Iron Writer 2009 Now Available for Voting!

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

Iron Writer 2009 Now Available for Voting!

Сообщение DeJaVu » 14 сен 2009, 19:23

At Gen Con Indy 2009 a number of writers, gathered in the gaming hall, sat and wrote a timed story based on or using a common word: betrayal. Each writer had one hour (fire drill notwithstanding) to complete their story, and they are presented below with edit or polish, for you to judge.
Once you’ve read each story, please visit the BattleCorps Exclusives section of the forums and vote for the best story! The winner will be offered a contract and published on BattleCorps in the fall of 2009, although their story (whichever wins) will remain outside of canon.
Stories are numbered and the poll works off of the numbers above the title (if any) of each story. All authors’ names have been removed.
Authors who contributed this year:
(these are not in order)
Loren L. Coleman
John Mynyk
Jason M. Hardy
Adam Sherwood
KeVin Killiany
Chris Hussey
Nick Marsala
Ken' Horner
Andreas Zuber
Geoff Swift
Alexander C. Kaempen
Troy Garner

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