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Controversial New Book on the 3039 War

СообщениеДобавлено: 25 окт 2009, 09:10
Antietam [Antietam News Service]—Noted military historian Baron Riordan Mallory has a new book coming out: Smoke and Mirrors: The FedCom-Combine War of 3039, it is apt to stir up old controversies and new ones. The author of Mallory’s History of the Clan Wars, the first and arguably, the best of the books covering the Clan invasion, has laid out a case that has implication in the current state of affairs.

Mallory, 35, the youngest son of the Duke of Antietam, has written several books on military history, and is considered one of the rising stars in the field. He has provoked more than a few arguments with his blunt analysis of events, and making strong cases for his views. Smoke and Mirrors is no different.
In the book, Mallory places the major blame for the failure of the 3039 War on the MIIO and the LIC’s “Lack of imagination and institutional infighting.” In the next three hundred pages, he lays out the case of a major intelligence failure, weaving reports from archives with interviews with people who were there.
In an afterward, Mallory points out how the problems in the 3030's have led to the current situation. Agree or disagree, this book will become a major point of discussion among military historians.
Smoke and Mirrors is published by Rice Willis and Drogan Publishing Company, Antietam.

Re: Controversial New Book on the 3039 War

СообщениеДобавлено: 27 окт 2009, 00:50
Maxim de Vion
как перевести institutional infighting?

Re: Controversial New Book on the 3039 War

СообщениеДобавлено: 27 окт 2009, 02:06
Подразумевается 'притирка' двух разведслужб.

внутренняя борьба (внутренние распри) между этими организациями

Re: Controversial New Book on the 3039 War

СообщениеДобавлено: 27 окт 2009, 02:12
Maxim de Vion
ага, понял. благодарю:)