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Wolf, Ghost Bear Resistance Slows Horses to Standstill

СообщениеДобавлено: 27 июн 2009, 12:41
[17 August 3071; ARNN] The crusading Hell’s Horses have been slowed, it seems, but the defenses of Clans Wolf and Ghost Bear.
The Wolves are fighting hard on all fronts, with several Clusters arrayed on strategic worlds to hold the line against further Hell’s Horses advances. Khan Vlad Ward’s Wolves appear willing to hold this line against any Horses assault, as if daring Khan Cobb’s Horses to try and advance past them. We know the Wolves’ mettle here on Arc-Royal: any assault against those units will be costly indeed.
Trials in Ghost Bear territory have slowed, although we have been unable to ascertain why. It is possible the angst between the Bears and the Horses has cooled and allowed more formal, contained Trials to be issued. We have recent reports of combat on Balsta and Dawn, with rumors of Hermagor being threatened by a small Horses force.
Given the savage fighting thus far, most experts agree that something must have happened to cool the collective Clans’ ardor for combat, but we have been unable to ascertain what that element is. Whatever its source, we welcome it. Every resource that can be safely pulled away from the Clans and redirected at the Word of Blake is an asset well-used.