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Hegemony in Disarray Amid Reports of Alphard Bombing

СообщениеДобавлено: 14 июн 2009, 08:59
[14 June 3071; INN] A JumpShip arriving at Campoleone two days ago bore rumors of an attack on the Marian capital of Nova Roma, including devastating casualties and the death of the Caesar, Julius O’Reilly. It has taken two days for the date from the JumpShip to be downloaded and digested, but we’re prepared to offer the following conclusions:
- There has been an attack on the Marian capital world, and the Caesar and most of the Marian Senate were present in Nova Roma at the time. We have no hard information concerning them.

- The attacks appear to be nuclear, but from the minimal amount of physical damage the weapons appear to be what are known as neutron bombs, high-yield radiation weapons rather than blast-damage weapons.
- A communications blackout was immediately placed in effect in the Alphard system and surrounding systems. No HPG transmissions have been detected (but of course Campoleone is far out of range) nor any further JumpShips arrived.
- No one has claimed credit for this attack, although it clearly shows sophistication and planning. The use of nuclear weapons points toward the Word of Blake, although any sufficiently technological world could create fission weapons.
- The Marian Hegemony was (and possibly still is) in direct conflict with the Circinus Federation. It is possible the attack came from the Circinus worlds.

INN will release any further information as it becomes available and confirmed.

СообщениеДобавлено: 14 июн 2009, 10:47
мда, вот и "падение римской империи" настало. 8-)