BB. The strength of our community 18/08/2009

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

BB. The strength of our community 18/08/2009

Сообщение DeJaVu » 19 авг 2009, 13:58

So I had no plans on going near my computer today...I'm still half-zombie from Gen Con and am trying to clean up and organize a house left in a declared state of disaster leaving for the show...and I knew I'd wait a few days before giving my own report on Gen Con. However, something happened at the con that has driven me to provide a short blog.

I've always been proud to be a part of the community and to have lead the creation of the products for that community for 13 years now. I've known of the strength of that community and year after year as I meet new faces and get to spend a little time again with faces I've seen year after year...I always look forward to Gen Con despite the massive workload "because" of the community and the individuals that bind it together. However, this year it has been taken to a new level.

A member of the community had his stuff stolen, including laptop, money, important documents and so on. The details of what and who this involved are not up to me to disclose. What I do want to simply say is that the outpouring of support from the entire community for this person made a grown man that has seen a giant amount of things occur in our industry over that 13 year period emotional and watery-eyed. I couldn't possibly be more proud to contribute to this community that is stronger than any ferro-carbide armor. It was an honor to witness this closing of ranks and incredible support...and an honor to continue to make the products that continue to provide enjoyment and forge our community together stronger than ever.

Thanks to everyone involved...I'm humbled to have such fantastic people surrounding me and the game we all love. Hope to see you all (and more) next year and to once again participate in that camaraderie.



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