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Сообщение DeJaVu » 05 дек 2008, 11:00

Fall from Grace: Part VIII
by Chris Hartford
No one ever expected her to take office, and when she did they all assumed it would be nothing but seat warming for her nephew. We all know what assumptions make of you and me...


Сообщение DeJaVu » 15 дек 2008, 14:05

Fall from Grace: Part IX
by Chris Hartford
Is the cure better than the sickness? A question Rhean had to ask herself once the cure lead to even greater, 'complications'. Be careful what you wish for, the hidden costs might be fatal.


Сообщение DeJaVu » 01 янв 2009, 19:29

Fall from Grace: Part X
by Chris Hartford
Stripped of power and prepared for exile, Rhean finds she must prepare for execution instead. The conspiracy runs deep, but so do her friends. The question is, which is better?


Сообщение DeJaVu » 01 янв 2009, 19:30

Forgotten Worlds (Book 2): Finding Jardine: Part VI
by Herbert A. Beas II
Brooklyn Stevens and her crew have narrowly escaped, but where have they escaped to? And who has followed them there, and who awaits?


Сообщение DeJaVu » 01 янв 2009, 19:30

Forgotten Worlds: Finding Jardine (Book 2): Part VII
by Herbert A. Beas II
They survived the fight in orbit, and the crash to the world below, but a ship falling out of the sky attracts the eyes of everyone for hundreds of kilometers. Will Brooke and Tibor find help, or will they be found instead by more enemies?


Сообщение DeJaVu » 01 янв 2009, 19:30

Broken Sword, Wounded Dragon
by Edward McEneely
From first time BattleCorps author Edward McEneely: The Draconis Combine’s massacre of the civilians of Kentares IV in the First Succession War is remembered as the most horrifying atrocity since Man left Terra a thousand years ago. It’s in every history book, and almost every denizen of the Inner Sphere knows the name… but even across 52 million deaths, there were those who fought their own personal battles.


Сообщение DeJaVu » 09 янв 2009, 21:24

Citations of Respect
by Jason Hansa
War is a maker of many mysteries, and during the savage fighting on Galtor before the Fourth Succession War, a great mystery was founded. Can a pair of historians, one from each realm working together, piece together the truth and bring honor to the dead?


Сообщение DeJaVu » 22 янв 2009, 10:38

orgotten Worlds: Finding Jardine (Book 2): Part VIII
by Herbert A. Beas II

Trapped on Jardine, hunted by the enemy, and sheltered—for now, at least—but unknowns, can Brooke and Tibor survive their mission to the Forgotten World


Сообщение DeJaVu » 12 фев 2009, 16:06

From the Highest Spire: Part I
by Steven Mohan, Jr.

When the Capellan Confederation finally came to reclaim Chesterton in the Jihad, they didn’t send the strongest regiments or the most powerful WarShips. They didn’t come to liberate the world in and fulfill the dreams of generations of Capellan noblemen. When the Warrior House came, they came to terrorize; they came to frighten. They came to Chesterton to punish.


Сообщение DeJaVu » 20 фев 2009, 01:02

From the Highest Spire: Part II
by Steven Mohan, Jr.

The bloodlust for vengeance after Chesteron has lead the Foxes and the rest of the AFFS against the homeworld of the Warrior House that attacked them. They’ve come loaded for bear—but have they remembered how powerful a bear is, secure in its lair?


Сообщение DeJaVu » 24 фев 2009, 21:18

Whatever the Mess...
by Jason M. Hardy
Tensions flare in war zones, and sometimes even after the fighting is over. It’s always after the danger has passed that the rumors begin…


Сообщение DeJaVu » 27 фев 2009, 15:56

The Few, the Lucky
by Chris Hussey

Not everyone can escape when an invasion hits, but that doesn’t mean that you just lay down and take it, either. Every handbook notes a tactical withdrawal… but of course, sometimes they chase you.


Сообщение DeJaVu » 04 мар 2009, 10:01

Highest Spire: Part III
by Steven Mohan, Jr.

On the ground on Highspire, the Foxes are moving toward their objectives as the Liao forces awaken to their presence. Desperate tactics, desperate battles, desperate people. Desperation is a familiar facet of combat—but can they overcome their desperation to win through to victory?


Сообщение DeJaVu » 05 мар 2009, 19:48

Highest Spire: Part IV
by Steven Mohan, Jr.

Combat is a swirling mix of action and reaction, of attempting to grab the initiative from your oppenent and force him to react to your actions before he can make you react to his. The Rabid Foxes are masters at holding the initiative—but so are the Rakshasas.


Сообщение DeJaVu » 09 мар 2009, 23:33

Highest Spire: Part V
by Steven Mohan, Jr.

Highspire has been a deathtrap for the Foxes of Fox Team Seven, and most likley for the rest of the Davion battleforce following them. But there is still time—still time for Romero and his Foxes to salvage some victory out of defeat.

З.Ы. Выложу завтра.


Сообщение DeJaVu » 15 мар 2009, 21:28

Горнило Миров: Часть I
Цикл Темный Век, книга 31
автор Стивен Мохан, младший

Республика Девлина Стоуна должна была быть последней надеждой человечества на свободу от бедствия нескончаемой войны, но как только дела пошли не очень, что же случились? Республика забилась в кроличью нору и захлопнула за собой дверь.
- Архонт Мелисса Штайнер в интервью TBC, 14 марта 3136


Сообщение DeJaVu » 21 мар 2009, 13:42

The Lance Killer
by Craig A. Reed - Новый Автор

The battles for Kathil during the FedCom Civil War were among the most devastating in any war, and no cost was higher than that paid by the soldiers fighting there.”


Сообщение DeJaVu » 27 мар 2009, 11:52

by Craig A. Reed

The samurai believe that a sword—or a ‘Mech—can be an extension of a warrior’s soul. When that warrior is an outcast, must he find a cast-off ‘Mech to match?

Выложу вечером.


Сообщение DeJaVu » 01 апр 2009, 21:26

A Bonfire of Worlds: Part II
by Steven Mohan, Jr.
Read to discover what the next part will bring.


Сообщение DeJaVu » 01 апр 2009, 21:28

Path of Glory
by Randall N. Bills

The first of the Electronic Advance Reader Copies, free to BattleCorps members! Check the exclusives forum for voting on the next novel free to members!

выложу ночью.



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