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19 June 2009BATTLEBLOG - A Time of War: Pushing Through

СообщениеДобавлено: 22 июн 2009, 10:46
Turned another section over to layout earlier in the week...the all important character creation. While I'm hoping I'll see it today for proofing, it's the third biggest section in the book and of course has a pile of funkyness for layout, so that may not be possible. But who knows...Matt often pulls of some crazy miracles.

Now I've not been involved with the development of the core rules in A Time of War enough to be able to look at this section and instantly grog it; as I've said, this baby is all Herb's...and he's got the emotional scars to prove it. So I didn't really concentrate on that aspect as I quickly spun through it for a look. However, what struck me was the usual "yeah, we've got a rule for that" mentality in this section that I've tried to create in all of these rulebooks. So of course we've got all the standard faction rules from Great Houses, to all the Clans and even on to the minor factions like a pirate or Tortuga. However, we've even got various Terran affiliations as well, from a belter to Martian, Venusian to a standard Terran Citizen. Yet at the same time, just as Total Warfare provided expansive coverage of rules yet left a host of rules to be fully expanded on in latter books, I instantly saw some fantastic potential for serious rules expansions for this book down the line.

Another nice touch in this section that made me laugh out loud (mainly because I couldn't believe that we'd never done it before) was a nice side bar of conversions for distance, weight, volume, temperature and so on from the Imperial System to metric, so someone not very familiar with the metric system can have an instant grasp of such conversions across the board.

I also turned over the Special Case Rules section to edit. What I liked about that section was how it not only covered weather and terrain rules (like all the previous editions), but it did so in a way that provides a direct "plug and play" feel with the expansive Planetary Conditions in TO. A great connectivity that I hope is the hallmark of all these rulebooks.

The remaining sections that Herb's hammering on are Combat, Tactical Combat and Equipment. Getting there!

See ya next time.


З.Ы. Ни кто не хочет попереводить блоги?

СообщениеДобавлено: 22 июн 2009, 12:16
Да нечего там переводить. Бла-бла-бла, мы готовим книжку, книжка будет клевой.

СообщениеДобавлено: 22 июн 2009, 12:19
Во-во. Собственно почему я перестал их переводить: раньше там была какая-то ценная инфа, сейчас - аффтары обленились.