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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

Сообщение DeJaVu » 15 июл 2008, 16:15

Starter Book Wolf and Blake Scenario: Capture the Flag
by Scenarios
Choose your side, climb into the cockpit and battle out to see if Hohiro Kurita wins free of the Ventatori, or if the chosen of St. Jamais will capture their quarry.


Сообщение DeJaVu » 16 июл 2008, 09:41

A Cresent Hawk's Scenario- Cornered Prey
by Scenarios
An enemy at the back door and all that stands between Youngblood and a Word of Blake force, are the men and women of the Hawk's Striker lance.


Сообщение DeJaVu » 18 июл 2008, 21:42

Wolf's Dragoons Scenario- Ghosts
by Scenarios
On Outreach, the Word of Blake destroyed Wolf's Dragoons, in fire and thunder. But their hired guns would soon learn, that even the Dragoons' Ghosts had bite.


Сообщение DeJaVu » 22 июл 2008, 10:44

Color of Sky: Part I
by Steven Mohan, Jr.
It is a time, when a working actuator was worth its weight in Germanium. A simple man, in a small militia, seeing the coming of a great storm, must decide if he will steer into that storm or run before it. Run before the howling of the


Сообщение DeJaVu » 28 июл 2008, 10:10

Color of Sky: Part II
by Steven Mohan, Jr.
The battle for Nova Roma was over, Anton Marik had allied with the devil in blue and forced a surrender of the world. The only thing is, not everyone was prepared to let the battle be over.


Сообщение DeJaVu » 28 июл 2008, 10:11

Color of Sky.: Part III
by Steven Mohan, Jr.
Perception and reality are not always friends. Where one expects treachery, honor. Where honor is expected, treachery. Life hangs in the balance, and armor comes in the least likely of forms.


Сообщение DeJaVu » 03 авг 2008, 12:11

Twisting in Vacuum
by Jason M. Hardy
In a unit full of secrets trust is a rare commodity. But it will take a full measure of trust from one, for all to follow. The question is, should he really be trusting them all?


Сообщение DeJaVu » 06 авг 2008, 13:53

First Aquisition
by John Helfers
Be careful what you wish for, is an ancient proverb and one that any aspiring hunter should be wary of. Finding the best, can sometimes be hard on the body.


Сообщение Leonid » 08 авг 2008, 21:45

by Jason Schmetzer
Feral, the order when given strips all the rules away. There is only Dragoon and target. Those on Outreach learned this swiftly and painfully. But Feral is not a localized order, Feral is all.
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Сообщение DeJaVu » 16 авг 2008, 21:20

Strike at the Heart
by Scenarios

As the fires of the Jihad rages around us, let us remember a simpler war, in a simpler time. Even in the depth of the 4th Succession War, the little battles still mattered and still counted. The inexperienced power of the Suns, vs. the skilled but constrained Capellans. Which side will you choose?

Bringing the War Home
by Scenarios

Another camp fire memory, to keep us warm in the nuclear winter of the Jihad. The planet is Liao, the time is the 4th Succession War. Choose the Elite General and her band of green but eager pilots, or choose the rugged and defiant Capellan's fighting for the soil they were born on.


Сообщение DeJaVu » 31 авг 2008, 20:33

Old Pus Eye
by Blaine Lee Pardoe
Even deep in the Periphery a man can come up with the age-old quandary: once you pay the danegeld, how do you get rid of the Dane? It takes a man willing to stand up.


Сообщение DeJaVu » 07 сен 2008, 15:46

Straw Man
by James Swallow

"Just like everything in this stupid, pointless war!".. And thus utters the epithet for the Succession Wars. Come with us as James Swallow takes us back into the darkness of the Succession Wars. Before the Helm Memory Core, before the 4th Succession War changed everything, decades before the Clans. James takes us to a dark world and a darker war. In such a dark time, it takes only a little light to gleam out and give us hope.
05 September 2008


Сообщение DeJaVu » 11 сен 2008, 12:19

by Keith R.A. DeCandido
The show must go on. The Word of Blake continues the Broadway tradition on Solaris, making sure the games happen like clockwork. But can they adapt when their warriors go on strike, or more importantly, strike back?

И снова новый аффтор.


Сообщение Leonid » 18 сен 2008, 07:39

by Scenario

Sometimes it doesn't pay to get out of bed. Some days you get a swift kick in the teeth. A reminder that behind every good army, is a government ready to find fault with any good deed.
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Администрация btbooks.ru
Сообщения: 5786
Зарегистрирован: 21 мар 2007, 12:22
Откуда: берлога под Санкт-Петербургом
Благодарил (а): 554 раз.
Поблагодарили: 2490 раз.
Награды: 1
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Сообщение DeJaVu » 26 окт 2008, 12:26

Unholy Union
Chris Hussey

Although the marriage of Hanse Davion to Melissa Steiner and the war of conquest that followed are the most well-known events of 3028, that wasn't all that happened that year. Deep in the Periphery, two others lovers were meeting and setting great plans in motion...

Blaine Lee Pardoe

A planet is a big place when you’re alone. Forgotten in enemy territory, Charlie Bane has to find his way through both an enemy landscape and what may be his last days alive.

Fall From Grace; Part 01-02
Chris Hartford

“It was the best of times…”
“It was the dawn of a new era of humanity, the establishment of the first Star League. Through years of preparation and sacrifice, the leaders of the major human powers had come to together under one government. Changes were sweeping throughout known space, bringing unknown challenges to the next generation.”

(!)Подписки сейчас у нашего портала нет, публикую новости с кбт.ком. Как только наберется немного стоящего, обязательно подпишемся, платить по 13 баксоф в месяц за 4 рассказа нет никакого желания.


Сообщение DeJaVu » 01 ноя 2008, 13:38

Fall From Grace; Part 03
Chris Hartford

“It was the best of times…”
“It was the dawn of a new era of humanity, the establishment of the first Star League. Through years of preparation and sacrifice, the leaders of the major human powers had come to together under one government. Changes were sweeping throughout known space, bringing unknown challenges to the next generation.”


Сообщение DeJaVu » 07 ноя 2008, 21:31

Fall from Grace, part 04


Сообщение DeJaVu » 18 ноя 2008, 21:13

Blaine Lee Pardoe

“No wonder she never spoke about the war,” he said.

In time of war many are called upon to do things they would normally be against, and in such circumstances those things are done. Sometimes, however, every man or woman is called upon to make a difficult choice for themselves, regardless of the cost, and then made to pay the price.


Сообщение DeJaVu » 21 ноя 2008, 23:15

Благодаря Леониду и нашему вип-читателю barbos продлена подписка на корпсе!!! Огромный респект! Не хватает буквально 2-3 рассказа до полной коллекции, но мы постараемся оперативно это исправить.

Fall from Grace, part 05-06


Сообщение DeJaVu » 27 ноя 2008, 00:01

Fall from Grace: Part VII
by Chris Hartford
Hello Rhean Marik, my name is Murphy and I really love your family. Here let me do this, oh and this, and then this. Had enough yet?
Rhean Marik must watch as time marches forward, tearing from her those she holds dear and close. And then she gets a personal dose of good old Murphy.



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