Бэттлчат 10.01.09

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

Бэттлчат 10.01.09

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 10 янв 2009, 21:52

Херб брякнул, что Аресские конвенции недействительны вот уже столетия (хм, мне казалось, что наемники при поддержке КомСтара выкрутили остальным руки еще после 1 НВ, и все согласились, что придерживаться их положений все равно стоит)
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Откуда: Мехастроительный завод "Скобелев", Терра, Сибирь
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Сообщение Leonid » 10 янв 2009, 22:10

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Сообщение Siberian-troll » 10 янв 2009, 22:12

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Откуда: Мехастроительный завод "Скобелев", Терра, Сибирь
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Сообщение Siberian-troll » 10 янв 2009, 22:16

Вопрос Корпарти - каково это когда твой рассказ публикуют?
ответ - Танцевал по дому серьезно Восторг и ужас

Валлпаперы из 76 и страт опса скоро будут, но приоритет для них низок

Эревон: ожидаю большую кучу конвертов для бкорпса...
совет, не слышали ничего от нас шесть месяцев - шлите заново!
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Откуда: Мехастроительный завод "Скобелев", Терра, Сибирь
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Сообщение Siberian-troll » 10 янв 2009, 22:20

совет корпарти для начинающих -помимо пиши, шли, повторяй.
Мой опублиткованный - шестой или седьмой. Пиши много, что-то да пролезет.
Процент отвергания для меня - шесть к одному. Выше если слишком страшно, или связность страдает.

Какие приближающиеся продукты вы ждете с нетерпением?
Ром: все.
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Зарегистрирован: 10 май 2007, 04:28
Откуда: Мехастроительный завод "Скобелев", Терра, Сибирь
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Сообщение Siberian-troll » 10 янв 2009, 22:29

как вы выбираете мехи для рассказов? По внешнему виду, по способностям, или по Ну, куритяне всегда пользуют "драконы"?

Ром: если честно, то как лучше для истории, или чтоб круто выглядели, или я картинку на CSO увидал. Мои рассказы о людях а не о мехах.
Корпарти: Для Цитат мне был нужен Блэкджек. остальные должны были иметь ту же скорость, и муж должен был мочь прыгать.
Рэндал: по фракции, затем самый малоизвестный
Мохан, Рэндаллу приходилось бить меня газетой по носу, чтоб я перестал везде пихать "Атласы"

Как там с BV2:
Биас: мы ненавидим бв2! (я слышал почти закончена, не лезу в микроменеджмент и позволяю парням самим крутить цифры)
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Откуда: Мехастроительный завод "Скобелев", Терра, Сибирь
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Сообщение Siberian-troll » 10 янв 2009, 22:30

кит де саммервиль пишет ТП Новый авалон.
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Откуда: Мехастроительный завод "Скобелев", Терра, Сибирь
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Сообщение Siberian-troll » 10 янв 2009, 22:31

Харди почти закончил рассказ про Black Heart Roses и начал сиквел к Mole
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Откуда: Мехастроительный завод "Скобелев", Терра, Сибирь
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Сообщение Siberian-troll » 10 янв 2009, 22:33

Топпс сняла с продажи и не продает Шедоуран и Бэттлтех!
Подробностей пока нет. Но надеются что все останется как есть и Топпс не будет к ним лезть.
Последний раз редактировалось Siberian-troll 10 янв 2009, 22:48, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
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Сообщение Siberian-troll » 10 янв 2009, 22:35

d10 умрет в РПГ
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Сообщение Siberian-troll » 10 янв 2009, 22:36

Мохан сдал Джихад-МД рассказ в бкорпс
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Сообщение Siberian-troll » 10 янв 2009, 22:37

ТП Новый Авалон скоро
затем ТП Таркад, остальные 2 последуют заведеным порядком. Потом гадаем на картах.
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Откуда: Мехастроительный завод "Скобелев", Терра, Сибирь
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Сообщение Siberian-troll » 10 янв 2009, 22:46

Ленивый зад Киллэни (типа был занят другими проектами) все еще не дописал Лекса Атреуса - 30% А обещал к концу года. Еше в планах два рассказа по пехоте и танкам (отдельные) и еще Иррегуляров Хаоса (планы на полгода 2009)

По иррегулярам, - парочка идей без особых суперсобытий между на чем брошено и Ангел Реквиемом, но любой кто читал Ride of Chimera знает где они осядут. Пока неясно лишится ли Реема Мангуста, но ее внучка Алетея в ДА пилотирует "Танатос"

Парду работает над рассказом Recruitment, два рассказа по Джихаду в редактуре, и никаких Росомах пока начальство не потребует.
Хочет покрыть историю Ягуаров Фиделисов. У него есть идея, что читатьели полюбят. История через что прошли ягуары, чтоб стать фиделисами это круто.
Последний раз редактировалось Siberian-troll 10 янв 2009, 23:06, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
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Зарегистрирован: 10 май 2007, 04:28
Откуда: Мехастроительный завод "Скобелев", Терра, Сибирь
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Сообщение Siberian-troll » 10 янв 2009, 23:04

Хисторикалсы все еще в планах.

Вопрос Эревону, увидим ли мы продолжение "Снайпера"
Возможно, у меня набросан план на другой рассказ, но перед ним по графику столько всего.

Любимый мех?
Биас: Требучет ненавижу ЛАМы
Эревон? Все
Саммервиль: Баньши
Ром: Архангел ненавижу Бандерснатч
Киллэни: Дайр баг мой серьезно любимый мех Мангуст
Рндалл:есть приязнm с бfньши 3S
Харди: Скарабус
Оустейн: Катапульта С1
парду - старый Арчер

Что будет после Джихада пока висит в воздухе, но пост джихад/до ДА обдумывается.
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Откуда: Мехастроительный завод "Скобелев", Терра, Сибирь
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Сообщение Siberian-troll » 10 янв 2009, 23:08

больше романов Стакпола в будущем
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Сообщение Siberian-troll » 10 янв 2009, 23:12

HABEAS2> Sacrifice of the job, I suppose
Erewhon> Wait, there's a GAME!?
Sagittaire: To all the writters: What are you most excited to cover/write about beyond the jihad?
bpardoe870> I really would like to cover the history of the Smoke Jaguars / Fidelis. I have the story idea and it's something I think the fans would love. The story of what the survivors of the Jaguars go through to become the Fidelis is very cool.

Euphonium: How often do you guys get to play CBT? For fun,rather than rules testing?
Precentor_Martial> Actually I consider myself very lucky. I went far, far too long without actually playing the game at all beyond little playtest sessions here and there. But my son and his best friend over the last year have blossomed into huge CBT fans and they've 'forced' me to start running a campaign. So at least twice a month I'm playing the game. In fact listening to my son and his friend going through the new Salvage and Repair rules from SO following the end of a scenario made this geek dad proud. ahahha...

Erewhon> Ten minutes left, folks... get your questions in now!
Sagittaire: To all the writters: What are you most excited to cover/write about beyond the jihad?
kit_Hartford> I'll echo what Blaine said earlier about the historical eras - writing Fall From Grace, set in the early Star League, was a blast and something I'd like to do more of.

UTSU: I was to ask about the foreign languages translations and about the "official" pages related (like the Spanish). There are possibilities of changes? The Spanish is outdated (like 8 months...).
Precentor_Martial> Unfortunately all those 'official' pages are fan run. So we've no real way to hold them to task for updating their material. I've also been so busy with other things that I've not had the time to go and try and take them to task and then 'remove' their official status if I don't hear anything.

Euphonium: KevinK, Where would I find To Ride the Chimera
KeVinK> I had to get my copies on e-Bay. Roc dropped the MechWarrior line of novels right after mine came out (they wanted to drop it when they saw Jason's, but I had a contract....) and as nearly as I can tell it's not in print. Never got an author's copy and the Books-A-Million and B&N here in Wilmington each got -- and sold -- four copies and are not ordering any more Roc MechWarrior books

JM_Hardy> Nice try, Killiany. You still get to be the writer who almost ended MWDA . . .
trboturtle: When are the new submission gudlines for BC going to be posted?
Erewhon> They were modified as needed a month or two ago. "New" means simply modified from the previous. Nothing major was changed--I'm just a bit more of a stickler about format than other people. ;) Also, the Style Guide got one or two updates and I brought some of the other static pages more in line with a current website.

JM_Hardy> While only the power of Steve can bring it back . . .
AER: Any big plans for the "Historicals" or the "Starterbook" series? Or they both have been put on the back burner for a while?
HABEAS2> As I mentioned just a short while ago, the Historicals are still in our future plans. Not so sure about the Starterbooks at this time.

raven: Any of you Fallout 3 love it/hate it (I figured a different than CBT question)?

HABEAS2> I don't play it, sorry
GhostBear> Fallout 3? Not played it. Now, if someone wanted to buy me a Xbox 360...
wolfhound_88: erewhon: are we gogin to see any more of "Sniper"?
Erewhon> It's possible... I do have an outline sketched for another story... but it's got a LOT of stuff in front of it.

Øystein> I've loved Fallout ever since the 'spirital ancestor' Wasteland came out long long long time ago. (and I love Dr Who).
starfleet: A weird one, for any one there: if some how a Mechwarrior 5 or Mechcommander 3 Computer game was made, as writers which part of the universe would you like to see done?
GhostBear> Doesn't really matter to me. Blowing 'Mechs up is fun regardless of era. :)

Sagittaire: To all TPTB: Favorite mech? Only get one pick!
HABEAS2> Trebuchet

trboturtle: What other games is CGL working on that would intrest us?
Erewhon> All of them, of course.

Kit_deSummersVille> Banshee.
five_corparty> hunchback. way too versatile not to use in a story.
Sagittaire: To all TPTB: Favorite mech? Only get one pick!
GhostBear> Archangel.

KeVinK> Dire Bug
Sagittaire: To all TPTB: Favorite mech? Only get one pick!
Precentor_Martial> mmm...that's hard. So, so many. But I've got a soft spot a mile wide for the BNC-3S. So, so many great memories from back when I could play CBT every day for hours on end. ;-)

JM_Hardy> Scarbarus. Thanks to the DHMC.
Euphonium: How many Historicals were being kicked around, and what eras?
HABEAS2> Yes. (You didn't really expect a solid answer to this, did you?)

kit_Hartford> Cliched, but I'd have to say Warhammer
KeVinK> or the Warhammer 40k
Øystein> Favorite Mech: CPLT-C1.
glitterboy2098: once the jihad is done, will CBT be jumping straight to the MWDA period, or will there be gradual coverage of the interveining period?
HABEAS2> That is actually up in the air at the moment, although post-Jihad/pre-MWDA projects have been considered

Wasp_1: I am not sure if it has been asked in an earlier blog, but are there plans for R.Charrette to write any new battletech?
Erewhon> We hope so, but that's up to him, of course.

wolfhound_88: to all TPTB: wht mech do you hate the most?

bpardoe870: Old school Archer

trboturtle: What other games is CGL working on that would intrest us?
Precentor_Martial> Well we've got a lot of things in the mix, but most of them are not far enough to announce in any shape. That leaves Leviathans as one of the games we've announced that many a CBTer might enjoy.

Euphonium: Was hopeing for a less vague answer, but knew I wouldn't get a specific.

KeVinK> is there a reason no quetions are being sent my way?
wolfhound_88: to all TPTB: wht mech do you hate the most?
GhostBear> Bandersnatch. I mean, really.

Euphonium: And what about the 'Mech makes it your favourite?
HABEAS2> It was the first Mech I played when I was introduced to BattleTech

Euphonium: And what about the 'Mech makes it your favourite?
GhostBear> Because it won't die. At least, not when I run one. :)

starfleet: given the whole robotech live action movie (just gotta ask) Will we -ever- see mechs on the big screen? and hypothetically which story do you think would be best told on the big screen (Clan, Civil war, Succession, Jihad... ) ?
HABEAS2> I leave that kind of discussion to others. Fact is, I personally don't care if we see a BT movie or not. If we did, though, I would hope they'd be smart and start with the Warrior Trilogy

Aahz: for Hardy, when will we see more DHMC?
JM_Hardy> Erm--soon. I gotta figure out my schedule for the first few months, then squeeze them in. Hopefully, this Helfers fella will help me get some things figured out . . .

Euphonium: And what about the 'Mech makes it your favourite?
Precentor_Martial> Well...first of all, for the 3025 era it's one of the best of the assault 'Mechs. Second, I got a 'letter to the editor' published in BattleTechnology back in like 88 or 89 where I talked about 'my' merc group grabbing a BNC-3S...that pretty much cemented it in my mind as one of the coolest 'Mechs ever. ;-)

HABEAS2> Quick! Someone talk to Kevin! He's getting lonely!
UTSU: In every chat do you drop some previews (images, a page...) from future products. I've been late, so... any previews ::wink ?
Precentor_Martial> Um...usually we do. Unfortunately I totally forgot the chat was today and didn't get a sign off from Dave for such a preview...'really' wanted to preview the RPG cover...but gonna have to wait on that one.

HABEAS2> I sent several reminders, Randall, and your wife organizes these chats... How did you forget!? :-P
starfleet: any: who is your favorate 'core' character other then one you've created yourself and why?
HABEAS2> Cameron St. Jamais. Perfect foil for Apollyon.

starfleet: any: who is your favorate 'core' character other then one you've created yourself and why?
Kit_deSummersVille> Well, Randall put Kit deSummersVille in the universe. :) I guess Phelan Kell, talk about adapting to changing circumstances all the time.

starfleet: any: who is your favorate 'core' character other then one you've created yourself and why?
five_corparty> Well, I like VSD, because so many things happen when he's around ("and then things get worse...")

wolfhound_88: for Kev: is reema ever short of it being blown up giving up her mongoose?
KeVinK> Well, her grandaughter Alethea pilots a Thanatos -- don't know where the Mongoose is. I'll have to give that some thought. Oh, and favorite "real" 'Mech of mine is Mongoose.

Erewhon> All right, friends, last call! Time's up, and people will start leaving soon.
starfleet: any: who is your favorate 'core' character other then one you've created yourself and why?
Øystein> I'd have to say Ragnar Magnusson.

Kit_deSummersVille: Kevin-Is it hard being the least popular writer? :-D
KeVinK> Not at all. Nobody snipes at the least target

starfleet: any: who is your favorate 'core' character other then one you've created yourself and why?
bpardoe870> Jamie Wolf -- from the old days. Bob did a great job with those earlier Dragoon's stories.

JM_Hardy> There's something I like about the fake Thomas Marik--he got power the wrong way, but then did a fine job with it. He has a kind of misguided dignity that I like.
Euphonium: Which CHR do you feel sorriest for?

JM_Hardy: Kevin: What makes you so awesome? Is it your beard?
KeVinK> That and my complete lack of humor

starfleet: any: who is your favorate 'core' character other then one you've created yourself and why?
five_corparty> Didn't mean to hit return... But I think my next favorites are isis and Galen: they're the "wedge antilles" of this universe- not front line, but always there, you know??

starfleet: any: who is your favorate 'core' character other then one you've created yourself and why?
GhostBear> Don't have a favorite, really - it's the universe that's attractive, which makes all of the characters fun to enjoy. And no, I don't dislike any of them, despite my 'hate' of a particular unit.

starfleet: any: who is your favorate 'core' character other then one you've created yourself and why?
Precentor_Martial> Actually I've always had a love-hate relationship with Theodore. Heir to the Dragon is one of my all time favorite CBT novels (even now) and the growth of his character across the years (from the fan perspective in me) is one of the coolest and best in the universe. The developer in me hates him, though, as he was too nice and started turning BattleTech to PeaceTech with all his "new thinking". ;-)

starfleet: any: who is your favorate 'core' character other then one you've created yourself and why?
kit_Hartford> A tie between MItchi Noketsuna and Thomas Marik (either incarnation)

starfleet: any: who is your favorate 'core' character other then one you've created yourself and why?
KeVinK> Martha Zuritas

Sagittaire: To all the writers: Any character you would love to kill off? Why?
GhostBear> Yes, and because it would bring about a very cool twist to things.

Euphonium: That just makes Theodore more neccesary, surely? AS a contrast to all the schemers and back-stabbers?

Erewhon> And that it! Please hold you questions, and we'll let our guest clear out their queues and we'll cut moderation and be off!
Sagittaire: To all the writers: Any character you would love to kill off? Why?
bpardoe870> Kai Allard.

Sagittaire: To all the writers: Any character you would love to kill off? Why?
HABEAS2> All of them, sooner or later, MUST die. In writing some of the more recent sourcebooks, it became apparent that neglecting to weed out even the minor names had produced centegenarians all over the place. And then there's the characters that just NEED to go (Victor Steiner-Davion, I'm liooking at YOU). I'm really a butcher when it comes to main characters....

starfleet: 5c: I agree with Isis and Galen.. the people who in their own way are often forgotten and yet change the course of wars... even when everything is against what they are trying. Plus with Kat in glaens story it gets intresting/er.

starfleet: galen )

wolfhound_88: for kev: alethan's thanks, woudl taht be Jake's tantos orignally?
KeVinK> No idea. I had a crush ont the Thanatos for a while. SHould have gone with the readers' choice and given Jake a Galoglas

Erewhon> Now if someone would just nuke Kaumberg and be done with it.... *sigh* ;)
trboturtle: What other games is CGL developing?
Precentor_Martial> We've announced the following games: Eclipse Phase is a new post-apocalyptic RPG of transhumanism, horror and conspiracy (see www.eclipsephase.com for more information). Leviathans is a boardgame/miniatures game of an alternate 1910 history as dreadnaughts of the sea take to the sky in might battles. We're also launching a series of casual games, the first of which is Paparazzi!, where you, your camera and the Bill of Rights allow you to try and expose the worst possible moments in a celebrities life.

Sagittaire: To all the writers: Any character you would love to kill off? Why?
KeVinK> Victor Davian Oh, wait..... Never mind

glitterboy2098: with new novels now possible, will we see more stackpole stories in the future?
Precentor_Martial> Yes.

JM_Hardy> I'm so honored that I actually got to kill VSD off. I feel a little bad that the others didn't get the chance . . .
wolfhound_88: to all TPTB: wht mech do you hate the most?
Precentor_Martial> mmm...again, that's a hard one. I still might have to fall back to the standard 3025 JagerMech. Paper armor, crappy weapons...the number of times I've fielded one can probably be counted ofn one hand in 20+ years.

AER: Any chance to see some of the larger Battlecorps series in the print novels form?
Erewhon> Anything's possible, but that's very unlikely.

Kit_deSummersVille> I hate the Hoplite. Like a Griffen, only slower and less powerful.
Erewhon> And we're clear!
>> munnie has joined room #PublicBattleChat
wolfhound_88> thanks for chatting with us guys
Øystein> all Jason's fault!
Erewhon> Thank you to all who participated, especially Jason Hansa (5C) in his first chat as an author!
five_corparty> whic one?
UTSU> Hello to all!
>> Aahz has left room #PublicBattleChat
starfleet> JM's killing of VSD was one of my most read sections of the books btw
starfleet> really nice writing on that one
Euphonium> OK folks, thanks to TPTB & writers, that was fun.
five_corparty> thanks! I've been an author for about 8 hours, so it's pretty new...
JM_Hardy> Thx, Starfleet!
raven> Thank all
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Сообщение Siberian-troll » 10 янв 2009, 23:16

pianobar> Yes, thanks everyone. :)
raven> I'll get to reading you story soon 5C
>> munnie has left room #PublicBattleChat
>> SirBedwyr has joined room #PublicBattleChat
SMohanJr> Reallly interesting chat, thanks everyone!
Erewhon> and now... daddy-time beckons! You all have a great weekend!
>> Erewhon has left room #PublicBattleChat
>> raven has left room #PublicBattleChat
starfleet> even if the ending of that book was a real cliff hanger ;)
Euphonium> How did VSD finally die? I haven't seen the DA novels.
>> bpardoe870 has left room #PublicBattleChat
HABEAS2> Slipped in the shower
>> Jim_diGriz has left room #PublicBattleChat
>> Colodie has left room #PublicBattleChat
HABEAS2> Kinda funny'
GhostBear> I'm impressed - no Homeworld Clan questions.
Euphonium> Serious?
wolfhound_88> now that would be telling
UTSU> For the people who have been late (like me), when a transcript?
HABEAS2> You really think we'd off him that way?
wolfhound_88> no herb isn't serious
five_corparty> he went out with his boots on.
Øystein> when Roosterboy gets it done :)
wolfhound_88> good exit
five_corparty> anything more would be a spoiler... :-)
Kit_deSummersVille> Ben-When does the Tatetae fleet hit the Homeworlds?
HABEAS2> ANd not much else
GhostBear> Boston 4-0! Nice.
Sagittaire> Come on Ben give us something about them!!
>> ScAvenger001 has left room #PublicBattleChat
roosterboy> Working on the transcript right now...
GhostBear> Any minute now, Kenny.
starfleet> VSD: Death due to politiks
JM_Hardy> VSD was silenced to keep him from getting some info he'd put together out into public.
kit_Hartford> i.e. Natural causes for a house leader :p
Precentor_Martial> And with that, I'm out of here...need to go take a nap...if I don't kick this cold I'm going to kick something...anyways, thanks all for comeing as usual...type at you next chat!
GhostBear> Ok. the Homeworld Clans....
JM_Hardy> Attackers in his house.
GhostBear> ...are far away.
Euphonium> Is it still possible to get DA novels without resorting to e(vil)bay?
JM_Hardy> Later Randall!
five_corparty> It's after 4, but not tired! fueled up on CBT talk, diet coke and "journey" on the MP3 player
SMohanJr> See you, Randall
starfleet> honestly if you've not read JM's book read it you can get it in ebook format these days
>> Precentor_Martial has left room #PublicBattleChat
wolfhound_88> back to work 5c, you've got more stories to write
starfleet> the start of fortress republic.. death of vsd.. a very very intresting story line.. combat on earth..
KeVinK> As nearly as I can tell, Roc DA novels are out of print
Euphonium> Hmmmm..... (googles "Fortress Republic)
HABEAS2> And anything that mucks of Terra can't be bad at all!
KeVinK> you'll only find them on eBay or other online reseller
HABEAS2> We should burn that planet to a cinder
wolfhound_88> Oh and thaks for you're feedback my stuff 5. It was good you to even try and read New pups
five_corparty> yup. Actually taking monday off from work- told my XO he was in charge, and already told the wife- "I'm taking the laptop to starbucks and writing all day."
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Сообщение Siberian-troll » 10 янв 2009, 23:33

>> Tara_yesHISwife_Bills has joined room #PublicBattleChat
KeVinK> hey, Tara!
Tara_yesHISwife_Bills> so how many times is too many to get loged out of chat
GhostBear> 70
Tara_yesHISwife_Bills> I got logged out 5 times at least 3 were my own fault
JM_Hardy> Amazon has connections to a number of people with copies of The Scorpion Jar.
HABEAS2> Nice, Tara! New record?
starfleet> i couldn't get them in australia in the end so i started getting them in microsoft reader format to find out what happened to Tara and northwind then grabbed JM's book and yeah was honestly the best read of the DA's books so far and I like that we have new names to grab onto
SMohanJr> LOVED Scorpion Jar
Tara_yesHISwife_Bills> Yeah I think so, at least for me
wolfhound_88> yeah taht was great
wolfhound_88> but I've just finshed read reading sword of sedtion for like teh 10th time
wolfhound_88> I lvoe tah book
Euphonium> TTFN folks - gotta put the kids to bed.
Tara_yesHISwife_Bills> night
wolfhound_88> night guys
>> Damage_Inc. has left room #PublicBattleChat
>> Euphonium has left room #PublicBattleChat
starfleet> the fact we've spent ike close to 20ish years with the same 'coreish' group of character DA for all that some do not like it to me gave new life because we see a new generation of characters
KeVinK> Wolf Hunters and To Ride the Chimera were my favorite DA novles
wolfhound_88> lol
JM_Hardy> In your unbiased opinion, of course.
wolfhound_88> to ride the chimera was very good
starfleet> i mean i grew up reading Mike's Kerensky saga lol
starfleet> (i'm only 2 years older then bt after all lol)
KeVinK> thanks wolfhound
Xtrahmxwohld> Wolf Hunters and Chimera were a couple of my favorite DA novels too
JM_Hardy> To Ride the Chimera plays into a lot of Kevin's strengths.
starfleet> I liked Wolf Hunters
JM_Hardy> Including girl-on-girl action.
wolfhound_88> kev: I know you enjoy writinf foe the small people but do you ever see yourself taking on another spine book
KeVinK> DA is a pretty interesting universe, Jason. You should try writing for it
five_corparty> kevin- have to aplogize for not coming down to get "chimera" signed. No direct flights from Seoul to wilmington... :-)
starfleet> though i'd like to see more of the perephery area's explored in the DA stuff
JM_Hardy> Maybe someday, Kevin. Someday.
starfleet> what's happened out there etc
SMohanJr> Me, too!
KeVinK> there was no signing for Chimea -- that book store closed
SMohanJr> Gotta get the MWDA line going so we can tell alot more stories.
>> Wasp_1 has left room #PublicBattleChat
KeVinK> Yes, I could do another spine novel -- but you can bet the camera will be on the secondary characters at least half the time
wolfhound_88> I'd love tos ee books about the formation of the republic
starfleet> cause while I love playing Btech the real big one that keeps me going is reading the fiction
starfleet> i mean heck i'm stil trying to get all of the death of the clans novels ..
wolfhound_88> these are a pain to find
Sagittaire> I want to see a novel on Stone liberation of Terra! That's going to be one hell of a fight!
starfleet> and lorel's cap books where great.. flashpoint great
>> kit_Hartford has left room #PublicBattleChat
Xtrahmxwohld> now that the Novel line editor is hired will we have an announcement about the novels soon?
>> Jerrad has left room #PublicBattleChat
five_corparty> okay, the early AM is starting to set in. See y'all!
>> Jerrad has joined room #PublicBattleChat
GhostBear> In time.
>> Jerrad has left room #PublicBattleChat
>> five_corparty has left room #PublicBattleChat
>> tesafilm has left room #PublicBattleChat
wolfhound_88> i'd better scran to
starfleet> actually the big thing i liked about the cap duo of books is how lorel put Warner and Fitz in, for their donations
wolfhound_88> need to find food
>> kit_Hartford has joined room #PublicBattleChat
pianobar> Well, almost 11:30 and I've still got crap to do around the house. Damn laundry gives me more fits than any tabletop battle, haha.
JM_Hardy> Okay, gotta go. Later all!
pianobar> Thanks again for the chat, all
>> JM_Hardy has left room #PublicBattleChat
starfleet> it was really nice seeing the fans become characters who as we've moved on became 'players' in the universe and even keeping btech going after FASA
>> pianobar has left room #PublicBattleChat
Xtrahmxwohld> getting a 5yo to take her nap isn't easy either
KeVinK> later, folks. Enjoyed it
>> KeVinK has left room #PublicBattleChat
wolfhound_88> cya kev
wolfhound_88> bye golks
SMohanJr> Bye guys, more writing to do.
starfleet> though seeing something about the home clans would be nice ::P
>> wolfhound_88 has left room #PublicBattleChat
>> SMohanJr has left room #PublicBattleChat
starfleet> I mean they can't sit there forever going 'We got our ass's kicked by a bunch of Neo Barbs.. who aren't even honorable.. !!! Boohoo'
HABEAS2> Maybe
HABEAS2> But it could be just as well they stay where they are
GhostBear> Or die of starvation.
HABEAS2> That was WOlverine
GhostBear> Or sucked into a black hole.
HABEAS2> I was going for "flung out of the galaxy by a freak spin, but that's good too
starfleet> true herb.. though it's why i asked about the historicals hehe.. the one i was waiting for was op klon... oh that weird name
GhostBear> Or incinerated by a supernova!
>> P.Dupree has joined room #PublicBattleChat
HABEAS2> hehehe. I recall a Star Trek book that described a "galactic fault line" of stars novaing
GhostBear> oooooooh
starfleet> the clans are inresting in the way they function and heck as Phalen and the wolves in exile showed while they may be slow in adapting they do adapt
starfleet> which is he still kicking or dead (so many to follow !!!)
HABEAS2> Not gonna say; chat's over
starfleet> :P hehe
>> aclawson has joined room #PublicBattleChat
HABEAS2> Anything said now is pretty much non-canon and posibly a total lie
GhostBear> LAMs.
Øystein> Phelan slipped in the shower while oogling Rianna and hit his head, and slipped into a coma where he thinks he is in 3050 and must save the galaxy from the clan invasion.
HABEAS2> The LAM is a lie
starfleet> yeah like LAM's being the greatest thing ever and taking over everything right..
GhostBear> Exactly.
Xtrahmxwohld> strana mechy had a catastrophic tetonic failure and the planet exploded?
GhostBear> Imploded.
GhostBear> That's how the black hole came about
Øystein> But but... my Leviathan III Warship-LAM?
starfleet> *doesn't like LAMs know why they existed but that's what aerospace fighters are for heh
[Smoge] Samoyedic clans on mech-sledges?
glitterboy2098> i'm still trying to figure out how "LAM's don't fit the CBT asthetic", while protomechs, and WiGE do...
Xtrahmxwohld> Despair squids invade the Clan Homeworlds and they all commit suicide in dispair
starfleet> LOSTech that hopefully stays lost.. and btw to those left great work on stat ops and the fiction in the new books
>> GhostBear has left room #PublicBattleChat
starfleet> i'll openly admit to skipping the rules the first read and just reading the fiction hehe
Øystein> off I go *wave*
>> Sagittaire has left room #PublicBattleChat
>> Øystein has left room #PublicBattleChat
starfleet> *wonders if he can convince the fiance to get off what she's playing and jump on megamek seems the cats steal his mini's..
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Сообщение Leonid » 11 янв 2009, 00:26

Выжимку из этого добра потом по-русски, если можно. С благодарностью.
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Сообщение Hobbit » 11 янв 2009, 00:40

Leonid писал(а):Выжимку из этого добра потом по-русски, если можно. С благодарностью.

- Клевый был чат.
- Странно, что обошлось без вопросов про домашние кланы.
- Эй, Бен, когда уже там флотилия Татити вторгнется в домашние миры?
- В любой момент, Кенни.
- А чо, Виктор в ДА умер?
- Да. Подскользнулся на куске мыла.
- Он убился об политику.
- А моими любимыми произведениями по ДА были "Волки-Охотники" и "Оседлать Химеру" (с) Кевин Киллиани, их непосредственный автор.
- Да, в "Оседлать Химеру" Кевин проявил разные свои таланты. Возьмите хоть ту лесбийскую сцену...

Собственно, вот и все, что оттуда можно выжать :D
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