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BATTLEBLOG - A Right of Passage. 12 may 2009

СообщениеДобавлено: 15 май 2009, 09:42
Course the title has nothing to do with anything...just heard the new DT song so couldn't resist. ;-)
Anyways, let's see...how much of what I listed yesterday was I able to actually touch.

Emails...always lots and lots of emails: Yup.
Check in to see if Dave has finished layout of the Balance of Power rulebook and if so proof: Checked in; Dave'll be finishing that this week.
Check to see if Brent has tweaked the Reference Cards for Balance of Power and if so proof: Came in, just need to print them out to make sure they're legiable.
Fold in final proofing comments from Reiner Knizia into Merchants and pass to Mat to finalize: Done.
Write another 750 word fiction piece for Seattle 2072: Done.
Check in with Loren to see if he's done a final proof on the Paparazzi card set...if so, pass those on to Matt to finalize: Checked in; Loren'll finish that this week.
Make sure there's no contracts waiting for may approval: Done.
Finish tweaking the booklet for HexPack: Roads and Cities so it can head to edit: done.
Check in with Loren to see if he's finished his story for 25 Years of Art & Fiction: Done; Loren called twice to verify some continuity, so he's writing!
Check in with Dave to see if the software for upsizing lowrez art files for 25 Years of Art & Fiction is working: Done; Dave'll set a day aside this week to finish that.
Make sure Herb doesn't need anything to keep finishing up A Time of War: Done; though if I could only find a way to get him a few more hours a day.
Check in with Dave to see if he's been able to answer any of my "where are some checks" questions: Done.
Proof A Time of War sections as they come in from Matt: 7 sections done in two days...man's a miracle worker.
See where Paul's at with A Time of War sections: Done; got in the final Touring the Stars section, so the entire GM section should head to edit this week.
Check in with Rob to see if he's gotten me a status update for where all Eclipse Phase products are at: Rob'll have that in by end of week.
Pass along Running Wild sketches to the SR dev team for comments: Yup.
More emails: Of course.
Finish my own story for 25 Years of Art & Fiction: Nope...didn't touch this one, day simply vanishes with everything else I worked on.
Comment on art coming in for A Time of War: Yup...just waiting on the final color artwork to come in.
Comment on art coming in for Masters & Minions: Done...stunning art...and even got another section over to layout.
Finish tweaking the text for the print RS3075 intro section and get it to edit: Another one I didn't get to...this'll be first this this morning.
Check to see where RS3075 PDF is at: Done...still waiting on some pesky equipment to be implemented.
Finish formating Henchman rules and get them off to edit: Didn't make this either, though I was able to keep the graphic design side rolling.
Finish proofing sections for the 25th Anniversary Introduction Box Set: Another one I didn't get to...will do this after RS3075 action.
Finish writing adventure for the combined quick-start rules: SOOO didn't get to this one...will have to push till later in the week.
Tweat: duh...
Answer playtest questions for the Leviathans QSR currently underway: Yup...several great questions asked and answered.
Check to see where RS0355U PDF is at: Just a little bit more work on the aerospace fighters and we're done.
Sign off on proposed direction for parts of Interstellar Players: Another thing I didn't get to...may need to be pushed to Thursday.
Check in to see where proofing of Vice is at: And as ever, here's one that I totally forgot to check in on; writing note to do that right after this blog post.
Check in to see where the final map and art for Midnight is at so layout can begin: And another one that fell off the radar; writing another note.
Review price quotes on half a dozen different products to determine which manufacturer will be used: Phone call on this one; starting to make decisions.
More emails: Some days I should track how many emails I answer...some days it's just scary.
Blog (check...): duh.

Well, as ever, looks like I've got marching orders (working on those things I missed from yesterday, while several of those points above are on going; and will be for days and in some cases weeks of constant check ups and follow throughs). And of course there were several things that popped up yesterday that I had to deal with, as ever; some times I dread the phone ringing.
The glorious life of a game developer.... ;-) (Course I did promise Bryn--whose been home sick for almost 2 weeks--we'd played the new 4th Edition Talisman some time today...gotta fit 'that' work in some where....)

Type at you later.


СообщениеДобавлено: 15 май 2009, 10:32
Я не понял, Рендалл уже дошел до того, что выкладывает в блог свою записную книжку? :shock:
Что потом? Список покупок в супермаркете?

СообщениеДобавлено: 16 май 2009, 21:27
Ну надо же ему что-то писать, имитировать деятельность и отмазываться, почему многие вещи мы все ждем и ждем...

СообщениеДобавлено: 16 май 2009, 22:22
Маленький Скорпион
"Вот он я, а вы мне рады?"
"Раньше я вела в тетради"
"Есть дневник – начну писать:

"Я люблю сегодня Машу"
"Я здесь лучшая, мать вашу,
Кто не понял – тот дурак"
"Я болею за Спартак"

"Я пАдонок, ниибацца"
"Панки грязи не боятся" -
"Оторвал тебе кавай"
"С Новым годом! Наливай!"

"Дописал главу романа"
"Изучаю дно кармана:
Два гондона, три монеты"
"Мне 12, счастья нету"

"Гарри Поттер любит Драко"
"У попа была собака"
"Ой, уже отходят воды!"
"Все родители – уроды"

"Задолбали эти глюки"
"Все мои подруги – суки"
"Я не сдам экзамен этот"
"Он ниче, хотя и препод"

"Целовалась возле школы"
"Этот мир – одни приколы"
"Я танцую в неглиже"
"Да пошли они в ЖЖ!"

"Зацените мои фото"
"Денег хрен, а жрать охота"
"Напишите комментарий"
"Вика ржет, как пролетарий"

"Не дошел до школы Тема –
выпил литр в два приема"
"Жизнь прекрасна – от и до"
Сервер временно недо....

"Да, я сволочь, ну так что же?"
"День был плох и вечер тоже"
"Current music, current mood..."
"Извините, дальше - флуд"

"Муж - подлец, а я вся в белом"
"Тесты глянул между делом"
"Я работаю как вол!"
"Вот как выглядит мой стол"

"Мелкий сделал то и это"
"Видел, давеча, в газете"
"Небо нынче в облаках"
"Не в ЖЖ пошли, а ...!"

"Посмотрите эту ссылку"
"Кинь мне номер на ю-мылку"
"Место встречи - как всегда"
"Подскажите, господа"

"О банальном - ни словечка!"
"Раз дощечка, два дощечка..."
"Книжку умную читал"
"Спать хочу. Замерз. Устал"

"Целый день в Сети сидела"
"Порыдать бы на плече"
"Вау, новые ПЧ"

"А тебе отвечу лично"
"Очень тонко и[ли]richно"
"Ложью мир пропитан весь"
"Фильм - дерьмо, подробней - здесь"

"Прага, Вильнюс, Мюнхен, Вена -
Отдохнули мы отменно"
"В тесто добавляем соль"
"Всем спасибо, я ушель".

Продолжение (с) Erfarot

"Коноплю ценю за стебли",
"Не раскрыта тема #бли",
"Задолбали эти боты",
"Я опять слетел с работы",

"Все казлы, я - д'Артаньян",
"Муж вчера купил кальян",
"СНГ идет к распаду",
"Аффтар сцуко выпей йаду!",

"Побывали на Мальдивах",
"Попили с друзьями пива",
"Почитал стихи Басё",
"Путин - это НАШЕФСЕ!"

"Отомстите за Саддама!",
"Тёща - тоже чья-то мама",
"Всех арабов забомбить!",
"Опа, раз3,14зделся жидЪ...",

"А из нашего окна
Баба голая видна,
А из вашего окошка -
Только бабушка немножко",

Блоги всякие нужны,
Блоги всякие важны
(с) не моё ;)