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Outbreak of Fever Could Lead to Pandemic

СообщениеДобавлено: 16 окт 2009, 23:24
(19 February 3072)

Walmalu[INN]—Health officials here on Walmalu are warning that this year’s outbreak of Dangmar’s Fever could be the worse in a century.
Dangmar’s Fever, which symptoms include high fever, sweating, and in extreme cases, causing a blueish tint to the skin, has been on the decline in recent years, as NAIS and other health organizations have waged an aggressive war against the virus. However, with the current situation on New Avalon and elsewhere, medical personnel are suddenly on the defensive. The hot, wet summer has proven to be perfect conditions for the virus. According to reports, the virus has rallied and mutated into more drug-resistant strains.
“This is very disturbing,” said Doctor Adri Balin, head of the medical research group on Walmalu. “The sudden surge in Dangmar cases has caught us off guard. We were on the verge of eradicating the disease, and now we’ve been set back years.”
The new strains are also proving to be more virulent and lethal. In the past, Daqngmar’s fever had a 3% fatality rate. However, the new strains could top 10% in fatality rates. Considering that over three hundred thousand people contract Dangmar’s every year, there is a potential of thirty thousand people dying in the next several months.

Re: Outbreak of Fever Could Lead to Pandemic

СообщениеДобавлено: 19 окт 2009, 12:59
скоро лихорадка будет напоминать "Обитель зла" - прилетит туда отряд пехотинцев, а там зоблилэнд во всей красе ...

Re: Outbreak of Fever Could Lead to Pandemic

СообщениеДобавлено: 19 окт 2009, 13:32
Ну, Ваймалу никого особо не интересует, там нет ничего интересного, нет промышленности, нет воды, и гости туда не летают, потому как каждый второй гость дохнет от их фирменной горячки.
Даже обещанный завод им и то, походу, не построили.