БэттлЧат от 18 сентября 2010

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

БэттлЧат от 18 сентября 2010

Сообщение DeJaVu » 19 сен 2010, 22:00

<Habeas2>: Hello, and once again, welcome to Catalyst Game Labs' official BattleTech live BattleChat with the Line Developer, Herbert Beas (me)....
<Habeas2>: As usual, we begin with a brief period of moderation, during which none of the individuals in this chatroom may speak, while the BattleTech Line Developer (me) makes a few opening announcements....
<Habeas2>: This chat will not be moderated (after the initial moderation period we are already in), and will not be officially logged, though particpants are welcome to do so at their leisure....
<Habeas2>: As ever, the primary (and only) static "guest of honor" for these live chats will be the BattleTech Line Developer (me), who retains the right to ignore or refuse to answer any questions, and to kick and/or an unruly participants from the chat.....
<Habeas2>: So, please, keep all questions civil and brief. And have patience for responses, in the event that there is a flood and resulting backlog.
<Habeas2>: Thank you for participating in this Catalyst Game Labs BattleTech Line Developer-aided Public Relations Activity.
<Habeas2>: Moderation will end in 5... 4... 3....
+++ Habeas2 set the channel to mode -m
<J_Schmetzer>: Can I sit down now?
<J_Schmetzer>: It's hell typing standing up by the computer.
<Habeas2>: J_Schmetzer - Yes
<trboturtle>: You're having fun with this, aren't you Herb?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - In as much as I can have fun, yes
<J_Schmetzer>: So Herb--anything you want to tell us today?
<Habeas2>: J_Schmetzer - While it would be amusing to remark that the world is about to end and thanks for all the fish, unfortunately, that is not slated to occur today.
<trboturtle>: That explains much.....
<J_Schmetzer>: Nuts. I marked the wrong day on my calendar...
<DarkISI>: Can we expect "HTP: Helm"?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - And yet so little.
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - No such Turning Point is currently on the list at this time....
<trboturtle>: Well, with the Jihad wrapping up, what do you think has been the main thing that has surprised you about this period in the Battletech timeline?
<J_Schmetzer>: I'm obviously not in the loop with that, but PRICE OF GLORY didn't really leave a lot of open spots...
<wasp>: Will most of the initial HTPs be based on older FASA senario books?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - How much we really could do with this period, despite the "overwhleming" number of fans who claimed the entire thing was spoiled.
<DarkISI>: Are more Jihad Turning Points planed?
<Habeas2>: Wasp - Define "most" in this context. It does not seem like more of the HTPs are slated to retread extant scneario packs than are not slated to do so.
<trboturtle>: I agree there was some spoilage -- we went from A to F without passing through B, C, D, and E.....
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - At this time, it seems there is, at best, only three more Jihad-era Turning Points remaining in the schedule. This may change as time goes on, however.
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - The same could be said for the Age of War and Star League eras, and yet there are fans of those time periods as well.
<DarkISI>: Well three is more than zero, so that's okay Will we get a similar line for the Dark Age after we make the time jump there?
<Habeas2>: At this point, the BattleTech Line Developer would like to remind everyone that these chats are scheduled to run for only one hour per session. There are 45 minutes remaining for this session. Thank you.
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - A similar line of what?
<DarkISI>: Turning Points
<DarkISI>: Dark Age Turning Points or something like it
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - At this time, the schedule plans to advance into Dark Age Turning Points, yes.
<DarkISI>: awesome
<BH-21>: Now that TRO 3085 has a print release street date, are there any funny stories you would care to share on this product?
<Habeas2>: BH-21 - Nothing on my end of Technical Readout 3085's development was what I considered to be "funny", really.
<wasp>: I mean most because we have had Galtor, Glengarry which have some connection to an earlier Galtor book and the Days of Heros pack (no rehash but a connection) while Misery really didn't have a similar previous book. I am curious if we might see HTPs that have that connection to previously published books.
<Habeas2>: Wasp - We likely will, yes, but it won't be a majority, since there really aren't that many scenario packs that also count for Turning Points. Some were, actually, rathr mundane.
<trboturtle>: Since we're now heading into brand new territory post-Jihad, and there's not the need to tie the CBT past and MW future together, isn't it great to set your own course?
<J_Schmetzer>: When will we tell people that the Master is really a Tetatae?
<J_Schmetzer>: Oops. That was supposed to be private.
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - There is still a period from 3081 through 3145 that must be accounted for....
<J_Schmetzer>: Nobody read that line.
<Habeas2>: J_Schmetzer - After someone else takes over as Line Developer. No way I'm spoiling THAT secret....
<J_Schmetzer>: Cool.
<J_Schmetzer>: ...
<J_Schmetzer>: ....
<J_Schmetzer>: I thought there'd be more questions.
<J_Schmetzer>: Why are battlemechs tall?
<Chunga>: Have sales of the first Hexpack been good enough that you'll do the second one?
<J_Schmetzer>: why do DropShips not fall over?
<trboturtle>: I'd thought there would be more people.....
<Habeas2>: J_Schmetzer - Because if they were short, this would be Heavy Gear. Canada is north of us if you want that.
<J_Schmetzer>: If a mech leaks lubricant in the woods...
<wolfhound_88>: I just want to say that it is great that you doing these chats again
<DarkISI>: trboturtle - people are actually about the same as the last time
<Habeas2>: Chunga - Yes
<Habeas2>: J_Schmetzer - SOmetimes they do.
<Habeas2>: Wolfhound_88 - Thank you
<DarkISI>: Will Insterstellar Ops incorporate rules for the three legged 'Mechs from Dark Age?
<J_Schmetzer>: Hey BT fans. Should I be doing these chats BattleCorps-centric?
<clemash3>: With you adding more and more age of war/star league mechs in recent tro's how are you progressing on era report/historicals for those time periods?
<DarkISI>: Will we see lighter version of the three legged 'Mechs or will they be restricted to 100+ tons?
<wasp>: Will we see more primative mech images of unseen mechs similar to the way the Shadowhawk has been done?
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - We have not yet decided on three-legged Mechs in Interstellar Ops. In any form.
<trboturtle>: Herb, I realize that any BT product has to make money.....but if there was one BT product you could create, in which profit was not important, what would it be?
<Habeas2>: Clemash3 - Work on Historicals and Era Reports set in the historical periods of the Age of War and early Star League times is proceeding as one might expect....
<wolfhound_88>: have you many ideas for the "golden age" between 3085 and 3130?
<Habeas2>: Wasp - Maybe
<BH-21>: Any chance of seeing a 2990s 3rd SW era product of any kind
<mib_yh1ao7>: Is there a projected release time frame for Interstellar Ops yet?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - At this time? There is what I like to call a "Writer's Appreciation Project" I want to develop, regardless of profit. I also had a series I tentatively wanted to call "SillyTech"...
<J_Schmetzer>: Handbook: Tetatae Grand Imperium
<Habeas2>: Wolfhound_88 - Not really, no. That period is largely devoid of major innovation.
<Habeas2>: Mib_yh1ao7 - Apologies, but Catalyst Game Labs does not offer projected release dates at this time, as per company policies.
<Habeas2>: J_Schmetzer - Not yet, Cat damn you!
<Habeas2>: At this point, the BattleTech Line Developer would like to remind everyone that these chats are scheduled to run for only one hour per session. There are 30
<Habeas2>: minutes remaining for this session. Thank you.
<J_Schmetzer>: Handbook: Space Puffies?
<trboturtle>: but Cats like tetataes...taste like chicken......
<clemash3>: nah you would want handbook clan spaniel before space puffies
<trboturtle>: Is there going to be a product line to support AToW?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - Yes
<wasp>: Will the AToW support be in the form of print and PDF only formats?
<DarkISI>: Why do I have a headache?
<Habeas2>: Wasp - At least one PDF-exclusive series is planned to support AToW, while various print projects are in the works to lend further support (such as the Era Reports, which will incorporate RPG support deemed inappropriate for Interstellar Operations).
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - Likely from caffeine withdrawal, or looking at too many numbers.
<clemash3>: darkis - or to much/little chocolate
<trboturtle>: DarkSI -- or trying to think like Herb...
<Habeas2>: What an unfortunate choice that would be...
<DarkISI>: possible all three. Thanks for the help
<BH-21>: Any chance of seeing a 2990s 3rd SW era product of any kind
<Habeas2>: BH-21 - There is always a chance. The question is how big a chance....
<J_Schmetzer>: What would it be? "Oh gawd we've been hitting each other with sticks for a hundred years can't we just take a NAP!?"
<clemash3>: which are the time frames you are wanting to do era reports on in the meduim term?
<BH-21>: but that is the question you will not answer
<DarkISI>: Will we ever see a list of a few major companies in the BT universe, which produce civilian equipment with no military use whatsoever?
<Habeas2>: Clemash3 - It is worth noting that there are two "Era" series in play now, based on perceived viability of each periof and setting. Era Reports are print-based products, larger in nature due to the presumption that the period is popular and will sell well (or is just that complex). Era Digests are for less viable settings and periods of paly.
<Habeas2>: ...Ultimately, it is our hope to somehow address all major periods and settings of BattleTech play.
<trboturtle>: will we see a battletroops 2 anytime soon?
<Habeas2>: ....The above is not to be confused, by the way, with the Historicals series, which focuses more on the conflict than the era it occurs in.
<mib_yh1ao7>: Are you happy with the way that the XTROs coming out or do you see ways to improve on them?
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - Only as appropriate to products. At present, the most appropriate products for such information would be a Vehicle Annex-like TRO or a Handbook.
<Habeas2>: Mib_yh1ao7 - Yes, I am. Yes, I do.
<Habeas2>: At this point, the BattleTech Line Developer would like to remind everyone that these chats are scheduled to run for only one hour per session. There are 15 minutes remaining in this session.
<DarkISI>: How are BT print novels coming along?
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - About as well as we can hope to expect.
<mib_yh1ao7>: Will the post Jihad Field Manual Update (sorry could not remember the actual name) have a new equipment section or be just like the previous Field Manual Update?
<mib_yh1ao7>: Any hints toward new upcoming Products?
<Habeas2>: Mib_yh1ao7 - There are, at this time, no plans to introduce new equipment in FIeld Manual: 3085
<mib_yh1ao7>: Will there be any more support equipment TROs?
<Habeas2>: Mib_yh1ao7 - Oddly enough, there are very few products on the horizon that have not already been announced in one way or another, so I doubt I could offer any surprises...
<BH-21>: Will the trials and tribulations of the 25th Anniversery Battltech Box set ever be told?
<Habeas2>: Mib_yh1ao7 - A possible follow up to TRO: Vehicle Annex is being considered, but has not been greenlit at this time.
<Habeas2>: BH-21 - Not too likely. It's too painful to think about.
<Habeas2>: At this point, the BattleTech Line Developer would like to remind everyone that these chats are scheduled to run for only one hour per session. There are 8 minutes remaining in this session
<wasp>: Do you think there will be a point where there are really no new weapons to introduce.
<DarkISI>: Since we had some XTRO questions and nobody asked the one the forum will be the most interested in once the log is posted: Which XTRO will be the next?
<trboturtle>: How does Battletech's RL future look?
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - the next XTRO in the works is Kurita
<clemash3>: has the testing of art styles in 3085 lead you towards a single aesthetic or will future tro type products mix the styles again?
<wasp>: Do you get a chance to do any Battletech fiction writing or are you too busy doing developing business?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - Excellent. We have plans into 2013 and beyond that we are moving toward even as we speak.
<Habeas2>: Clemash3 - We will always have a mix of styles in BattleTech. As we have various different authors, we have various different artists. Together, they work under some strict style guidelines, but with enough room to have their own voice of vision as well.
<Habeas2>: Wasp - I am typically far too busy ensuring products are running to delve into fiction these dyas.
<trboturtle>: Now if only we could get battletech as big as WH $40K.....
<BH-21>: are things looking good for A Time of War printing?
<Habeas2>: BH-21 - A Time of War *will* see print, so yes, it's looking good.
<Habeas2>: 2 minutes remaining....
<BH-21>: Obligatory MUL question?
<DarkISI>: Thank you for your time, Herb
<wasp>: Thanks for talking with us.
<Habeas2>: BH-21 - What about the MUL?
<DarkISI>: BH-21 - still no way to publish it. And the file grows bigger...
<trboturtle>: Thanks Herb!
<trboturtle>: MUL = Skynet.....
<Habeas2>: Thank you for participating in this Catalyst Game Labs BattleTech Line Developer Public Relations Activity....
<clemash3>: nah mul gives skynet a nervous breakdown
<Habeas2>: Next chat is slated for 8 PM (EST) tonight
<DarkISI>: That's why my computer behaves strange lately... dammit I thought it was the pudding I spilled on it
<wolfhound_88>: thanks herb
BattleChat-Live! Your place for official BattleChats with the Line Developer! - Next Chat on Saturday, 9/18/2010 at 8 PM EST!
Topic set by Habeas2 on Sat Sep 18 2010 19:01:38 GMT+0200
<muttley-mikecj>: Herb- how is the ballad of brooklyn stevens coming?
<Habeas2>: Apologies for the 2 minute delay. I will keep the chat open for an additional 15 minute period (at minimum) to compensate for the inconvenience.
<Sagittaire>: Herb - Have any novels been assigned to writers yet, in advance of Catalyst putting out print novels?
<Habeas2>: Muttley-mikecj - Stalled at present. The needs of the game line outweigh the need for me to finish the fiction detailing the discovery and eventual "outing" of Jardine and the Five Worlds.
<KolonelK>: Herb, once the final Jihad book is released, will the short term focus be more on advancing the story line toward the Dark Age period, or on producing more historical sourcebooks?
<Makinus>: Considering the (apparently) increased numbers of industrialmechs in the post-jihad era, there will be any future product with industrialmechs and their combat variants as focus?
<Habeas2>: Sagittaire - Novels have been assigned to writers, yes.
<Habeas2>: KolonelK - At this time, the plan is to combine advancing the story with Hostorical products. EVen as we end the Jihad and move toward the Dark Age, this remains the operational paradigm for the BattleTech universe sourcebook and fiction mandates.
<Ian_Sharpe>: Herb- any plans for ATOW to get any sort of official character creation software, like a HeroLab module or a Heavy Metal program?
<Habeas2>: Makinus - This remains to be seen
<ScrapYardArmory>: Will Interstellar Operations include rules for using the world maps we have been getting in the various Turning Points PDFs?
<Habeas2>: Ian_Sharpe - Not at this time.
<Kentares>: About the transition to Dark Age... can you say anything about how its going to be (meaning 2 books in a year and them bam... Dark Age 3130 or something else entirely)?
<Habeas2>: ScrapYardArmory - As those maps are intended to cover the grand scale planetary conquest rules, it is a distinct p[ossibility, yes.
<Sagittaire>: Herb - Will the novels go between current timeline and Dark Age as originally stated?
<KolonelK>: will we see any fiction relating to Thomas Hogarth?
<Makinus>: is there any plans to release the XTROs in a single bundle? (maybe at a discount price?)
<Habeas2>: Kentares - There are plans to essentially establish the formation of the post-Jihad states before launching into the Dark Age setting source material. The fact of the matter is, however, the 6- year gap between settings has been deemed to light on action to cross via the steps in between. Thus, while it will seem like a sudden shift, we hope to amply explain the period in between as well.
<Habeas2>: Sagittaire - At this time, that is not in the planning
<Habeas2>: KolonelK - Maybe
<Habeas2>: Makinus - At this time, not as such. The closest we have done is the USB offering we had at GenCon, in which the first six XTRs were sold on a complementary flash drive.
<Kentares>: mmm... so youre saying that the shift to Dark Age will happen as soon as the last jihad book comes out?
<Habeas2>: Kentares - No
<Kentares>: or I misundertood you...
<Habeas2>: Kentares - you did.
<Kentares>: oh... ok
<The_Ghost_of_Evil_Herb>: Ah. More people this time.
<Kentares>: sorry
Habeas2 stabs he_Ghost_of_Evil_Herb
<Habeas2>: Kentares - No harm done.
<The_Ghost_of_Evil_Herb>: You can't kill me. muwahahahaha
<KolonelK>: does fan opinion on the forums have much influence over development, or is it purely based on sales results?
<Habeas2>: Ghost_of_Evil_Herb - I did not try to kill you. I merely stabbed you.
<The_Ghost_of_Evil_Herb>: Oh.
<The_Ghost_of_Evil_Herb>: Ouch, then.
<Makinus>: is there any plans for a product (either rulesets or a literature series/book) detailing what is happening with the Home Clans during the Jihad/Dark Age eras?
<Kentares>: So to be clear... it will take a couple of books to make that transition and theyre not defined yet (the quantity at least)?
<Habeas2>: KolonelK - As a general rule, fan opinion on the forums is misleading and rarely ever used as the basis for product decisions. To merit response, the fan opinion generally needs to be tied to a poll with at least 1,000 respondents. That has only occurred once as far as I am aware.
<Habeas2>: Makinus - Yes.
<ScrapYardArmory>: When might we start seeing previews of Interstellar Operations like we saw for previous Core Rule Books?
<Habeas2>: Kentares - A few books will follow the final Jihad sourcebook, to establish the state of the Inner Sphere shortly after the creation of the Republic of the Sphere. Following those products--you will note the plural there--we will advance to the Dark Age setting to close the gap and wrap up the "present" and "future" disconnects we now have.
<ScottSR>: Hello. Can you say anything about what the next upcoming turning points are, particularly JHS? Are there plans for a JHS:Terra? IF so, will it be longer and have mroe tracks than the other JHS series?
<Habeas2>: ScrapYardArmory - EVentually
<Kentares>: ok... thx
<Kentares>: got it now
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - JHS: Terra is already published. Your question confuses me.
<ScottSR>: Sorry, I meant JTP not JHS
<BH-21>: he means an additional mini JTP
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - Additional Turning Points for Terra? None are planned.
<ScottSR>: Also, its been said before there are two more Jihad plot books planned. With Jihad Reckoning already announced, what is the other one? Will it be an ISP type book, dealing with rumors conspiracies and the like? Will it be set in the current timelinbe, or a looking back form some future point in the dark age?
<Makinus>: follow-up question on the home clans during the Jihad/Dark Age eras: Can you give any additional details about what is planned?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - No additional ISP-type books are presently being planned. The other Jihad plot book will be in present time
<KolonelK>: Will we eventually see an "official" time line of the Jihad, or will this be left open to individual interpretation from the perspectives presented in the Jihad sourcebooks?
<Kentares>: any news about the Clan box ?
<Habeas2>: Makinus - Afraid not.
<ScrapYardArmory>: Did OTP: The Red Corsair meet your sales expectations?
<Kentares>: Please make an official Jihad timeline...
<Habeas2>: KolonelK - You have been receiving an oficial timeline in every subsequent Hot SPots book, actually. Each Hot SPots book after Dawn of the Jihad includes a "confirmed timeline" of the prior book's events, sorting the wheat from chaff.
<KolonelK>: ah ok, so those are official, thanks
<Habeas2>: Kentares - No new on the Clan Box Set. Sorry. It remains in production at this time. Priority is to get the Anniversary Intro Bx out first.
<Kentares>: ah... so thats an official timeline...
<Sagittaire>: Herb - Will there be a FM:3085? If so will it be along the lines of FM: Updates?
<Kentares>: ok... thx
<Habeas2>: ScrapYardArmory - All of the Turning Point PDFs have exceeded expectations
<ScottSR>: Can you tell us anything about this other Jihad plot book? I don't think I've heard anything about it. Also, going back to my first question, can you tell us what the next turning point products [historical, jihad] will be?
<Habeas2>: Sagittaire - yes, there will be a FM: 3085
<ScrapYardArmory>: What's your favorite part of AToW?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - The other Jihad plot book has not been named openly, and its contents are being kept a closely guarded secret, to better enhance the surprise factor.
<Kentares>: cool
<J_Schmetzer>: Is there a question you're waiting for someone to ask?
<KolonelK>: Jihad Hot Spots: Filtvelt?
<Makinus>: What is the approximate size (in pages) of Interstellar Operations?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - The Next turning Point presently scheduled will be an Operational Turning Point focused on Wolf's Dragoons. I will reveal no further information beyond this.
<Habeas2>: ScrapYardArmory - My favorite part of AToW was finishing it. This, however, will be secondary to seeing it published in print.
<Habeas2>: J-Schmetzer - The meaning of life, the universe, and everything.
<Habeas2>: KolonelK - No
<J_Schmetzer>: Oh. 19
<DarkISI>: 42
<J_Schmetzer>: No... 92.
<skiltao>: Feature creep is making each core rulebook longer than the last, and each Upgrade TRO got bigger than the last because of what they replaced, but what's pushing *new* TROs to continue getting longer and longer?
<J_Schmetzer>: Damn it.
<J_Schmetzer>: 23
<J_Schmetzer>: 54
<J_Schmetzer>: 65
<J_Schmetzer>: 3
<Sagittaire>: Jason S - Will the capcon proliferation story ever see the light of day?
<J_Schmetzer>: 44
<Habeas2>: Makinus - Unknown. It is still in development.
<DarkISI>: 19 is Ka
<J_Schmetzer>: Sagittaire: Yes. And no, I won't say when.
<Habeas2>: Skiltao - The fact that the fans are ravenously addicted to new designs.
<Kentares>: Is there any AToW only book planned and if so can you say anything about it?
BH-21 slaps J_Schmetzer around a bit with a large trout
<Habeas2>: Kentares - At this time, we are considering a PDF-exclusive series focused on AToW rules, as well as one print publication.
<Kentares>: can you say anything about those?
<Kentares>: contents wise
<J_Schmetzer>: BH-21: *sticks tongue out* Bring it, pal.
<Kentares>: the print is a sort of companion?
<ScottSR>: On the topic of print novels, is there a current release date or projection for seeing "A Bonfire of Worlds" in print?
<Sagittaire>: Jason S - It seems like the fiction on Battlecorps has slowed a bit, will we be seeing more in the coming months? Any new writers?
<J_Schmetzer>: Sagittaire: Yes, it has. Yes, you will. And, I don't know yet. I did get a story a couple days ago from a writer I've not bought from before, but I haven't made a decision yet.
<mib_07j36u>: Herb -- will there be novels coivering the Jihad era?
<J_Schmetzer>: BIG THINGS coming from BattleCorps in the next few months. Not one big thing, but lots of little ones.
<Habeas2>: Kentares - The PDF-exclusive series for AToW will likely be RP adventures. The print product is currently aimed at acting as a Companion to the core rules. Aside from these, the ERa Books and Era Digest PDF-exclusives will also include era-specific RP support for AToW.
<ScrapYardArmory>: are big things different things? or just bigger things we have seen before?
<Kentares>: ok... thx H
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - AT this time, we are hoping to release a print form of Bonfire of Worlds next year.
<J_Schmetzer>: SYA: um... some of each.
<Kentares>: I must say that I`m pleased the way youre working the RP side of BT this time
<Habeas2>: Mib_07j36u - At this time, no Jihad-era novels are being planned, as the Jihad arc has effectively already reached its end.
<mib_07j36u>: Jason S -- WHat is the biggest problem with battlecorps story submissions you reject?
<Sagittaire>: Steve M Jr - What have you been working on for BT as of late? Any battlecorps stories coming up?
<Kentares>: Any reprint of the core books planned?
<J_Schmetzer>: mib_0736u: there isn't *one* thing. It's usually a combination of (pick two) : lack of craft; obvious inattention to guidelines; obvious disregard for canon; not BattleTech; mary sue; just doesn't work; bought a story just like it last week.
<ScottSR>: I apologize if this is a repeat question, I came into this late, but are there more jihad turning point products planned? I thought I read something about that earlier...
<SteveMohanJr>: Sagittaire: Thanks for the question! We've been talking about some projects--but nothing I can mention yet. I do have a story I'm planning to send to Jason.
<Makinus>: While the current in-universe knowledge of the periphery is somewhat extensive from the directions of "north", "south" and "west" of the inner sphere the "east" (from the Outworlds Alliance direction) is the less developed fiction-wise... is there any plans to develop the "deep periphery" from that direction? <insert obligatory tetatae joke here>
<DarkISI>: My last submission was rejected because my characters never were in any kind of danger.
<Habeas2>: Kentares - Yes. Reprints of the core books are underway. We are sold out in a couple, after all.
<J_Schmetzer>: The Tetatae are not a joke! The Grand Imperium rules!
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - yes some more Jihad Turning Points are in the schedule. At this time, I see only three, however.
<Habeas2>: Makinus - No real plans to develop more of the Deep periphery are currently in development.
Habeas2 emancipates J_Schmetzer's dental fillings.
<DarkISI>: Will the Historical Turning Points go as far back as the Age of War or will the Succession Wars remain the earliest point in time for them?
<J_Schmetzer>: I didn't know I held them in thrall. A couple fell out anyway.
<J_Schmetzer>: So I'm not scared.
<ScottSR>: Are there any plans to release any scenarios relating to the 1st Combine-Dominion War?
<J_Schmetzer>: I fear no Herb.
<J_Schmetzer>: (unless he dances)
<Kentares>: At this point you have the BT roadmap planned until when?
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - The Historical Turning Points are open to all eras of play before the present. This is what makes them "Historical" in nature, after all.
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - At this time, I am not seeing the First COmbine-Dominion War among the future products schedule
<DarkISI>: Are, at the moment, any HTPs planed that go back to the Age of War?
Habeas2 commences dancing in front of J_Schmetzer
<J_Schmetzer>: *vomits*
<J_Schmetzer>: Oh, god, make me forget. MAKE ME FORGET!
<SteveMohanJr>: My eyes, it burns, it burns
DarkISI is not cleaning that up
<SteveMohanJr>: I mean: lovely dancing, boss
<Habeas2>: Kentares - The BattleTech road map is set to continue onward for a very, very long time. I will not reveal an exact year or even exact century at this time....
<mib_07j36u>: *Wearing sunglasses*
<Makinus>: are there any planned products from the Star League era?
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - Yes
<Habeas2>: Makinus - Yes
<KolonelK>: is the intent with recent Clan-focused releases to make the Clans more unlikeable, or is this a side product of trying to define a culture created by madmen?
<J_Schmetzer>: Were they ever likable?
<Habeas2>: KolonelK - Can we get a question less slanted, please?
<J_Schmetzer>: Or, alternately, are they unlikable now?
<Kentares>: mmm... I meant that right now you have things planned until 2012 for example... not sure if you understood my question...?
<Habeas2>: Kentares - We have product plans extending into 2013, and beyond.
<ScottSR>: Can you tell us anything more about these upcoming jihad turning point products? In particular, can you tell us where any of them are set?
<Kentares>: ah... ok... thx
<Makinus>: Hey, i love the clans... specially the minor ones.... there are very interesting RPG options in the minor clans that are rarely explored.... there is a lot to like there...
<BH-21>: Is there any planned improvement of customer service for people who buy first edition print runs? I.E. errata made available and the like.
<KolonelK>: how to redefine?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - AT this time, they are still too far down the line to allow for a certain definition. One is set on Solaris. For now, that's all I will say.
<Sagittaire>: Herb - Any chance quick strike rules will get its own book, even a PDF?
<Makinus>: Seconded Sagittaire suggestion! quick strike rules! (literally)
<Habeas2>: BH-21 - There is only so much we can do for errata of the print products. PDFs have the advantage that they can be updated online and prior purchasers notified of the corections and offered a free download. There is no economically viable way to do the same with the print products at this point. The best that can be offered is errata released in online formats.
<mib_07j36u>: Herb -- but couldn't the errata be released as their own PDFs?
<Habeas2>: Sagittaire - No. We are moving away from the concept of the specialized single ruleset. Quick-Strike was offered in the most appropriate rulebook for what it represents, as it relies on an understanding of the existing rules for both Total Warfare and BattleForce.
<Kentares>: any idea when the BT website will be updated?
<KolonelK>: no chance of a quick strike quick start? or a pdf index of the relevant sections?
<Top>: In whatever future products give us military unit information as the Field Manual series did, will the Regimental rules be updated? They have become an incredibly enjoyable aspect of the game for me.
<ScottSR>: With the destruction, or near destruction in some cases, of so many different mercenary groups, are we going to see a reduction in the importance and prominence of mercenary forces in the future, or were most of these destructions simply "cleaning house" so that new groups can be brought in?
<Habeas2>: Mib_07j36u - That is the ultimate goal for our new errata teams. The trouble is...at what point does one release the compiled errata? Observe how AToW's errata continues to trickle in.
<Habeas2>: Kentares - When time and expertise permits.
<Kentares>: ok.. thx
<Habeas2>: KolonelK - At this time, it is not being planned, no.
<Makinus>: Is the MUL list project uncovering lots of incorrect/contradictory info needing erratas?
<Habeas2>: Top - Require more data: What do you mean by the Regimental rules?
<Ian_Sharpe>: unit special abilities? like overrun, force the init?
<Habeas2>: Makinus - Always. This is what we tend to expect from a game line 25 years old and written by over a hundred creators.
<Top>: Example: The 2nd Sword of Light have a +2 on initative rolls in certain circunstances, or the 12th Atrean Dragoons getting a -1 modifier on the Air Dropping rolls
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - Depending on period, mercenaries have a greater or lesser level of prominence in BattleTech. DUring the Star League, for example, mercenaries were all but unnecesary. Post-Jihad, there's just a lot less of the big ones.
<Top>: Yes as Ian Sharpe said
<Kentares>: Top means the unit special rules I think
<Habeas2>: Ian_Sharpe - Perhaps.
<Habeas2>: ScottSR/Top - Perhaps.
<Top>: Well that answer is infinitely better than a "no"
<Habeas2>: Top - WOrd counts will determine if such rules are necessary. Fact is, the regimental quirks are rather chaotic to track.
*** ik is now known as imperiumknight
<Habeas2>: At this time, the BattleTech Line Developer would like to inform the chatroom that there are 20 minutes remaining in the chat schedule...
<J_Schmetzer>: Did you start late?
<Top>: Perhaps. I've been using them since 2002. Tons of fun for the players in my experience.
<J_Schmetzer>: 'cause my clock says 6 till.
<DarkISI>: 3 Minutes late, compensating for it with 15 minutes
<ScottSR>: The plans for communicating the situation in the clan homeworlds, can you tell us if those will happen in the current ~3085 timeline, or if that will not be dealt with/communicated until the dark age timeline?
<Habeas2>: J_Schmetzer - Yes, and thus ammended 15 minutes to the schedule
<Ian_Sharpe>: herb is always late, unless nukes are involved
<KolonelK>: I don't know if this is in scope of this chat, but will IWM be releasing more "named" unit packs? (like the Black Widows)
<Makinus>: As the eras advance in the BT universe there is any plan to reduce the unrealistic economic model of the universe (the famous Fasanomics) and increase the general number of battlemechs?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - The plans to describe the events in the Clan homeworlds will have a "present" focus, relative to the era the books are set in at that point in the schedule.
<Kentares>: Any more warships to blow up in the final Jihad books or I can rest assured that I still have a couple of ships to play after the Jihad?
<mib_07j36u>: I think Welshman is hiding from Herb......
<Habeas2>: Makinus - Nothing can be done to repair the flwed economic model of the BattleTech universe, nor are there any plans to simply retcon it away. Simply put "it is what it is".
<mib_9hh4t6>: Since TRO-3085 Tree Version is coming soon when will The extra pages of equipment be coming out in PDF? _
<Habeas2>: Kentares - There will be WarShips that survive the Jihad, yes,.
<ScottSR>: I assume that your not going to tell us right now which era that will be?
<Kentares>: YES! ops... sorry... thx
<Habeas2>: Mib_9hh4t6 - What extra pages of equipment?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - You are correct; I will not.
<ScottSR>: Any word on how JHS:Terra is doing in terms of coming out in print? Any chance it might be available in October for example?
<BH-21>: I think he is referring to a 3085 Record Sheet unabridged
<Habeas2>: At this point, the BattleTech Line Devloper would like to remind the audience that the term NDA stands for Non-Disclosure Agreement, and as such, there will be project details he simply cannot give out, no matter how many different and creative ways are used to ask for said details.
<DarkISI>: Or the IS Partial Wings which do not have any written rules at the moment
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - Yes
<Habeas2>: DarkISI - they work the same as the Clan version
<J_Schmetzer>: Oh, come on. Tell us all the secrets we want to know and are asking about anyway despite 18 months of policy saying you won't talk about it!
<Habeas2>: J_Schmetzer - Well, okay, you talked me into it.....
<J_Schmetzer>: I knew I could.
<DarkISI>: Heabeas2 - I know, but I think that could be what mib meant
<J_Schmetzer>: The Tetatae Grand Imperium invades and conquers *when*
<Kentares>: A small secret... just a small one...
<mib_9hh4t6>: PDF 3085 Exclusive Supplemental when will it come out
<ScottSR>: On a more financial note: does CGL get the same revenue for a given book sold [TRO 3085 for example] regardless of where that book is sold? In particular, if someone buys that book from say amazon.com?
<mib_07j36u>: tetatae still taste like chicken.....
<Habeas2>: Mib_9hh4t6 - When I allow it to.
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - I cannot provide sales data. At all. Sorry.
<Makinus>: Will the clan tech base finally receive some significant tech advances? The IS tech base advanced quite a lot while the Clan tech base is nearly the same it was during the clan invasion...
<Habeas2>: Makinus - EVentually.
<J_Schmetzer>: Hey, if you want to dare to eat the Overlords, that's your business. You're just ingesting a genetic marker identifiable under ultraviolet light that will have the Sanders Assault Squads knocking at your door.
<Habeas2>: At this point, the BattleTech Line Developer would like to point out that there are, officially, only 10 minutes remaining to this chat session...
<ScottSR>: Ok. To be very clear, I was simply trying to ask "if someone buys a CGL product on amazon.com does CGL see less revenue than if the customer bought that product elsewhere?" If that is a question which is not allowed to be answered that's fine, I just want to be clear about what I was asking.
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - As far as I know, there is no difference.
<ScottSR>: On a different note: has there been any official announcement anywhere on the color scheme(s) of RAF forces? dark grey perhaps???
<muttley-mikecj>: Herb- whats been the hardest product to actually produce?
<Top>: Aside from Origins and Gen Con next year is Catalyst planning to have a booth at any of the other Conventions?
<Habeas2>: Muttley-mikecj - Technical Readouts
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - Only what we saw in the MWDA figures.
<muttley-mikecj>: Which product was the most fun to do?
<Kentares>: pointless question but here goes anyway... now that Jihad is nearly over and we are closing into Dark Age any big surprise waiting (storywise) in the future?
<Habeas2>: Top - I am not entirely certain what conventions Catalyst Game Labs will make its appearance at next year. Principally, I only concern myself with GenCon.
<mib_pn6c9v>: Any plans to release a Whos Who book or PDF (i.e. a list of influential people)?
<Top>: Ok
<Habeas2>: Muttley-mikecj - I no longer remember.
<Habeas2>: Kentares - Yes
<Kentares>: cool
<Habeas2>: Mib_pn6c9v - You mean like Masters & Minions?
<Kentares>: love surprises
<Kentares>: thx
<ScottSR>: This isn't a question, but I'd like to say that personally I have been very pleased with the recent pdf-only products, have bought many of them, and plan to buy many more. Also, I was very impressed and satisfied with TRO 3085 and Klondike. Good work guys!
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - On behalf of the BattleTech team, the BattleTech Line Developer, and Catalyst Game Labs, thank you!
<Makinus>: As ScottSR said.....
<Kentares>: I guess that now the Taetae invasion is going to happen
<Habeas2>: 5 minutes remaining.....
<ScottSR>: Oh, so back to my question about RAF paint schemes, I'm not experienced with Dark Age material, can anyone say what RAF color schemes are/were, or point to where to find them?
<Kentares>: drooling for dark age
<Kentares>: lol
<Makinus>: Kentares - the Tetatae invaded a long time ago.... did you not noticed? Look at the style of the falcon mechs for the Dark Age (MWDA)... those designs could only be made by alien minds....
<KolonelK>: Has 3085 introduced all new designs from MWDA? Or were there others not included in that TRO?
<Kentares>: true
<ScottSR>: Fan interest in the Clans had always been smaller than in the IS/houses. In your opinion, has fan interest in the clans increased of late? Particularly given the clan only products Klondike and era digest:GC?
<DarkISI>: KolonelK, there are a lot of MWDA units left
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - Afraid I cannot help you. I do not have those resources readily available to me.
<Habeas2>: KolonelK - There are many more Dark Age-era designs to debut
<mib_07j36u>: The stuff like 'Mechs and vehicles from MW that never saw the light of day in the MW game -- will they be used?
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - So far as we can tell, there has been no appreciable decline in the popularity of the CLans relative to the other factions in the universe.
<Habeas2>: Mib_07j36u - Yes.
<ScottSR>: Has the sales on the clan-only products of late met or exceeded your expectations/hopes? Have
<Kentares>: the last jihad book will be the one about the compilation of the Jihad?
<J_Schmetzer>: Wait--everyone's favorite faction ISN'T the Mica Majority?
<Habeas2>: 2 minutes....
<Habeas2>: ScottSR - The sales of Clan-only products have met expectations as far as I am aware.
<Makinus>: J_Scgmetzer - nope.... the Magistracy of Canopus is the one......
<Habeas2>: Kentares - No full compilation of the Jihad is being planned at this time.
<Top>: I even actually began liking a Clan. I never thought that would happen.
<Kentares>: ah... so it will another book?
<Habeas2>: 1 minute....
<Habeas2>: Kentares - I do not understand your question
<Kentares>: a 3rd book
<Kentares>: about jihad
<ScottSR>: Thanks for all the info today Herb! Keep making stuff and I'll keep buying
Habeas2 nukes Randalls_Ninja_Assassin
<Habeas2>: Kentares - No
<Kentares>: I´m puzzled then
<Top>: Thank you very much gentlemen.
<Randalls_Ninja_Assassin>: Hello. This is a friendly reminder that the discussion of sales figures and release dates is strictly forbidden. You have forfeited your left index finger, Herbert Beas. That is all.
<Habeas2>: At this time, the BattleTech Line Developer would like to thank you all for oarticipating in this Catalyst Game Labs Developer-aided Public Relations activity
<Kentares>: can you clarify?
<Makinus>: thanks for all the fish
<mib_07j36u>: and the chicken.....
<J_Schmetzer>: There was fish?
<KolonelK>: and thank you to the Catalyst Games Labs Enrichment Centre
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Re: БэттлЧат от 18 сентября 2010

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 20 сен 2010, 05:02

ХТРО Курита, значит... Это хорошо...
Много новых рассказов с Бкорпса в ближайшее время, замечательно...
А то, что авторам уже пораздавали заказы на новые романы - вообще чудесно.
Новые романы будут, и будут в печати, и все идет по плану...

И да, "Джихад Хот Спотс: Филтвельт" написан не будет :shock:
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Re: БэттлЧат от 18 сентября 2010

Сообщение Caleb » 20 сен 2010, 05:59

А если Шметцер вдруг говорил правду... :D
The Master is really a Tetatae.
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Re: БэттлЧат от 18 сентября 2010

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 20 сен 2010, 06:21

Тогда придется принять на веру и то, что поедая курицу, ты съедаешь маркер, различимый в ультрафиолете, и за тобой придут штурмовые отряды полковника Сандерса ;-)
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Re: БэттлЧат от 18 сентября 2010

Сообщение Romfay » 20 сен 2010, 09:52

забавная "оговорка" Шмецера "Мастер - это Титатае" :D
Компьютерные игры мешают созданию материальных вещей.
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Re: БэттлЧат от 18 сентября 2010

Сообщение KolbunD » 20 сен 2010, 10:00

Romfay писал(а):забавная "оговорка" Шмецера "Мастер - это Титатае" :D

действительно, а ведь никто эту версию не рассматривал.
Интересно, а Шметцер про "Легкую кавалерию" писать буде продолжение?
Лютасцю больш небяспечны, чым люты драпежнік,
Зубр для людзей не страшны, не чапай — не зачэпіць,
Будзе стаяць як укопаны — пастыр на варце,
Не страпянецца, а позіркам пасціць няспынна
I чараду, і сям'ю ў чарадзе на папасе
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