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Results Expected Soon in Close Election

СообщениеДобавлено: 20 окт 2009, 08:56
(20 March 3073)

Gibbs [INN]—The heated race between Gordon Hale’s Freedom Party and Janet Kampt’s Center Loyalists for Gibbs’ Parliament is far from over.
In a campaign that has been filled with mudslinging, dirty tricks on both sides, several brawls, and an actual riot, neither of the two major contenders has managed to pull away from the other. The war of words started at the Freedom party’s convention, where Hale called Kampt, “a Davion whore.” Kampt, never one to back down from a fight, called Hale, “a Blakie, a bastard, and a bandit.” Things went downhill from there.
At the current time, The Freedom party has won 72 out of the 260 seats up for grabs, while the Center Loyalists can claim 66 seats. The center-right Alliance Party has 22 seats, and three minor parties have a combined 16 seats.
In the 84 contests that are still open, projections have the Freedom party winning 24, the Center Loyalist winning 15, the Alliance winning 9, and the minor parties winning 6. Of the other 30, they are too close to call.
Even if Hale’s party manages to win all of the too close to call seats without losing any he is supposed to win, Hale will have to form a coalition government with one or more of the other parties.
The leading contending is the Alliance Party, headed by newcomer Franklin Short. Short, a 20-year military veteran with extensive combat experience, entered the race just before the deadline. Running on a ‘pure-talk’ platform that managed to avoid the verbal conflict between Hale and Kampt, Short made up a lot of ground very quickly. While the Alliance was hurt by the lack of candidates in almost half the districts, where they did have candidates, the Alliance calm tone and easy to understand platform resinated with voters. Thanks to a late push, the Alliance has managed to become the third largest voting bloc in the Parliament.
Cynics will claim that Short is playing Hale and Kempt against each other so he can gain more power, but most pundits think Short is serious in his beliefs. Time will tell and we’ll keep a close eye on this election.

Re: Results Expected Soon in Close Election

СообщениеДобавлено: 05 ноя 2009, 23:52
Maxim de Vion
эм, и года не прошло, но всё же...
ребят, помогите перевести...
Of the other 30, they are too close to call.
я понял так, что это ещё не "разыгранные" места... как правильнее это словосочетание перевести?


n the 84 contests that are still open, projections have the Freedom party winning 24...
получается, что это предварительные итоги по 84 местам? или прогнозируемые?

Re: Results Expected Soon in Close Election

СообщениеДобавлено: 06 ноя 2009, 12:31
Maxim de Vion писал(а):Of the other 30, they are too close to call.

отрывы слишком малы, что бы можно было что-то утверждать наверняка.
Maxim de Vion писал(а):n the 84 contests that are still open, projections have the Freedom party winning 24...
получается, что это предварительные итоги по 84 местам? или прогнозируемые?

Именно так, прогнозы. Может быть, "результаты экзит-полов", что больше нравится.

Re: Results Expected Soon in Close Election

СообщениеДобавлено: 06 ноя 2009, 20:16
Maxim de Vion
покорнейше благодарю!:) мои знакомые филологи споткнулись на попытке перевести эти моменты))