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Coils Around the Nest - 2009 Fall/Winter World Wide Event

СообщениеДобавлено: 23 сен 2009, 07:31
On 8 September 3065, Clan Steel Viper launched an assault on the Snow Raven industrial capital of Lum. The conflict lasted five weeks and seriously disrupted Clan Snow Raven’s manufacturing operation. The campaign was bloody but the tenets of zellbrigen were followed for the most part.

On 12 October Clan Steel Viper began to withdraw its forces from the planet’s surface. They would sustain severe damage during their retreat.

Both Clans claimed victory.

Coils Around the Nest is the 2009 Fall/Winter World Wide Event and will run from October 15 through November 29. See the Catalyst Demo Team forum for details on events in your area!

СообщениеДобавлено: 23 сен 2009, 08:33
Маленький Скорпион
Поздновато они решили этот эвент отыграть :cool: