Ghost Bears Liberate Tukayyid

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

Ghost Bears Liberate Tukayyid

Сообщение DeJaVu » 20 сен 2008, 20:54

[20 July 3070; INN] Ever since the Clans first appeared the spectre of their massive WarShips has dominated much of the share of public fear. When the now-defunct Smoke Jaguars annihilated the city of Turtle Bay on Edo even the other Clans were shocked into removing their WarShips from most bids, and it has been only in the last few years that the Clans have begun again to use their WarShips—most notably, in the Snow Raven’s destruction of Galedon.
For the citizens of Tukkayid, however, WarShips now mean hope instead of fear. When the Ghost Bears came to free them from the genocidal prosecution of the Word of Blake, the mammoth Leviathan-class Rasalhague led the charge against the Word’s orbital defenses. Shrugging aside attack after attack—including rumored nuclear attacks—the Rasalhague came to the rescue of its namesake people, brushing aside even the mighty McKenna-class Blake’s Sword.
With the tragedies perpetrated in recent years by WarShips—both Word of Blake or Successor State, rogue or Clan—it is heartening to see a vessel so powerful as the Leviathans used for the purpose for which WarShips were originally designed: to protect the helpless from their enemies.


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