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Strauss-Ashley Rift Widens over Democracy Now Extremism

СообщениеДобавлено: 30 июн 2009, 00:21
[9 September 3071; ANN] Kelvin Strauss’ recent condemnation of Lyndon Ashley’s militant stance for Democracy Now was called into question by one of Ashley’s supporters yesterday on the news program Good Morning, Virtue when Mario Lavallos questioned Strauss’ support of his own platform.
“I mean, yes—it might be called a bit extreme to be willing to resort to violence when your government doesn’t represent your best interests any longer, but come on—can the leader of a breakaway movement really be allowed to say 'No, son, you’re just doing it too damn well. Slow down.'”
When pushed by the moderator to further explain himself, and to defend his 'bit extreme' comments, Lavallos laughed. “Of course it’s extreme—I’m not a member of the government. I don’t sit in the Estates General, nor do I hold a commission in the Armed Forces. But am I not allowed to defend my rights just the same? Am I not allowed to defend my family? Strauss would have you believe that it’s enough that we annoy our so-called leaders, and keep them accountable. ‘The system can work,’ he says. Of course it can. But just a system can do something, doesn’t mean that system is doing something. My muscles are perfectly capable of carrying me right out of this studio, Denise… but here I sit.”
No comment has been received from Mr. Strauss or any of his designated representatives, but we want to assure our viewers that ANN stands ready to show both sides of the argument.