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Catalyst Game Labs At NeonCon

СообщениеДобавлено: 29 окт 2009, 00:54
Randall N. Bills (Catalyst Game Labs Managing Developer) and Matthew Grau (from WildFire, the creator of CthulhuTech) will be attending NeonCon in Las Vegas, from November 5th to the 8th.

Matthew will be running the CthulhuTech RPG while Randall will be running a host of new casual games soon-to-be-published by Catalyst Game Labs, such as Poo: The Card Game and Ergo, as well as talking about Leviathans, Catalyst Game Labs new, epic alternate history, steampunk miniatures game releasing in 2010. And of course feel free to ask any questions about any of Catalyst Game Labs lines, from BattleTech to Shadowrun to Eclipse Phase and beyond!

Both Randall and Matthew will also participate in the GamesU seminars on Saturday, November 7th.

We hope to see you there!

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