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FringeSphere Ends Season with Clan-related Cliffhanger?

СообщениеДобавлено: 10 окт 2009, 10:53
(4 April 3076)

Dustball [Inner Sphere Entertainment Weekly]— Spoiler Alert! FringeSphere, one of the most popular holovids in recent years, may end its third season with a cliffhanger out of left field, and a tie-in that could cause some controversy for this Clan border world.
Rumors from those within the CherryCo studios, producers of FringeSphere, are saying that Jack, the handsome doctor lead from the series learns that his ancestors are from the fabled and supposedly-extinct Clan Wolverine and is actually verboten amongst the Clans themselves.
While this plot twist is interesting and would explain some of the knowledge Jack has possessed during the show, the controversy comes from the idea itself. Much of the intelligence garnered about the Clans indicates they show a unilateral antipathy toward Clan Wolverine, which they refer to as the 'Not-Named.' This attitude apparently includes violence at the slightest provocation—even mere mention.
CherryCo is based on Dustball, a planet that lies right on the border to the Jade Falcon OZ. While the Clans have shown a general distaste for Inner Sphere entertainment, it's generally believed that there is an underground that is eager to get their hands on anything from the Inner Sphere.
While this is all still rumor and conjecture, there is some genuine concern that such an element in the show could cause a flare up on a border that has been quiet of late.

Re: FringeSphere Ends Season with Clan-related Cliffhanger?

СообщениеДобавлено: 22 окт 2009, 12:24
Кстати говоря,
Dustball was originally colonized because geographic surveys indicated the presence of large deposits of gemstones. When the surveys ended up being incorrect, many of the miners left, but a large, wealthy, and cunning family - the Malthus family :twisted: - remained on the planet. Willing to work outside of legal bounds, the Malthus family started a series of casinos, nightclubs and hotels around the spaceport. As a result, the planet has the slogan "Where the elite meet, greet, and satisfy their most wicked desires."

There are five domed cities on the planet, each specializing in a separate pleasure theme. While much of the money earned on the planet is only semi-legal, the Malthus family is unconcerned as they are able to blackmail most of the Commonwealth's officials who have visited the planet.