new challenge like?
Rumor {A}Hard.
Coyotero {Q}To all: MWDA books seem to share a lot of characters between authors, more so than CBT, what is this new challenge like?
Rumor {A}Writing a shared universe is not easy. Lots of toes to watch out for. Mike Stackpole and I always had a fun time sharing characters and playing off each other's work. Randall and I have started doing that a little. But when you start throwing lots of writers into the mix, it gets difficult. PLus.... you always worry that someone will write THAT character better than you.
roosterboy {Q}Randall: Any new novel authors coming up or will it be the same old gang for a while?
Precentor_Martial {A}Well, since Ilsa's novel hasn't actually come out yet, you could consider her a 'new face.' ;-) Actually, Ilsa got her novel pretty much through BattleCorps connections and Sharon (the WizKids editor) was 'very' pleased with how that worked out...the novel is just amazing. So while there are no specific 'new faces' sketched in right now, doesn't mean that BattleCorps won't 'groom' some new faces for BattleCorps. Off the top of my head (and NO this is not a hint, just my opinion), I think both Kevin and Phaedra have the potential to step up...they've been doing great work on BC and I can see them doing the same for MWDA.
roosterboy {Q}Randall: Will the "next step" Daughter of the Dragon novel also be by Ilsa Bick?
Precentor_Martial {A}No dotted lines have been signed, but that is the hope of everybody involved.
roosterboy {Q}Loren: We know what Daughter of the Dragon is about, Randall's posted a blurb about Heretic's Faith, what can you tell us about Fortress Republic?
Rumor {A}Well, everything. I'm the author. What WILL I tell you? ...... Well,there is a reason we refer to it as "The REpublic in Flames" duology. Burn baby! Burn! Jordan's commandment unto me was 'break it." How, and how badly, I leave to your imagination. for a few more months.
Vigilante {Q}(got disconnected, so not sure if this question got through) Do any of you have an involvment in that new DA animated movie coming out? If not, any idea on where they are getting their Battletech background from?
JM_Hardy {A}Zero involvement on my end, but as I am by far the least knowledgeable of the three of us (BT wise, at least), that's only too be expected.
Vigilante {Q}(got disconnected, so not sure if this question got through) Do any of you have an involvment in that new DA animated movie coming out? If not, any idea on where they are getting their Battletech background from?
Precentor_Martial {A}I was handed a treatment, and Sharon and I spent several days finding the appropriate placement for it within the MWDA storylines that are coming in 06, which was accepted. Beyond that (i.e. who might be writing the script and so on), I've not heard anything, nor do I know if I'll be involved. Just have to wait and see on that.
TenakaFurey {Q}One of the early DA dossiers states that the Warlord of Dieron(?) left because of "disagreements' with the Corodinator...so, did the Combine willingly give up its land to the RotS as the FS/LA seemingly did? Or do they consider it stolen or given by being left no choice a la Cappellan Confederation?
Precentor_Martial {A}Its not as black and white as that. Did they give it up like Steiner and Davion did, no. Did they consider it stolen like House Liao, no. More of an inbetween...an evil that had to be swallowed for the good of the Combine, aka Theodore's decision to support the birth of the FRR.
roosterboy {Q}Loren: Can you tell us exactly how Erik Sandoval-Groell is related to the main line? I assume he's Jessica's descendant because of the last name, but is he a grandchild, great-grandchild, or what?
Rumor {A}I believe he is a great grandchild.... jessica was pretty old even in CBT timeline. so he's several generations removed from the main line of DUke Robinson. Still, stranger things have happened than a distaff son suddenly jumping several levels.
TenakaFurey {Q}ToD has stated that Protos are rare in the DA.....I'm assuming the Falcons still refuse to use them, but overall how widespread are they? And what would be their major role in the Clans? Garrison forces? Special forces? Equivalent to solhama? Something else?
Precentor_Martial {A}To be honest, that is simply not a question that can be answered at this point. i.e. there are no current plans for ProtoMechs to actual appear in the game and so specifics on them have not been fully fleshed out.
Vigilante {Q}(got disconnected, so not sure if this question got through) Do any of you have an involvment in that new DA animated movie coming out? If not, any idea on where they are getting their Battletech background from?
Rumor {A}They are getting most of their background material from Jordan, I believe, who loves to stay involved on such pie-in-the-sky projects. I am not involved, yet, though I have spoken to Jordan about it now and then. So he may jsut call me about it sometime. Or, he may not. I know I'd love to help.
Blackimus_Primus {Q}To precentor, What is the limit of fiction for CBT, eg up to what year or so?
Precentor_Martial {A}Well, we've been slowly pushing that envolope past 3067 with the series of shorts in the front of such sourcebooks as TR:PP, RSMWDA1 and now in MapPack: Solaris VII. However, with the coming of the Dawn of the Jihad sourcebook by FanPro in July and the publication of the Whitting Conference by BattleCorps in March, that 'limits' have been mostly lifted. Obviously we have to coordinate very well with WK over moving into Jihad territory, but there is no specific 'limits.' We'll move forward until we hear otherwise.
Coyotero {Q}Jason-what was the most difficult part of writing your first MWDA book?
JM_Hardy {A}Coordination (especially since I'm not very coordinated in the first place). The stuff where I could just run off and do my own thing--the text messages between the Paladins, Heather's jailhouse interview with Cragin--were just plain fun. The stuff where I had to make sure things meshed with reality and history--finding a way for Jonah's rescue mission in the flashback to work, making sure McKinnon had time to get to Terra, stuff like that--was more difficult. Also, Randall had to nurse me along to help me with the feel of combat (not that the book has much of that).
tesafilm {Q}loren: in the 3050ies/60ies the confederation is reconquering lost planets from the FC, in the 3130ies the confederation is reconquering lost planets from the republic... will liao ever advance beyond the status of "reconquering", like actually expanding the territory, for example into the old FWL?
Rumor {A}I'm thinking more like "New AValon". Yeah, I agree. The more things change, the more they stay the same. House Liao has made a dynasty of jsut trying to get back what is theirs. But will they pick up some new worlds sometime? I think I can say that is a possibility. especially when/if things get a little crazier inside the MWDA universe. ANy worlds in particular (other thanNew Avalon) you want to see fall?
Vairdic {Q}All, If you could go "Back in Time" from the Dark Ages, and pick one precurser event to what happens in the Dark Ages to write a short story for, what would it be? (example, someone's grandmother, a world of significance...)
Precentor_Martial {A}Well, in a way, I got to do that already in Heretic's Faith. In that novel, it is revealed that the Nova Cat's have developed a new Mystic Caste. And in that novel, as I propel the story of the main character forward, I also include 4 interlude chapters that are in the past (one well in the past) that reveals where exactly they came from. That was very cool and exciting. As for other events, the single biggest pre-Jihad event I want to write (actually Loren and I are going to wrestle over it), is what happened to Tomoe Sakade...yes, we know she's dead, but what happened? That's such a cool story for the telling.
TenakaFurey {Q}There were a couple of pieces of fiction in the RSMWDA1 and the MiniRules which delay with the DA....a nobel disenfranhsied of his families estate by Stones reforms. Will this character/storyline ever be picked up and expanded upon? (In other words...finish the story and don't leave us hanging!!!!!...:D)
Precentor_Martial {A}That's a hard question to answer. Would Loren like to do that, I'm sure. But right now there is not an appropriate forum for doing so.
ATimson {Q}Randall: RS:MWDA. A while ago you said that you were planning on releasing additional ones as PDFs. Then there were computer issues, and it got back-burnered. Which, I understand. Still, without them in a couple of weeks we're going to have a mini (the Blade) without a record sheet. ::tongue Any progress you can mention?
Precentor_Martial {A}I have several people working on those additional record sheets and to be honest, I'd totally forgotten in the last few weeks to check in with them. I'll do that and hopefully have an answer for that in the next chat.
roosterboy {Q}Loren: Can you tell us exactly how Aaron Sandoval is related to the main line? His grandmother is Edwina Sandoval, but I don't recall her from any CBT-era fiction.
Rumor {A}Well, there was a couple of generations in between CBT and MWDA. Edwina would be, iirc, coming down through one of JAmes' siblings. I'd have to go dig up the brithlines, which I don't have right handy. there are actualyl quite a few sandoval lines spinning around out there.
Vairdic {Q}All, If you could go "Back in Time" from the Dark Ages, and pick one precurser event to what happens in the Dark Ages to write a short story for, what would it be? (example, someone's grandmother, a world of significance...)
JM_Hardy {A}The ascent to power of Devlin Stone. I'm interested in politics and power anyway, so working with the situation he did, and putting together The Republic he did, would be interesting to write about. Also, I've seen a number of skeptics about whether Stone really could have pulled off what he did, so it would be a challenge to make it all believeable, to help make a credible transition from the CBT universe to the DA one.
Vairdic {Q}All, If you could go "Back in Time" from the Dark Ages, and pick one precurser event to what happens in the Dark Ages to write a short story for, what would it be? (example, someone's grandmother, a world of significance...)
JM_Hardy {A}Of course, that wouldn't be a very short story.
Vairdic {Q}All, If you could go "Back in Time" from the Dark Ages, and pick one precurser event to what happens in the Dark Ages to write a short story for, what would it be? (example, someone's grandmother, a world of significance...)
Rumor {A}The Blackout! Form the PoV of the monkeys who cause it.
tesafilm {Q}loren and randall: does writing novels in DA feel very different from writing novels in CBT? or... do you see the two eras more as two seperate things or more as a whole?
Precentor_Martial {A}I see them as a whole. While Loren has fun blowing the universe up on a big scale and other authors have fun filling in the lines, starting with Hunters of the Deep and then moving on to Heretic's Faith, I've enjoyed transforming factions as a whole and introducing whole new concepts into the universe. To do that, you work a lot in the past and evolve them from the CBT era into the MWDA era...as I just mentioned, this was particularlly true with Heretic's Faith and the rise of their Mystic Caste.
Tara_yesHiswife_Bills {Q}to all, are you working on anything DA currently?
Precentor_Martial {A}I have a proposal in for a novel currently title Stalking Sanctuary, which has been 'accepted,' just no dotted lines yet. Need to finish the German novels dogging my heals before I jump into that one.
Coyotero {Q}Is Devlin Stone going to return in any future fiction? I believe when he left office he said he would return when most needed. WIth Loren, "Breaking" the republic I think they may need him.
Precentor_Martial {A}Maybe.... ;-)
Tara_yesHiswife_Bills {Q}to all, are you working on anything DA currently?
Rumor {A}I've recently finished teh full outline to FORTRESS REPUBLIC and will be writing that book in March. I also jsut finished a series of pieces for the new INN website.
Mike_Strider {Q}For All, which of the established 'Dark Age' characters would you most prefer to write a future novel about?
Precentor_Martial {A}Danai Liao-Centrella. ;-) Loren gets to play around with her some in the Republic in Flames duology, but I really want to delve into her character, as there is such cool potential there.
tesafilm {Q}loren and randall: does writing novels in DA feel very different from writing novels in CBT? or... do you see the two eras more as two seperate things or more as a whole?
Rumor {A}Well, they do feel abit different, though I approach them as, of cours,e belonging to a bigger whole. But yeah, we do a few things differently (or have been) when it comes to combat and character-hero creation. Now with Sword of Sedition and Fortress REpublic, I think I've gone back to some of the older, CBT-style elements of larger political struggle and chaos... so we'll see how people react tot hat.
Mike_Strider {Q}For All, which of the established 'Dark Age' characters would you most prefer to write a future novel about?
JM_Hardy {A}I had so much fun with Gareth Sinclair from _The Scorpion Jar_ that he'd probably be my first choice.
ATimson {Q}Anyone: Does the MW fiction drive the game, or does the game drive the fiction? I've noticed that the number of 'Mechs in a novel (versus vehicles/infantry) seems to be proportional to the number of 'Mechs available in the most recent expansion....
Precentor_Martial {A}Initially, the game absolutely drove the fiction. However, in the last year, we've come to a much more 'mutual' terms, where Loren, Sharon and I generated a very, very large and long story arc of events, dove-tailing everything we knew about what was coming in the game. This was then passed to game development, where a give and take occured, sometimes a massage dictated by what they needed, but often they following the plan of the fiction. Finally everybody signed off on it as the template to move forward and away we go.
Coyotero {Q}In target of Opportunity, Comstar seems pretty strong and their is a hint that WOB is not dead, are they dead?
Rumor {A}"Seem" pretty strong. Well, of course, they have/had deep resources. But you might find some new comments in Sword of Sedition that will let you know all is not (and never should be) peechy-keen with ComStar. As to the WoB, well, you have to think that some of the schism might have been brought back inside. Or escaped. After the Jihad. Who knows...?
TenakaFurey {Q}Will we ever find how badly the Clans were hit by the DA? It doesn't seem like they should be affected too badly (beyond switching to other means such as their mobile stations or ship based HPGs) but the statements regarding it have generally been all encompassing....80% of the IS HPGS went down. (Of cousre, whetehr that woudl include the Clans is up to interpretation as well....
Precentor_Martial {A}Eventually, yes.
TenakaFurey {Q}Who is the new Paladin which repalced Levin? Or would that be the old Exarch resuming his old rank?
Precentor_Martial {A}That will be covered in Sword of Sedition.
TenakaFurey {Q}BTBW made a big deal of the discrimination (at all levels...up to and including the government) faced by many who refused to abandon their culture and way of life in favour of Stones reforms. The Wolves representatives in the Republic also made the same claim. Is this discrimination widespread throughout the RotS? Or mainly limited to certain groups/geographic areas?
Rumor {A}Personally, I think any group with a common cultural basis trying to live under any form of government from a benevelont dictatorship to a struggling democracy can always make a case (to themselves if nothing else) of being a struggling minority facing racism/discrimination. Sometimes, it is laregely a matter of what side of that line you feel you are on. Does the ROTS condone and enforce widespread discrimination...? I don't think so. From an outside pers[pective. Have some peoples been run over in seeking the comon good? Yes. I believe they would feel that way.
Coyotero {Q}Is Devlin Stone going to return in any future fiction? I believe when he left office he said he would return when most needed. WIth Loren, "Breaking" the republic I think they may need him.
Rumor {A}hrm... now why didn't we think of that.... ;)
Coyotero {Q}Is Devlin Stone going to return in any future fiction? I believe when he left office he said he would return when most needed. WIth Loren, "Breaking" the republic I think they may need him.
Rumor {A}As I think we've proven time and again, nothing eveyr goes away for good in this universe. (except Clan WOlverine, which is holdin goff that alien invasion).
TenakaFurey {Q}What did ComStar do that Stone had to forgive them?
Precentor_Martial {A}Nope, no secrets... ;-)
Mike_Strider {Q}For All, which of the established 'Dark Age' characters would you most prefer to write a future novel about?
Rumor {A}established in fiction? I'd say I'm already getting to do that sinc eI pick (and create) a large swath of characters in the next few books and can continue to follow them. if you are talking 'dossier cards' I don't feel a huge drive yet. mostly, they are too flash-in-the-pan to usually sink my teeth into. I'm hoping the new INN site will change that. LEt's see, a minor character I'd like to go back to in more detail... The new heir to McCarron's armored Cav wouuld be fun. So would Nicco GioAvanti.
Coyotero {Q}All: Out of curiosity how are you paid for novels. Are you paid up front for writing it, or is is based of of royalties for the number of books sold?
Precentor_Martial {A}It's pretty much industry norm...paid an advance, split up between acceptance of outline and acceptance of novel, against royalites...meaning the royalites have to earn out the advance before you start seeing royalty payments.
Vairdic 10 Minutes to go. Let's get the last of the questions/death threats in now folks ;)
TenakaFurey {Q}What happened to the old Primus? It used to be Primus Koenigs-Cober but by ToO it was Primus Mori.
Precentor_Martial {A}Again, a question left for a future story.
Mike_Strider {Q}For Loren, have the new Dark Age novels been more widely accepted than the original series of Classic BattleTech novels? Given the large number of novels and the time they've been produced, I would guess that the Dark Age books have found a larger fanbase than the original series had...
Rumor {A}Honestly, we aren't 100% sure on that. The writers, aren't, I mean. All 'indications" are that MWDA book sare doing very well. Perhaps better than CBT novels. Because (guessing) they have the CBT crowd AND the potenital of tens of thousands of new fans brought in through the MWDA game. But I've seen no real numbers out of New York yet. In fact, I'm WAY overdue for a roylaty statement. hrm...
TenakaFurey {Q}Rumour...you say that nothing ever goes away for good except Clan Wolverine...does this mean someday, I'll get my Jags back....:D
Rumor {A}be careful what you wish for... this reminds me of everyone screaming they wanted the assassin back. and we told them, he comes back, you won't like what he does...
Vairdic Ok, I won't be forwarding any more questions on at this time. I will leave moderation on for a few more minutes to get the last of the answers out.
roosterboy {Q}I've heard that DA novels are selling a lot more than the CBT novels ever did. Is this true? If so, why do you think that is? Just newness of the game, or stagnation of CBT, or what?
Precentor_Martial {A}To be honest, I've not gotten hard numbers, but I've also heard they are 'selling very well.' If they are indeed selling more than CBT novels, I think it is a combination of the newest of the game and universe, but more importantly, the shear volume that the game sales. For example, at the hey day of BattleTech salesof late 80s to early 90s can't old a candle to the shear volume that MWDA sells. Effectively MWDA is hitting the mass market and that is something CBT never did. Combine that with throwing in the limited edition offers for figures and the collectible craze of the game and I don't doubt for a moment the novels might be selling more...law of percentages says they will at that point.
TenakaFurey {Q}Anastatsia Kerensky....people loved her character, now thye "hate" her depicition. So...which is the real Anastasia Kerensky? Was the first a charade to go along with Tassa Kay? Or is it merely a case of different writers, different takes?
Rumor {A}I don't know exactly what you are refering to here. I think I kept her fairly consistent from Call to ARms (tassa kay) and Blood of hte Isle. and I've heard little but good things from people re: her character. now if yo uare refering to books that take place in between, I can't say. might be different writers. this goes back to the potential trouble in working with a sahred universe. :) of course, MY Tassa/Anastasia is the REAL one. :)
Coyotero {Q}Loren do you know how well your Trade paperback was recieved on the market? Are there plans to release anymore books at TPB or even Hardcover?
Rumor {A}See former answer re: stats. I'm hoping to find out more sometime soon. I HOPE they do it again. I think it makes for a cool format.
Vigilante {Q}Am I correct in beliving that there will be no new CBT fiction in paperback? And will BC one day stop writing CBT-fic?
Rumor {A}Never say never! I'm still championing a return of CBT paperback fiction. Maybe BC will be instrumental in jumpstarting it by pushing for an anthology of our 'year's best' or something. But there are still so many large stroies to tell.
roosterboy {Q}Anyone: What one thing can you tell us about MWDA to make us go "Holy ****!" and give us something with which to make those who aren't in the chat this morning totally jealous.
Precentor_Martial {A}mmm..okay, how about this. In Sword of Sedition, the state funeral of victory turns into a meeting of almost every head of state from all factions, aka the Hanse and Melissa's wedding in the Warrior trilogy and the training on Outreach in the Blood of Kerensky trilogy. And the fun and blood will flow... ;-)
TenakaFurey {Q}How rare are aerospace forces in the RotS?
Precentor_Martial {A}Not that rare.
Vigilante {Q}Am I correct in beliving that there will be no new CBT fiction in paperback? And will BC one day stop writing CBT-fic?
Rumor {A}AS to the second part of your question... I hope not. But that is not in our hands, it's in yours. So long as we have a viable membership base, we'll do what we can to keep providing the stories. And with membership grows power. I promise you, you start seeing our active membership growing up into the 1000-2000 range, we can start really cutting loose and weilding a bit more influence with the powers that be above us. Including a better chance of forcing CBT back into paper-print. :) recruitment is everything for BC right now. :)
TenakaFurey {Q}How widespread is the Mongol movement among the Falcons and the other Clans?
Precentor_Martial {A}Not very...at the current time.
Coyotero {Q}All: Has there been enough demand/popularity to make ROC think of printing second runs on any of the books printed so far?
Precentor_Martial {A}If you mean a second printing of a MWDA novel, that has already occured on Ghost War. Not sure beyond that.
Cavalier {Q}To Loren: Speaking of Danai Centralla-Liao, if the Liao direction in the Confederation has been apotheosized as with Ancient Egypt, shouldn't Daoshen be marrying his sister to preserve that precious Liao god-blood? Or, alternatively and more seriously, would Sunny-boy approve of the direction being taken towards his deificiation by his fils?
Rumor {A}Yes, in strict interpretation of that idea, Daoshen not only would want to concentrate that god-like dna... no other would be worthy of him but blood of his blood. as to ST... the only question to ask is, does it make the state stronger?
ATimson {Q}Anyone: How long until the Tetatae show up in MWDA? ::ninja
Rumor {A}that's a ref I can't identify. You might need to remind me. :)
ATimson {Q}Loren: They're the chickens from Far Country. ::biggrin
Rumor {A}they had a cameo coming in ANOTHER game line, but more I cannot say. I know I'll never bring them back