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Time “Running Out” for Renegades

СообщениеДобавлено: 10 мар 2009, 21:38
Fellers: Time “Running Out” for Renegade Mercenaries
[3 January 3071; Wasat Inquisitor] Precentor David Fellers, commander of the Word of Blake Third Division, resident on Wasat and in charge of the capture of the renegade Blackhearts mercenary regiment, issued the following statement to the Wasat press today:
“To the soldiers and support staff of the Blackhearts, I urge you to reconsider following the illegal orders of Glen Stryker and the other corrupt officers who’ve refused to accede to the lawful demands of your contract-holder that you submit to extraction and redeployment. It was then-Major Stryker’s actions that led to the deaths of your former commanding officers, and to the misunderstandings that have brought so much conflict to the peaceful citizens of Wasat. Please, reconsider your actions. The time for reasonable action is running out.”
Our inquiries to the other mercenary command currently on-planet, the HeavyHell Raisers commanded by Major Manu Sharma, have gone unanswered. Major Sharma’s representatives have stated—and continue to state—that their contract says nothing about speaking to the press about matters that don’t concern them. Of course, their orders to help the Third Division intercept and capture the Blackhearts—made public by informants in the Third Division’s staff—make it seem as though they are involved, but we cannot force them to share their thoughts.
Of course, we’ve heard nothing from the Blackhearts, except to track the combat and casualty reports filed by the Protectorate Militia and the Third Division as they track them during their flight.