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Dead Celebrity’s Children Clones?

СообщениеДобавлено: 27 окт 2009, 09:01
(15 June 3072)

Skye [Skye Galaxy Examiner] Sources close to the estate of the late Gerald Flanders-Wills claim that his three children — Gerald Jr., 7, Miranda, 5, and Caster, 3 — are all clones of the flamboyant Actor/singer.
Flanders-Wills, who died on location of his latest movie, Five Against the Word, left an estate in excess of twenty-five million Kroner. Several people so far have filed suit against the estate, claiming that they are the rightful heirs. But the children, revealed to the Inner Sphere two years ago, are the only named heirs in the Flanders-Wills’ will.
Harry Berlin, Flanders-Wills agent/manager, and Jeri Flanders, Gerald’s sister and the children's legal guardian, deny the story and have threatened to bring a slander suit against the sources. But it should be noted that the mother, or mothers, of the three has never been identified, and while Berlin and Flanders claim the children are Gerald’s, there has been no independent DNA tests conducted.
We at the Examiner will keep you updated on the latest happenings as they arise.

Re: Dead Celebrity’s Children Clones?

СообщениеДобавлено: 27 окт 2009, 11:45
Flanders-Wills, who died on location of his latest movie, Five Against the Word
Да уж, не любят блейкисты критики.... :) :evil: