Unknown Force Strikes Reorganizing Forces on Firgrove!

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

Unknown Force Strikes Reorganizing Forces on Firgrove!

Сообщение DeJaVu » 07 сен 2007, 22:57

28 December 3072

[Saso Evening News] Reports are now coming in from Firgrove that a Word of Blake force has assaulted the replacement depot on that world. While we have not received precise lists of manpower or materiel lost in the assault, we can safely assume that significant damage was done before the Blakist forces withdrew.
Firgrove, in recent months, has become the center of the replenishment system in the near Capellan March. Recent Capellan aggression and the still-turbulent fighting in and around the Pleiades worlds has kept normal Department of the Quartermaster operations stymied. We can confirm that small units representing the Syrtis Fusiliers and the Avalon Hussars were known to be on-world, and small detachments from several mercenary commands, including the Illician Lancers and the Lexington Combat Group were thought to be in en route. The fate of any of these units is unknown, but presumed lost.
According to our information, a Blakist Level III (analogous to one of our battalions) landed in force and breached the defensive perimeter before targeting the stored materiel and munitions. Initial reports indicate that they ignored the AFFS defenses until after they had destroyed the materiel in question, although no Blakist units were recovered during the salvage operations.

Analysis of unit markings observed by the defenders yields no known Word of Blake unit. The insignia, a Blake broadsword wearing a roaring lion's head, has not been seen before, and many wonder whether or not it is a play on the old Hasek-Davion crest of a roaring lion. If so, it could foretell a disturbing trend, if Davion-friendly units are going over to the Word of Blake.

Any information regarding this unit or insignia should be reported to your nearest AFFS office immediately and completely. Compliance with this order is compulsory for all citizens, and failure to yield information about these or any other enemies of the realm will be dealt with severely.


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