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Завленные анонсы корпса

СообщениеДобавлено: 12 сен 2009, 09:38
Brains vs Brawn

Even in the era of recovered technology, the mind of a scientist is a valuable commodity. No opportunity can be passed up, even when it occurs in the midst of combat.

Under Pressure

Even among the Clans combat is not always practical only in wide-open flat plains. Sometimes one is forced to fight where the objective is.

Hot Time in the Hot Zone

A MechWarrior's worst enemy is heat buildup--and that enemy has allies when the temperature outside rises as fast as inside!

З.Ы. Халявят и очень сильно. По всей видимости очень жестко каталистов подкосили последние неудачи с ансинами.

СообщениеДобавлено: 12 сен 2009, 09:52
Under Pressure

Even among the Clans combat is not always practical only in wide-open flat plains. Sometimes one is forced to fight where the objective is

А вот это уже интересненькооо... :)