Victor-Omi Love Child Hidden on Tukayyid!

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

Victor-Omi Love Child Hidden on Tukayyid!

Сообщение DeJaVu » 17 ноя 2009, 12:31

Victor-Omi Love Child Hidden on Tukayyid!
GALACTIC INSINUATOR, 15 MAY – Vigorously denied by no less than three of the Inner Sphere’s five Great Houses for years, the illegitimate child of former Archon-Prince Victor Ian Steiner-Davion and the late Omiko Kurita, Keeper of the House Honor for the Draconis Combine, has indeed been found living in a secluded mansion on Tukayyid, according to anonymous sources close to the planetary government. Although the recently reinstated Precentor Martial of ComStar, Victor Steiner-Davion himself, fervently denies these claims, the discovery proves the existence of a child who—by his very biology—may one day legitimately claim the thrones of the Lyran Alliance, Federated Suns, and the Draconis Combine.
Sources say the child is a young man, aged five to eight years, who bears Victor’s blond hair and blue eyes, but whose facial features are otherwise distinctly Asian in nature. His name remains a close secret, though his tutors apparently refer to him affectionately by the nickname of “Kit”. He lives alone in the estate, except for a vast retinue of personal servants, tutors, and bodyguards in an isolated estate on the shores of the Crucible Sea. The estate is further protected by close to a battalion of elite Com Guard BattleMechs and armored infantry, under a veil of secrecy so thick that the majority of these troops have no idea who or what it is they are guarding.
Calls to the Combine embassy on Tukayyid went unanswered, and many Com Guard officers have declined to comment on the report from an unnamed Rasalhaguian administrator who claims to have visited the estate to carry correspondence between the child and former Archon-Prince Victor. When questioned by local reporters about the veracity of the report, the Precentor Martial himself admonished the press for what he called, “a shameful display of ignorance and insensitivity”.
“Omi [Kurita] was a special woman of virtue and honor, who was taken from her family—from all of us—too soon,” Steiner-Davion told reporters after a press conference outlining the current readiness of the Com Guard forces in the Rasalhague Republic. “To even suggest otherwise is disrespectful of her, her family, and myself.”
Although denying the existence of a son at the Crucible Sea estate, Steiner-Davion offered no comment on the reason for such a heavy garrison at the site. Still, in light of the local administrator’s report, only a scion—legitimate or otherwise—whose bloodlines could one day lay claim to not one, not two, but three Great House thrones, could possibly merit such security.


Re: Victor-Omi Love Child Hidden on Tukayyid!

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 17 ноя 2009, 13:39

Хм. в ФМ Апдейте он был на Нингхии, и охранялся Рюкен-року.
В JHS3076 Року предлагают Стоуну.

В принципе хотя Нингхия и в самой заднице Синдиката, там вроде бы как раз и бушевала война Очищения.
Плюс упоминание имени Кит придает новости убедительность.
В общем, мальчик сидит под самым носом, а Виктор-то и не знает.
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Re: Victor-Omi Love Child Hidden on Tukayyid!

Сообщение Maxim de Vion » 18 ноя 2009, 22:40

вот только газетка-то не внушает доверия... они уж писали о конце света в 67-м))) бахнуть бахнуло, да не потухло
Only in the Fed. Suns, man can strive to be something other than he was born with, and rise up to be something more without having to ask someone for their permission to do so. To live in a land so blessed and so free surely is the greatest gift of all.
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Maxim de Vion
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Re: Victor-Omi Love Child Hidden on Tukayyid!

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 19 ноя 2009, 06:42

Не внушаить, угу. Вся статейка была бы высосаным из пальца бредом, если бы не имя Кит.
Это подлинный кусочек инфы. Сына Оми и Вити зовут Китсуне.
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Re: Victor-Omi Love Child Hidden on Tukayyid!

Сообщение Maxim de Vion » 19 ноя 2009, 08:02

да, я помню... будет повод внимательней вчитываться в мануалы)

update: возникло мнение, что материал - преднамеренная деза спец. служб...
Only in the Fed. Suns, man can strive to be something other than he was born with, and rise up to be something more without having to ask someone for their permission to do so. To live in a land so blessed and so free surely is the greatest gift of all.
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Maxim de Vion
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