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Lynch Writings Ruled Public Domain

СообщениеДобавлено: 04 мар 2009, 21:27
[October 22nd, 3075; New Avalon] Tames DuVall, Minister of Ways and Means, ruled today that author Jenny Lynch’s writings were part of public domain and that her estate was no longer due royalties for her writings. The controversial writer was known for exploring themes such as a person’s role in society and valuing the greater good. A Gear Among Many was probably her best known novel, a thinly veiled look at which point individuality is outweighed by the needs of society. Critics lambasted her ‘socialist views’ while proponents felt that the Federated Suns would be stronger if people would value the state more than their own needs. She died of congestive heart failure in 3068 at the age of 104 and was immediately cryogenically frozen.
Her estate argued that with the influx of new technology that she would be revivified in the near future and thus was not dead. DuVall stated in his decree, “While we must protect the creative spirit with copyright, we cannot be held hostage by someone that is no longer with us.” DuVall’s ruling matches that of a lower court as well as a similar ruling in the Capellan Confederation. Despite Lynch’s nationality, sales in the neighboring realm have been as good as those in the Federated Suns. Deborah Madeoy, spokeperson for the Lynch Estate said that the decree was merely a setback. “I’m sure the First Princess will see our reasoning. Of course, once the scientists can revive Jenny, this will change matters greatly.”