Ded Mek Announces First New Album and Tour in 15 Years

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Ded Mek Announces First New Album and Tour in 15 Years

Сообщение DeJaVu » 30 окт 2009, 23:52

(7 August 3075)

New Avalon[FSNS]—The megarock band, Ded Mek announced today that they are releasing a brand new album and will be going on tour, all to support the relief efforts on New Avalon.
“We can’t sit here and do nothing,” said lead singer, Howard “Stinger” Steele. “The Robes are gone, but what they left behind will take years to fix. So we’re going back out into the Federated Suns and get people revved up. We’ve taken a black eye here on New Avalon, but we’ve not down and out by any stretch of the imagination. While we can’t pop a Nuke on the bastards, we can do the next best thing.”
Ded Mek is no stranger to generating strong emotion or a lot of money. In 3045, their first self-titled album sold six billion copies in the Crucis March, and a grand total of fourteen point five million Inner Sphere-wide. Their second album, Live from the Drop Zone was the best selling album in the Suns half of the FedCom for three straight years, and was consistently in the top five in the Commonwealth half at the same time. Four more albums — Inferno Round, Hunting Jade Falcons, Dead Smoked Cat, and The Silence of the Dead did well, but the band retired from touring in 3062, and completely retired in 3064.
The five member band — Stinger Steele, Guitarists Flake Wilson and Gordie Holt, drummer Glenda “SRM” Jackson, and Keyboard player Laurence “Troll” Becker — are best know for their intricately planned and staged concerts, and songs with a blatant message in them.
Their most infamous song, “Dear Romano,” from their first album is reported to have sent Romano Liao into a towering range and Maskirovka hit team after the band. Even today, the band’s long-time manager, Stewart “Smokey” Stoyer, is still unwilling to say if the story was fabricated or not.
In addition to the ew tour – which as of now, consists of ten planets, the band plans to release a new album, with the proceeds going to The New Avalon Relief Effort. The title of the new album is The Warrior Still Stands, which is expected out by the late fall.


Re: Ded Mek Announces First New Album and Tour in 15 Years

Сообщение Andos » 31 окт 2009, 01:01

:lol: Линн Минмэй нервно курит в сторонке.
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Re: Ded Mek Announces First New Album and Tour in 15 Years

Сообщение Maxim de Vion » 31 окт 2009, 01:08

Their most infamous song, “Dear Romano,” from their first album is reported to have sent Romano Liao into a towering range and Maskirovka hit team after the band.

:D да они популярны, блин! :D :evil:

Dead Smoked Cat

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Re: Ded Mek Announces First New Album and Tour in 15 Years

Сообщение Typhoon » 02 ноя 2009, 11:32

Да ладно, если бы за них Маскировка взялась, по ним бы щас только литургии пели :evil:
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Re: Ded Mek Announces First New Album and Tour in 15 Years

Сообщение Пауль » 02 ноя 2009, 12:08

Маскировка на службе имеет своих актеров ;-) Тот же Джонни Чанг :)
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Re: Ded Mek Announces First New Album and Tour in 15 Years

Сообщение Maxim de Vion » 02 ноя 2009, 19:08

у меня ощущение, что Маскировку и тех колики в животе посещали от песни, а удар - так, для отчётности))))

да шо-то я не помню радости по этому поводу у самого Чанга)))
но-но! :D Банда пусть помогает Авалон отстраивать)))))
Only in the Fed. Suns, man can strive to be something other than he was born with, and rise up to be something more without having to ask someone for their permission to do so. To live in a land so blessed and so free surely is the greatest gift of all.
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