Battlechat 20-3-2011

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

Battlechat 20-3-2011

Сообщение DeJaVu » 20 мар 2011, 07:07

Next Live BattleChat! - Saturday, 18 March 2011 - Next chat at 8 PM (EST)
Topic set by Habeas2 on Sat Mar 19 2011 17:27:32 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time)
<Euphonium>: <--- tries to work out whne 8pm EST is on GMT. 5 hours?
<Mendrugo>: My best guess is three hours from now.
<Cavalier>: UTC-5, so yes.
<Mendrugo>: Whoops. Two hours from now.
<Euphonium>: Thanks - hope I'm still awake...
+++ ChanServ has given op to Habeas2
+++ ChanServ has given admin to Habeas2
<Mendrugo>: Evening, Herb
<Habeas2>: Hello
<JoeChummer>: Hi
<Euphonium>: Hi
<JimDiGriz>: Hi, too.
<JimDiGriz>: Have we offically begun, or are we going to wait a few more minutes for people to show up?
<Habeas2>: Hello all, and welcome to the evening edition of our monthly BattleChat. As always, I'm your host, Herbert Beas (BattleTech Line Developer).
<Euphonium>: And is there a set topic for tonight?
<Habeas2>: I ask, as always, for questions to be kept brief and respectful, so everyone gets a chance to receive their answers. And as channel mod, I reserve the right to kick out the unruly.
<Mendrugo>: <quickly hides the fireworks and airhorns>
<Habeas2>: These chats are free-form for now, and they are not officially logged, so anyone wanting to record these for posterity should do so at their own system.
<Habeas2>: The chats are scheduled to run a minimum of 1 hour, so we have until 9:05 PM Civilized Coast Time (EST) for tonight (at minimum).
<JimDiGriz>: Have TPTB decided what cannon events will be played at Gencon this year?
<Habeas2>: JimDiGriz - Roughly, yes.
<JimDiGriz>: Are we done with the Jihad, or moving the timeline forward?
<Euphonium>: Is there any possibility of cannon events via Commandos at FLGS for those of us who can't make Cons?
<Sloth_from_The_Goonies>: Hey guys, this is Lawrence- Chunk to you. I'll be typing for Sloth since he never learned how to read and just bangs on my keyboard. Right now he just says "Hey you guys!!!"
<Sloth_from_The_Goonies>: I would like to know how big the sense of relief is that the box set is finally coming out. Psyched?
<Mendrugo>: Can you state, at this time, when/where Mike Stackpole's Red Corsair story is planned to be continued? LE Interstellar Ops? BattleCorps?
<Habeas2>: JimDiGriz - There are two remaining Jihad-era sourcebooks scheduled to release.
<Habeas2>: Euphonium - That is something the Catalyst Demo Teams will be working out. Check with your local Agents
<Habeas2>: Sloth_from_The_Goonies - Yes, we are very psyched.
<JimDiGriz>: Thanks Herb. I should've specificed that I was talking about Gencon events, but it's nice to know about the sourcebooks.
<Habeas2>: Mendrugo - At this time, there are no immediate plans to continue that story, though BattleCorps may be a safe bet.
<Habeas2>: JimDiGriz - The canon event for this year is in the Jihad era, and may be the last such event set in that era.
<Mendrugo>: I will be going to GenCon for the first time this year, albeit with a crew that's psyched for WarMachine. What can I tell them about Catalyst's events to get them interested in BattleTech as an alternative?
<JimDiGriz>: I thought the Red Corsair story was finished, with the Red Corsair killed.
<Mendrugo>: The Katrina Steiner Red Corsair story from the LE "A Time of War" printing.
<JoeChummer>: Has the title of the 2nd remaining Jihad sourcebook been mentioned yet? I was under the impression that Final Reckoning was the last one
<Euphonium>: Any chance of seeing the original (SW-era) Red Corsair story novelised?
<Sloth_from_The_Goonies>: Sloth wants to offer you some rocky road. He keeps trying to shove it through the monitor. There's chocolate all over my screen...
<Sloth_from_The_Goonies>: Can you tell us a little about what products you hope to get out in the rest of this year?
<Habeas2>: Mendrugo - I would suggest you extol the virtues of the game that claims your heart over that of Warmachine. Only you can know what it is that strikes the fancy of your friends. That, and, cmon! Big walking robots man enough to go into battle WITHOUT magic!
<JimDiGriz>: I have heard that Battletech armor seems to have magical properties, especially the paper thin warship armor.
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - I have mentioned a second Jihad-era book many times. Its title is Wars of Reaving.
<Euphonium>: If only WarShip armour was as *thick* as paper...
<Mendrugo>: Paper thin? You, my friend, have never tried to grind down a Texas with swarms of light fighters.
<Habeas2>: Euphonium - Not terribly likely.
<JoeChummer>: Oh, right. Forgot that was technically a Jihad-era book.
<Euphonium>: Is there any future for novels set in earlier parts of the timeline, or is it just whatever short stories get submitted to BattleCorps?
<bigAl>: How is House book Liao
<Habeas2>: Sloth_from_The_Goonies - I hope to have the remaining books set in the Jihad released this year, along with some post-Jihad materials that will bridge us into the Dark Age time period.
<Habeas2>: JimDiGriz - That's not magic; that's simply illogical.
<Euphonium>: Is there going to be a time-jump from just after the Jihad to start of DA then?
<JimDiGriz>: Any plans to cover the Republic/Cappie and Ghost Bear/Combine wars in any detail before the Dark Age jump?
<Euphonium>: And are there any other post-Jihad brush-wars to cover?
<Habeas2>: Euphonium - Print schedules are tight, and as a general rule they will be dominated by the "current" (forward-moving) timelines; any non-current stories will generally be left to BattleCorps or other specialized avenues.
<Habeas2>: BigAl - House book Liao is having a nice time and wishes you were there.
<JoeChummer>: Probably a bit too early, but are there plans for Dark-Age books down the line? I'm still eagerly awaiting official TRO stats for Eyries, Gyrfalcons, Shrikes, etc.
<Habeas2>: Euphonium - Not exactly. The plan is to move us to the "current" part of the Dark Age, but with sufficient inter-age support in sourcebook form to allow players to explore the interbellum as well.
<Euphonium>: "Current" DA meaning same year as Bonfire of Worlds?
<Habeas2>: JimDiGriz - here are plans to cover those conflicts, but not before the jump per se.
<Mendrugo>: Can you report any progress on the relaunch of the novel line? How are the StarChallengers books doing?
<Habeas2>: Euphonium - The other brush wars of te Jihad to Dark Age period will also be addressed in sourcebooks associated with the Dark Age setting.
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - Yes.
<Habeas2>: Euphonium - Yes
<Habeas2>: Mendrugo - I have no specific details on the relaunch of novels at this time. I understand Star Challengers is doing well, though.
<JimDiGriz>: What does the boxed set have for players who have all the core rulebooks, a few brigades of minis, and maps?
<Sloth_from_The_Goonies>: Sloth says "You been baaaad!" The way he's waving Techmanual at me, I think he's talking about weapon intro dates. Those seem to have caused a lot of errata. They seem to go against the "no set numbers" policy and cause problems. Why did you guys decide to add them?
<Euphonium>: Are there plans for any form of advanced box set, Clan or otherwise?
<JimDiGriz>: How many TROs do you have planned for the future? Are you planning to include more Age of War designs?
<JoeChummer>: So, as of Bonfire of Worlds, are we still technically in the "Dark Age" era, or are there plans for a new era AFTER the Dark Age?
<Habeas2>: The new box set comes with two thicker high-quality maps of the same quality and design as the Hex Packs, as well as the same 24 miniatures, plus two Clan OmniMechs. Also included is a map of the Inner Sphere (3067), game rules for introductory level play, and stats for all included units.
<Euphonium>: Also, are there any current plans you can share for map-packs and.or hex packs?
<Habeas2>: Sloth_from_The_Goonies - It seemed like a good idea at the time, and we're very sorry. In the future, we will start rephrasing dates by century.
<Habeas2>: Euphonium - Yes.
<Habeas2>: JimDiGriz - We plan to roll out at least one TRO per year until the end of time.
<JimDiGriz>: Seriously?!?
<Habeas2>: JimDiGriz - And yes, Age of War designs are planned for future release.
<JoeChummer>: That is a LOT of TROs
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - Yes, Bonfire of Worlds is still the Dark Age era. Yes, there are plans for a post-Dark Age era as well.
<Euphonium>: Herb, is that a "Yes" to all of my questions? If not, which ones does it apply to (Advanced box set, map packs, hex packs?)
<Mendrugo>: In discussing possibilities for Operational Turning Points products, it's clear that there were a number of operations that were too big for the OTP format, yet not large enough to justify even a Brush War Historical. Is there any potential for a mini-historical type product that would bridge the gap between Historical and OTP?
<Habeas2>: Euphonium - As we speak, the second HexPack: Cities and Roads, is well underway.
<Habeas2>: JimDiGriz - Yes, seriously.
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - Yes it is.
<JimDiGriz>: I'll need more shelves.
<Euphonium>: So, more TROs are planned even though a chat or 3 back you said that there were too many mech designs by the mid/late '90s (grin)
<Habeas2>: Mendrugo - Bear in mind that not EVERY action needs to be sourcebooked. Turning Points focus on single-world or small multi-world campaigns only. Historicals would cover full conflicts. Anything in between is likely part of a larger war, and thus falls into Historicals.
<JoeChummer>: I just wanted to say, whoever dreamed up the idea for the hex packs is a genius. I can't believe these were never thought of until 25 years after the game's initial release.
<JimDiGriz>: Agreed.
<Habeas2>: Euphonium - Helps to keep one question rolling at a time. I am answering questions strictly in the order they appear in order to keep things as clear as possible. In order, it was "Yes", Bonfire is considered part of the Dark Age. Yes we do plan advanced Box sets. Yes, there are current plans for more Hex Packs.
<Euphonium>: Thankyou Herb.
<Habeas2>: Euphonium - Yes, more TROs are planned, even though we have far too many unit designs.
<Euphonium>: LOL - I'll probably by them anyway...
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - On behalf of Randall Bills, thank you.
<JoeChummer>: Are there any more PDF-exclusive products in the works that can be talked about? Golden Century and OTP: Falcon Incursion were an absolute delight.
<Euphonium>: I also agreed with JoeChummer about the hex-packs- I haven't had the chance to buy any yet, but they sit alongside the new maps at the top of my want-list
<JimDiGriz>: Do you plan to declare any designs extinct by the Dark age?
<Mendrugo>: The Planetary Invasion maps that accompany the Historical/Jihad Turning Points products are great. Is it planned that Interstellar Operations will contain an updated version of the BF2 Planetary Invasion rules?
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - At any given moment, there are four or five PDF-exclusive products in various stages of design and development. I show a number of months ahead in which we will see four such products released within said month. The XTRs and Turning Points are set to continue well on into the future, and there are at least two PDF-exclusive series we have not even unveiled yet, which we hope everyone enjoys when they come out.
<Habeas2>: JimDiGriz - SOme designs have gone extinct already. So, yes, by Dark Age, more will perish.
<Habeas2>: Mendrugo - Yes
<bigAl>: Oh god I need to win the lottery
<JimDiGriz>: Are you planning a product/PDF that lists endangered or extinct designs?
<JoeChummer>: How do we know which units have already gone extinct?
<Habeas2>: JimDiGriz - Not exactly.
<Mendrugo>: Is a planetary map pack (PDF or paper) being considered to go along with Interstellar Operations?
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - An upcoming product series will enable you to see what units are in current production. Any you do not see, are extinct.
<Habeas2>: Mendrugo - Likely, yes.
<JimDiGriz>: Does extinct mean no longer in production, or that all examples have been slagged?
<Euphonium>: Any news yet on the publications of (a version of) the Master Unit List?
<Mendrugo>: Oh goodie. We'll no longer limited to just invading Terra.
<Habeas2>: JimDiGriz - Out of production.
<Habeas2>: Euphonium - The first public release form of the MUL is expected to go out soon.
<JimDiGriz>: What is the MUL?
<Euphonium>: Master Unit List
<Euphonium>: <--- Does happy-dance
<JimDiGriz>: Right. Could you describe what it is/does?
<JoeChummer>: I've heard rumors that the MUL will be a free release. Is this true? Because I'd gladly plunk down money for a copy.
<Mendrugo>: It lists every unit ever mentioned in any canon source. Ever.
<Habeas2>: JimDiGriz - The MUL is the Master Units List.
<JoeChummer>: ... this "free" rumor was assuming the MUL is an electronic release
<Habeas2>: JimDiGriz - It is, at the most basic, a listing of all published units, their tonnages, Battle Values in the current system, eras of play, and source references.
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - At present, the most basic form of the MUL is slated for a free release, but there are considerations that a more detailed exapnded version will be posted for sale at some point.
<Sloth_from_The_Goonies>: Sorry I was gone, I told Sloth he smelled like PhysEd and to go take a bath, and he jumped in the pool. Fully clothed. I swear, you don't know what it's been like living with this guy for twenty five years.
<Habeas2>: All forms of the MUL are expected fto be electronic. It simply cannot be made as a print product.
<JoeChummer>: Do we know what form the release will be? PDF? Spreadsheet? Database file?
<Sloth_from_The_Goonies>: Anyway, what upcoming product has you the most excited? Besides the box set?
<trboturtle>: I am beginning to think technology doesn't like me......
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - The initial version will be PDF
<Euphonium>: <--- looks at his printer and wonders if that was a challenge (grin)
<Mendrugo>: In your view as line developer, with the WarShip fleets largely smashed by the Jihad and pocket WarShips proliferating, will stationary orbital defense platforms (like the Bastion) become more or less prevalent as the timeline moves forward?
<JoeChummer>: Searchable, I'm assuming?
<Habeas2>: Sloth_from_The_Goonies - I look forwad to all of our releases, but the ones that have me most excited won't emerge for another two years at least
<JimDiGriz>: What has you most excited?
<Habeas2>: Mendrugo - Possibly. As will surface to orbit defenses.
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - Yes; all our PDFs are searchable.
<Habeas2>: (Or should be)
<Habeas2>: JimDiGriz - The first product after we complete the Dark Age cycle.
<Euphonium>: Can you name the pots-DA era for us yet?
<Euphonium>: *post-DA
<Sloth_from_The_Goonies>: I keep in touch with the other 80's fat kids, and Vern from Stand By Me said you told him in a previous chat that future TROs would be taking a different direction. Care to elaborate on that?
<Habeas2>: Euphonium - No, I cannot.
<JoeChummer>: That's what I thought but wanted to make sure since the MUL is a project of elephantine proportions
<JimDiGriz>: How much longer will the "Dark Age" last; a few years after Bonfire of Worlds or the opening of Fortress Republic, etc?
<Habeas2>: Sloth_from_The_Goonies - We have changed the processes by which we design and develop TROs, hoping to control some issues that have crept into each one over time. One of the biggest is how TROs have simply grown wildly, reaching page count sizes so large that we have to charge the same amount as a core rulebook. Future TROs will be a bit more streamlined and sleeker, to avoid breaking the bank.
<Mendrugo>: As you move onto Post DA timelines, are there any characters that you'll miss, in particular?
<Habeas2>: JimDiGriz - In real time or in-universe time?
<JimDiGriz>: In-universe.
<Sloth_from_The_Goonies>: TRO 3085 was a beautiful book, but you're right, it was a bit hefty. I wouldn't have minded if it were broken into two books released a year apart.
<Habeas2>: JimDiGriz - I do not have a specific date, but for all intents and purposes, Bonfire of Worlds is the "beginning of the end" for that era.
<Habeas2>: Mendrugo - Not particularly, no.
<JimDiGriz>: Not even Malvina Hazen?
<Habeas2>: Sloth_from_The_Goonies - Exactly. Not to mention the fact that its development was such that we had to "spoil" events we've still not written yet in TR3085, since we're still technically in 3079.
<Habeas2>: JimDiGriz - Not even her.
<Mendrugo>: And will any of Bertram or Aristide Habeas' progeny be chronicling events in the post-DA period?
<Euphonium>: How many years ahead are you planned for at the moment?
<Habeas2>: Mendrugo - Nope. Aristide died on new Avalon during the first volleys of the Jihad, and Bertram never married.
<Sloth_from_The_Goonies>: Nopw Sloth has smeared Baby Ruth on the screen and I can't see anythying. One last question- If you could get any living writer to pen Battletech noverls, who would it be?
<Habeas2>: Euphonium - Ahead of 3079? Pretty much 200 years ahead have been planned. (500 if we keep to some other details we sketched out.)
<trboturtle>: Wow.....
<JoeChummer>: That is a lot of years
<Euphonium>: I look forward to Battletech lasting that long, but doubt I'll live long enough to play it all unless you skip an awful lots of years!
<Mendrugo>: (It all ends in 3579 when the Tetatae armageddon begins)
<JimDiGriz>: I actually like the Tetatae. Any chance we can bring them into the Sphere as mercs?
<Habeas2>: SLoth_from_The_Goonies - DOuglas Adams, if only he were still alive....
<Habeas2>: JimDiGriz - No chance in Hades.
<JimDiGriz>: There's always Terry Pratchett.
<JoeChummer>: One last question from me: I LOVED Era Report: 3052. Besides Era Report 3062, are there any more Era Report books in the works you can tell us about (or at least drop hint towards)?
<Sloth_from_The_Goonies>: What a coincidence. Next week I intend to be Marvin from HHGTTG.
<Habeas2>: JoeChummer - Yes, there are more in the works, including one set in a post-Jihad era.
<Habeas2>: These chats are monthly.
<Sloth_from_The_Goonies>: I can make a week last a month.
<JoeChummer>: Good to hear the Dark Age is soon to be getting some more love
<Habeas2>: At this time, there are 7 minutes remaining to this chat.
<Euphonium>: And Battlemechs remain King for the next 200-500 years? Wow!
<Habeas2>: Euphonium - Consider: Nukes versus spacecraft are legal. WHen space combat is push-button warfare, ground combat remains the star.
<trboturtle>: Have to go -- AMW is on!
<JimDiGriz>: Are you planning any really dramatic technological advances for the next 2 to 5 centuries?
<Habeas2>: ....AMW?
<Habeas2>: JimDiGriz - Yes
<Euphonium>: AMW -> Allied Mercenary Warriors?
<Mendrugo>: Can we expect to see 'Mech-mounted Clarion units?
<Habeas2>: Mendrugo - No
<Euphonium>: Any news on when we'll get to see the appearance of, or stats for, the 135t tripod mech?
<Habeas2>: 3 minutes
<JimDiGriz>: Will there be any more technological regressions like were seen during the Succession wars, where technological knowledge was lost? (Not where the factories were simply broken or not used.)
<Habeas2>: Euphonium - In TRO: 3150
<Euphonium>: Serious?
<Mendrugo>: Will the Davion outback ever stop playin' the banjos and get civilized once a long period of peace sets in?
<Habeas2>: JimDiGriz - No great tech regressions are currently planned. As metaplots go, that was something of a dead end.
<Euphonium>: How long do I have to wait for TRO 3150?
<Habeas2>: Mendrugo - Define "Civilized" in a universe where neo-feudal lords still wage war for personal slights?
<Habeas2>: Euphonium - At least a 18 months, possibly more.
<Mendrugo>: Civilized as in not having to take the wooden cart pulled by a raxx twelve kilometers to the country store, and freaking out when seeing a hologram.
<Euphonium>: That's quite some time-jump! Can you tell us anything more about 100+ton mechs yet?
<Habeas2>: Mendrugo - In that case, no.
<Habeas2>: Euphonium - They're big.
<Mendrugo>: You might be a redneck if your planet only gets one JumpShip visit every two years...
<JimDiGriz>: It looks like things are winding down here, so I'd like to say goodbye to everyone and thank you to Herb for hosting us.
<Euphonium>: Will the post-DA era still be IS-centric, or will we see more of the periphery and/or homeworld clans again?
<JoeChummer>: Yes, thanks, Herb for being a gracious and informative host.
<Sloth_from_The_Goonies>: SLOTH LOVE HERB!! :O
<Habeas2>: Euphonium - We'll see.
<Habeas2>: Alrighty folks. Thank you for participating in the Catalyst Game Labs BattleTech Line Developer-aided public relations activity.
<Mendrugo>: Thanks for having us.
<Euphonium>: Thank you very much Herb
Next Live BattleChat! - Next chat on Saturday, ?? April 2011 at 12 PM (EST)
Topic set by Habeas2 on Sun Mar 20 2011 01:12:24 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time)
<Habeas2>: You're welcome, all.

Добавлено спустя 11 минут 6 секунд:
1. По джихаду осталось 2 сорса
2. Собираются перенестись "в текущую дурку", с составлением сорсом по прошедшему периоду. (Поправьте, если не точно написал)
3. Бокс сет придет 2 картами аналогичными Хекспакам. Т.е на картоне толщиной милиметров 7. И карта сферы в комплекте)
4. До конца года планируется 1 новое ТРО
5. Есть планы продолжить линейку хекспаков

Сорри, выбоорку сделать полностью нет времени. Грамотные товарищи дополнят
Даешь перевыполнить план по выпуску вехикулярных огнеметов в отчетном 3145 году!
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Re: Battlechat 20-3-2011

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 20 мар 2011, 07:51

Стар Чэлленджерс походу забила на перезапуск романов БТ

Одна из двух оставшихся книг по эре Джихада будет называться... "Войны разорения"

Как минимум один ТРО в год до скончания времен... меня одного уже достало бесконечное увеличение юнитов? Я давно уже не помню даже того, как половина мехов выглядит, не то, чтобы, что именно на них навешано. В сочетании с эстетически отвратительным артом ДА это вызывает у меня физическое отторжение.

"Бонфайр" - начало времен новой эры пост-ДА.

Планируется Эра репорт по пост-Джихаду.

ТРО3150 будет иметь внутри 135тонный трехногий мех, и появится в пределах 18 месяцев. Может больше
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Re: Battlechat 20-3-2011

Сообщение Diamond » 20 мар 2011, 09:47

TRO лучше всего продаются.
Не исключено, что в новых TRO будет довольно много апгрейдов старых дизайнов (как в 3085).
Меня скорее беспокоят актуальные RAT. Правда, я уже привык к их отсутствию =).
Вообще-то я противник всякой войны. Война портит солдат, разрушает шеренгу и пачкает мундиры.
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Re: Battlechat 20-3-2011

Сообщение Typhoon » 22 мар 2011, 19:46

Эре Темного Века пришел светлый пушной зверек? :thumbup:
Туда ему и дорога!
You think you have defeated us? You think you have defeated the Master’s Chosen? We are Domini! We are ethereal! We are eternal! Blake eleison! We will fight you until the heavens burn, and the skies fall…
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