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Official: Filtvelt Secession ‘Grave Concern’ to Princess Reg

СообщениеДобавлено: 11 окт 2009, 00:02
(7 March 3072)

Filtvelt [FSNS]—Sub-Minister Avi Blessed reiterated the concern of the Federated Suns government in regards to the secession of the planets in the self-proclaimed Filtvelt Coalition.
“While the Federated Suns was founded on the principles of freedom of expression, such bold actions send the wrong message to the people of the Federated Suns as well as to our enemies.” Blessed said during a news conference on the steps of Minette's capital city of Schmetzan. “We're facing the greatest threat to our very existence, and what we need now is unity. The Princess Regent has a grave concern for those worlds, or groups of worlds that feel that now is the best time to 'cut and run'.”
The Filtvelt Coalition was born out of years of perceived neglect over rising raids from pirates and other wartime opportunists. Since their secession, there has been only diplomatic saber rattling, as the AFFS cannot militarily afford to bring the worlds back into the fold. Such bold moves have given rise to other rumblings of secession among various planetary groups within the Suns. Many believe the continued survival of the Princess Regent is the only glue holding the realm together.
The conference was interrupted by supporters of the Coalition, who tried to drown out the Sub-Minister. Chants of, “Filtvelt Freedom!” and “Forgotten Suns,” an obvious play on 'Federated Suns' filled the scene.
The crowd was quickly broken up by security, and the Sub-Minister took a moment to address the conference crashers.
“I'm not saying the Coalition doesn't have a legitimate complaint, but they are failing to see the larger picture. Nor do they have an inkling to what is happening to AFFS troops on the front lines right now.”
Sub-Minister Blessed is leaving Minette within the week en route to Filtvelt to lay groundwork for discussions of peaceful readmission into the Federated Suns.

Re: Official: Filtvelt Secession ‘Grave Concern’ to Princess Reg

СообщениеДобавлено: 22 окт 2009, 12:47
:D Оказывается в Сфере существует планетка под названием Minette. :D
Вот повезет какому-нибудь переводчику :D

Re: Official: Filtvelt Secession ‘Grave Concern’ to Princess Reg

СообщениеДобавлено: 22 окт 2009, 12:53
Минетта, так и переводилась.

Re: Official: Filtvelt Secession ‘Grave Concern’ to Princess Reg

СообщениеДобавлено: 22 окт 2009, 13:05
"Ну, Минетта, так Минетта"(С) :D