Shin Legion Destroyed!

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

Shin Legion Destroyed!

Сообщение DeJaVu » 07 сен 2007, 23:00

17 August 3071

[CBS] Editor's Note: this account of combat between the valiant Shin Legion and unknown aggressors on Necromo is unsubstantiated and cannot be verified. All Capellan citizens are urged to wait for confirmation from the Strategios before forming their own opinion.

"I don't know if how much longer we'll be able to record, so I'm going to do this as fast as I can. Necromo is under attack, and the attackers will almost certainly win. The Home Guard units here, already depleted after the disastrous war with Davion, were shattered in minutes, and the Shin Legion is falling back as quickly as they can. We've been warned that near-space is totally lost to us… the attackers control all the orbitals, and we saw what must have been one of the shipyards entering the atmosphere two nights ago.

It's the Word of Blake. We can't let disinformation point us at the wrong enemy again. It is not the Davions. It is not any Federated Suns military forces. We've seen the swords painted on the 'Mechs and tanks. The insignia is one that's not in our database: a turned-down sword, with bolts of lightning and a red triangle.

<<a shout in the background, and the recording skips through some static>>

Oh, my gods… they're here. Jerry, get the disc out of the camera. We've got to get this offworld right now, or hide it somewhere where they'll find it after we're gone. The Shins are almost gone, and we've got reports of gray-black 'Mechs and battlesuit infantry approaching our position. I can hear the sounds of fighting now—BOOM—and we're being told to evacuate—

<<this footage was recovered from a salvage ship leaving the Ares system, after having entered an engagement zone between CCAF forces and unknown aggressors. We can neither confirm nor deny the veracity of this report, but we can confirm that nothing has been heard from Necromo in recent months. With the damage to the HPG network within the Confederation, we cannot say that this is unexpected, but with the importance of the naval shipyards in that system, we're confident the Strategios will not leave these rumors unfounded.>>


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