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Эксклюзивно для читателей форума: A BONFIRE OF WORLDS

СообщениеДобавлено: 03 мар 2009, 09:14
You read it right.

Beginning in March and extending for approximately the following thirty weeks, BattleCorps is pleased to preview Steven Mohan, Jr.'s new MechWarrior Dark Age novel A Bonfire of Worlds in serial publication across fifteen parts.

As the first novel written in years, it's only fitting that we allow our loyal subscribers at BattleCorps to be the first to read this exciting new book that moves the BattleTech universe forward in new and Sphere-shaking ways! I'm not too proud to say that yes, I have read it, and yes--you will like it.

These releases are not replacing the normal BattleCorps fare--they are in addition to it. While we may stagger some upcoming fiction to make sure Bonfire has the exposure it needs, we will still be producing other stories as well. In fact, I think it's safe for me to let slip that you'll be seeing (in March) another new (to us, at least) writer added. I've just bought a couple of new stories straight out of the slush pile, and the first of them is in production right now.

So. Make sure to spread the word near and far--there's never been a better time to join the 'Corps. No one else is getting a look at Bonfire before it hits print; and for the next fifteen days we're offering an incredible fifty-percent discount to subscriptions.

It's going to be a good year.


СообщениеДобавлено: 03 мар 2009, 09:27
Дэвид Стэнсель - Гарднер сказал:
Ни кто не знает даты релиза.
И предположение о том, что релиз после публикации на корпсе также не верно.
И вапче никто из вас не скажет даже даты анонса, не пытайтесь сделать это. Только три человека знают, когда выйдет книга - Я, Лорен и Джон Хефферс

Меня терзают смутные сомнения, что сея плюшка будет на ГенКоне.

СообщениеДобавлено: 03 мар 2009, 09:30
Если честно, меня гораздо больше интересует вторая часть "Сумерков Веры", точнее, кто именно там вывалил на стол факт того, что Томас Марик - не Марик.

СообщениеДобавлено: 01 апр 2009, 20:49